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Quack O'Neill

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Everything posted by Quack O'Neill

  1. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    Nice, it wokred :) Thank you rockapes. while {true} do { _object = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _object removeaction _id; [_object,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; sleep 2; with uiNamespace do { disableserialization; //thank you so much tankbuster _object setObjectTexture [0,"video\ee7.ogv"]; 1100 cutRsc ["RscMissionScreen","PLAIN"]; _scr = BIS_RscMissionScreen displayCtrl 1100; _scr ctrlSetPosition [-10,-10,0,0]; _scr ctrlSetText "video\ee7.ogv"; _scr ctrlCommit 0; }; }; sleep 10; loops = 1; _closeaction = [[_object,["Close","DataTerminal\CloseTerminal.sqf"]],"addAction",true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  2. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    No it didnt work, but it didnt create any errors either. while {true} do { _object = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _object removeaction _id; [_object,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; sleep 2; with uiNamespace do { disableserialization; //thank you so much tankbuster _object setObjectTexture [0,"video\ee7.ogv"]; 1100 cutRsc ["RscMissionScreen","PLAIN"]; _scr = BIS_RscMissionScreen displayCtrl 1100; _scr ctrlSetPosition [-10,-10,0,0]; _scr ctrlSetText "video\ee7.ogv"; _scr ctrlCommit 0; }; sleep 10; loops = 1; _closeaction = [[_object,["Close","DataTerminal\CloseTerminal.sqf"]],"addAction",true] call BIS_fnc_MP; };
  3. Hi Iv made a hostage rescue scenario, and people can play the slot in coop / multiplayer. but I want there to be a flickering film on the screen in the room with a sound looping infinatly. Description code class CfgSounds { sounds[]={}; class Music1 { name = "Music1"; sound[] = {"\music\ee3.ogg", db+0, 1.0}; titles[] = {0,""}; }; }; Trigger code. tor1 say3D ["Music1", 1000, 3]; I found this script but it locked my computer up. I think it was working but i dont know how fix it. while {true} do { tor1 say3D ["Music1", 1000, 3]; sleep x; }
  4. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    yea i did at the top you can see i pasted the kk code, and in it, it says loop = 1; and i thought i would just be able to paste that in the open terminal code but im struggling to chop, change and paste it together.
  5. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    Thanks for the help rockapes. I have while do true looping my audio so ill have a look at that later and see if i can see the pattern or whatever and get this working with it.
  6. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    ok iv found these bits on the event handlers page but how do i put it together ? _timeline "looped" this didnt work. _timeline "looped"; i couldnt see _scr on the event handler page so im a bit lost. This dont work. _object = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _object removeaction _id; [_object,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; sleep 2; with uiNamespace do { disableserialization; //thank you so much tankbuster _object setObjectTexture [0,"video\ee7.ogv"]; 1100 cutRsc ["RscMissionScreen","PLAIN"]; _scr = BIS_RscMissionScreen displayCtrl 1100; _scr ctrlSetPosition [-10,-10,0,0]; _scr ctrlSetText "video\ee7.ogv"; _scr ctrlCommit 0; }; loops = 1; _closeaction = [[_object,["Close","DataTerminal\CloseTerminal.sqf"]],"addAction",true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  7. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    I tried replacing _scr ctrlAddEventHandler ["VideoStopped", { (uiNamespace getVariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen") closeDisplay 1; }]; with loops = 1; I didnt get any errors but it didnt work either. I tried replacing CloseDisplay 1; with loops =1; but that caused errors.
  8. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    why was this the problem when the other chunk of code had back slashes in them aswel ? it worked though :)
  9. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    Thanks Rockapes it worked for both the terminal and screen.
  10. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    I found this page DataTerminal and followed the instructions and the Data Terminal worked first try and the news video plays with no problems. I tried and get it to play my video but i get the same error. Picture could not be found. this works _object = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _object removeaction _id; [_object,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; sleep 2; with uiNamespace do { disableserialization; //thank you so much tankbuster _object setObjectTexture [0,"\A3\Missions_F_EPA\video\A_in_intro.ogv"]; 1100 cutRsc ["RscMissionScreen","PLAIN"]; _scr = BIS_RscMissionScreen displayCtrl 1100; _scr ctrlSetPosition [-10,-10,0,0]; _scr ctrlSetText "\A3\Missions_F_EPA\video\A_in_intro.ogv"; _scr ctrlAddEventHandler ["VideoStopped", { (uiNamespace getVariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen") closeDisplay 1; }]; _scr ctrlCommit 0; }; sleep 10; _closeaction = [[_object,["Close","DataTerminal\CloseTerminal.sqf"]],"addAction",true] call BIS_fnc_MP; but this don't work and its the same thing but with a different directory for the .ogv _object = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _object removeaction _id; [_object,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; sleep 2; with uiNamespace do { disableserialization; //thank you so much tankbuster _object setObjectTexture [0,"\video\ee7.ogv"]; 1100 cutRsc ["RscMissionScreen","PLAIN"]; _scr = BIS_RscMissionScreen displayCtrl 1100; _scr ctrlSetPosition [-10,-10,0,0]; _scr ctrlSetText "\video\ee7.ogv"; _scr ctrlAddEventHandler ["VideoStopped", { (uiNamespace getVariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen") closeDisplay 1; }]; _scr ctrlCommit 0; }; sleep 10; _closeaction = [[_object,["Close","DataTerminal\CloseTerminal.sqf"]],"addAction",true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  11. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    no it didnt work and it stopped my custom audio track from being found aswell.
  12. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    thanks ill try and add it to my files.
  13. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    no i dont need an addaction for this. yea i need it to start automatically. thats what i thought, it looked like the cfgmusic stuff so. thats ok i dont want the ogv to play any audio.
  14. Quack O'Neill

    Playing .OGV On Screens

    Thanks harzach i had a look but i dont understand where to put the code ? do you know ? would this go in the object init or in the init.sqf ? or seperate sqf ? with uiNamespace do { _tv = "Land_FlatTV_01_F" createVehicle (player modelToWorld [0,0.5,0]); _tv setObjectTexture [0,"\A3\Missions_F_EPA\video\A_in_intro.ogv"]; 1100 cutRsc ["RscMissionScreen","PLAIN"]; _scr = BIS_RscMissionScreen displayCtrl 1100; _scr ctrlSetPosition [-10,-10,0,0]; _scr ctrlSetText "\A3\Missions_F_EPA\video\A_in_intro.ogv"; _scr ctrlAddEventHandler ["VideoStopped", { (uiNamespace getVariable "BIS_RscMissionScreen") closeDisplay 1; }]; _scr ctrlCommit 0; }; and this in the description ? class RscMissionScreen { idd = -1; movingEnable = 1; duration = 1e+011; fadein = 0; fadeout = 1; onload = "uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_RscMissionScreen',_this select 0];"; class controls { class Picture_0: RscPicture { idc = 1100; text = ""; x = "safezoneX"; y = "safezoneY"; w = "safezoneW"; h = "safezoneH"; autoplay = 1; loops = 1; };
  15. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    It works perfectly :) Thank you George x ill save the .ogv for another day but it dose make the screen on the monitor go white. this setObjectTexture [0,"music\tor1.ogv"];
  16. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    i didnt use notepadd ++ but i had installed it. sorry George. thanks for all your help. i own you one.
  17. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    init author = "Jackontakt"; OnLoadName = "Extrication & Elusion"; OnLoadMission = "VIP Extraction"; LoadScreen = "images\loadscreen.jpg"; overviewPicture = "images\loadscreen.jpg"; class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; //adjust the volume from db0 class Music1{name = "Music1";sound[] = {"music\ee3.ogg", db0, 1.0};titles[] = {};}; }; description author = "Jackontakt"; OnLoadName = "Extrication & Elusion"; OnLoadMission = "VIP Extraction"; LoadScreen = "images\loadscreen.jpg"; overviewPicture = "images\loadscreen.jpg"; class CfgSounds { sounds[]={}; class Music1 { name = "Music1"; sound[] = {"\music\ee3.ogg", db+0, 1.0}; titles[] = {0,""}; }; }; Diary player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Namdar","Namdar is a high value target. He is belived to be on site with the hostage in Eginio. You know what to do. <br/> <img image='images\nadarb.jpg' width='256' height='256'/>"]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["IDAP Hostage", "Miller is dressed in white. Bring him to the airport terminal alive. <br/> <img image='images\millerb.jpg' width='256' height='256'/>"]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Location", "Eginio 115070 <br/><br/> <img image='images\eg2.jpg' width='256' height=256'/> <br/> <img image='images\loc.jpg' width='256' height='256'/><img image='images\eg1.jpg' width='256' height='256'/>"]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Hostage Extraction","A IDAP worker named Miller is being held Hostage in Eginio. Locate him, clear the area and bring him to the airport terminal alive. Namdar is also belived to be on site with the hostage in Eginio. You know what to do. <img image='images\sit1.jpg' width='256' height='256'/>"]]; We need that hostage. Bring him back at all costs "]]; Miller_alive Miller_alive = true; [] spawn { while {Miller_alive} do { if (alive Miller) then { hint"Miller_alive"; tor1 say3D ["Music1", 1000, 3]; sleep 3; Miller_alive = true; }else{ hint"Miller is not alive"; Miller_alive = false; }; }; };
  18. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    i repasted the the Cfg code in my init and the sound file still wont play.
  19. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    yea i used notepad++
  20. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    ok i, deeted the cgf code from my init and that got rid of the error, but another error popped up after init. https://ibb.co/dsgbnf
  21. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    I got this error. https://ibb.co/fChz7f
  22. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    yes an icon / checkbox next to the play icon in the music section of the trigger. so you can loop and music, sfx, environment sound with the click of a button ? hang on iv made my new documents, im just going to run the mission.
  23. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    can we get a loop icon in the music section of the triggers please.
  24. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    Description author = "Jackontakt"; OnLoadName = "Extrication & Elusion"; OnLoadMission = "VIP Extraction"; LoadScreen = "images\loadscreen.jpg"; overviewPicture = "images\loadscreen.jpg"; class CfgSounds { sounds[]={}; class Music1 { name = "Music1"; sound[] = {"\music\ee3.ogg", db+0, 1.0}; titles[] = {0,""}; }; }; __EXEC (MISSION_ROOT = __FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) init player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["IDAP Hostage", "Miller is dressed in white. Bring him to the airport terminal alive. <br/> <img image='images\millerb.jpg' width='256' height='256'/>"]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Location", "Eginio 115070 <br/><br/> <img image='images\eg2.jpg' width='256' height=256'/> <br/> <img image='images\loc.jpg' width='256' height='256'/><img image='images\eg1.jpg' width='256' height='256'/>"]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Hostage Extraction","A IDAP worker named Miller is being held Hostage in Eginio. Locate him, clear the area and bring him to the airport terminal alive. Namdar is also belived to be on site with the hostage in Eginio. You know what to do. <img image='images\sit1.jpg' width='256' height='256'/>"]]; We need that hostage. Bring him back at all costs "]]; if (isServer) then { _root = parsingNamespace getVariable "MISSION_ROOT"; _sound = _root + "music\ee3.ogg"; playSound3D [_sound, tor1, false, getPos tor1, 10, 1, 50]; }; MISSION_ROOT = call { private _arr = toArray (str missionConfigFile); _arr resize (count _arr - 15); toString _arr }; Miller_alive = true; [] spawn { while {Miller_alive} do { if (alive Miller) then { hint"Miller_alive"; tor1 say3D ["Music1", 1000, 3]; sleep 3; Miller_alive = true; }else{ hint"Miller is not alive"; Miller_alive = false; }; }; };
  25. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    no it dosnt work. no music played.