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Everything posted by rickford

  1. rickford

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    IMPROVED: Added clarification to ARM script instructions in the Guide I am liking the sound of this. I got it to work thx.
  2. Protocol was way to short and I did not like part 7. I feel the design was not up to par imo.
  3. rickford

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    ok thanks I will make the changes .update: I Put the scripts into the inti box but no luck. Tried several planes. Maybe the plane has to be stripped of its default loadout first? Yeah I am not a mission maker just wanna play this cool mod. seems like it should be simple but cant find how to get this to work anywhere.
  4. rickford

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Hi Pookie, thanks for a great mod that really deepens the arma gameplay for me. I was hoping someone would make such a mod. Also your guide is very well done and a good read. ​But my problem is that I don't know how to write scripts or code. But after reading the posts here and your guide it sounds like all I need to do is add some code into the init box of the plane I want to launch anti radar alarm missles. I have the cup weapon and units mods. I would like to have a F-15D Eagle carry 4 alarms and use the different fire modes such as the loiter mode. what I have for the planes init so far, and I believe I also need the 4 lines of code that give the 4 user actions to the aircraft. Could you or someone here who can code show me what exactly needs to go into that planes init box I have tried multiple times but I don't see any alarm missles or action options. And does the plane have to have all its weapons striped first. does it need to be in a hanger to rearm. Thank you. ps it don't have to be the f15 just using that as an exact example for the code. F-15D Eagle addMagazine pook_SAM_ALARMx4 ​F-15D Eagle addWeapon pook_SAM_ALARM_Launcher