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JD Wang

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Everything posted by JD Wang

  1. This is cool, would make it easier to make (for instance) viper units scary good while regular CSAT remain at the same level.
  2. I was seeing that pre 3.2 I haven't had the chance to test the RC yet though. It seems really random too because I could see in zeus 2 units get within 10-15m of each other in plain sight and still take a second or 2 to open fire, but then other times I'd be 600m away laying in a bush, take one shot at a squad and the squad would instantly turn and light up my position.
  3. Oh wow so we don't need anything in the init.sqf now?
  4. Ok thanks, think I'll just stick to the script version
  5. Awesome thanks @Freddo3000 I just use the script version anyway but I should look at running the mod on our server. Speaking of which it only needs to be run server side doesn't it? It'll still pick up units place in zeus etc won't it?
  6. We're bringing back our weekly Zeus mission this week, does the 3.2 RC have the Zeus code in it and would you say it's ready "enough" to be taken for a test run?
  7. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Once again, some next level content. These look amazing, and I have to say thank you so much for all the extra quality of life scripting you add to your mods, from slinging helmets to loading containers. It's really very much appreciated.
  8. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Pretty sure one of the 3CB marksman rifles which uses a similar (if not the same) "front grip in bipod slot" mechanic has a grip+bipod item. Might be worth checking out?
  9. Ok I have a little bit of a niche case that I'm hoping someone much smarter than I can help me with. I make a lot of ALiVE missions, and I'm not a huge fan of the way ALiVE will leave groups garrisoned in buildings etc. You'll often find some members of a group in a building while the team leader stands out in the open refusing to move from the spot he's in, even when under fire. While testing I found that using the ace ungarrison module in zeus actually free's the units and lets them maneuver in battle rather than just staying in the one spot the whole time. So I had a thought, is there a way to tap into the VCOM hearing function or something like that and ungarrison these groups once they detect enemy nearby? I'd rather leave it to VCOM to decide if these troops should garrison the building or not.
  10. Looking to try out the ACEX rations system for our units upcoming mission. Just curious if there's a way I can increase water need during the day. Eg they need to drink 6 times during a 12 hour "daytime" period, but only 3 times during the 12 hour "night period" or something like that? Thanks again for all the work you guys put in. Honestly we don't say it enough. ACE is an amazing system. Thank you.
  11. Awesome thank you for looking into that. Also I don't suppose you could add a check if the player is running ACE and if they are move the commands to ACE self interactions rather than addactions'? It's not a big deal, I just have an extreme dislike for the action menu
  12. Was playing around with the 3.2 test build and noticed Civilians are back to investigating dead bodies as per https://github.com/genesis92x/VcomAI-3.0/issues/29 Really cool to see VCOM AI driving in there as well. Really excited for the next release. Keep up the awesome work, and thanks again
  13. Hey @Gunter Severloh great work, this is looking really good. I just finished watching the video on setting up the module and have one small request. Instead of having a "requires radio" dropdown box, can it be changed to a field where we require a certain classname? That way groups who use TFAR or ACRE can specify a long range radio pack or something like that. Keep up the good work, I can see this getting a lot of use specifically as medevac
  14. JD Wang


    Happy new year everyone! For those of you who don't know there's a really good Survivable Crashes script/mod by rafael09ed which I've found to be an awesome way to start a mission. I had my players flying into Altis in a IDAP chopper looking to render aid to the people. But once we got over land a trigger sets off a lightning strike, the tail rotor and engine of the chopper are damaged and our pilot tried desperately to get us down safely. Even if you crash the survivable crashes script/mod makes sure you all live, and you can tweak it to ensure only minimal damage to players. It worked out really well and made for (in my eyes at least) a really cinematic way to start the mission.
  15. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Units

    Thanks again lads for a top notch piece of work. Just noticed in the mission I'm working on, my chaps won't spawn with their HMNVS even though I have the "Remove HMNVS" option disabled in the unit configuration module. They're not in the appropriate slot, not in uniform, vest or bag. Any idea what I might have ballsed up?
  16. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Outstanding job as always chaps, just curious but how does one start the mission with the Panama mine detector folded away?
  17. JD Wang

    ANZINS Terrain

    I used to use EO real 3 all the time, it looks great, but nighttime was no fun, even @EO mentioned in that thread that dusk/nighttime you can forget about it. How does this look at night??
  18. The BTC Hearts and Minds mission has this cool effect where the AI will launch (although it may just spawn) drones which will fly over you and drop handgrenades. There's plenty of evidence of ISIS using drones to drop 40mm grenades etc from drones, was just thinking it would be kind of cool is if VCOM could take that into account (with the option to disable of course) when you guys get back to working on the AI use of drones.
  19. To be fair I've shot close to players with a 23mm ZU canon in Zeus and watched them do the exact same thing
  20. Just bang [this, false, [0, 0, 0], 0] call ace_dragging_fnc_setDraggable; [this, false, [0, 0, 0], 0] call ace_dragging_fnc_setCarryable; into the init of the items you don't want moved. Then save your chair layout as a composition.
  21. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Weapons

    I don't know why you don't just load the 3CB weapons mod and not the others, that's all we do when we're not using the full pack. Means you also get the best Javelin in the game to play with
  22. JD Wang


    Quick question, what exactly gets saved with the MP save system? I'm assuming just location and gear?
  23. Would it be possible to adapt the script to whitelist items rather than classname? Eg only the player with the long range radio pack can call in supports.
  24. This looks awesome, should be perfect for a mission I've been wanting to make for a while where I needed some "super soldiers"
  25. Thank you so much, I'll be sitting here wearing out my F5 key