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JD Wang

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Everything posted by JD Wang

  1. JD Wang

    Questions: SOG Prairie Fire

    So what? If $23 is a big deal to you then I suggest saving your money for something more important than video games. GlobMob has excellent quality assets, the CDLC has to pass BI standards, so there's no reason to doubt they won't be great. All promo images I've seen so far and word from beta testers say it's excellent, but as usual with the ARMA community there will be sad individuals complaining. They've already said there will be a demo/compatibility mod like GlobMob where you can download stuff and try it out for yourself. I suggest you try that when it's released.
  2. Here's my answer to a similar question on reddit. It will change the arsenal contents based the units roleDescription It takes a bit of setting up as you're defining an arsenal for each role but it works brilliantly. I have cleaned it up a little since I posted that, but everything in that response works and should get you up and running.
  3. JD Wang

    Tier 1 Weapons

    I've seen a weapon canting mod on the workshop before, and that got me wondering if it's possible to have the weapons roll when using the 45 degree mounted optics? I assume there are some limitations with animations etc?
  4. JD Wang

    Sling Load Rigging

    That's awesome! Do you think the same system you've got here could somehow be used to "winch" wrecks onto the back of the ViV HEMTT's? We're running an ALiVE mission at the moment using the 3CB ViV MAN trucks and it made me think, I can load a perfectly good landrover onto the back of these trucks but what's the point when I could just drive the landrover where it needs to go. What we need is a system to get these wrecks back to base for "repair" so slingloading is a great first step, being able to winch that onto the back of a recovery HEMTT would make the logistics nerd in me happy in all the wrong places.
  5. Dear devs, I like ACE stamina, it's incredibly flexible and I can tune it how I want. Thanks for all the work you put into it.
  6. JD Wang

    3CB Factions

    The old version, yes, it's a great map (although performance isn't great despite being so small) if you're talking about the new version, I'm dying to make an insurgency on there, just waiting on SmokeDog to finish it up and fix the lighting. Don't think you can to be honest, I tried blacklisting them in the ALiVE staticData.sqf but to no avail. My personal preference would be just to have the random civilian unit, no pilot, worker or doctor, but that's just me, I get why you've done it and it's cool.
  7. JD Wang

    3CB Factions

    Works just fine Only complaint I have when using them with ALiVE is the amount of Taki Civs running around in overalls and with ear protection 😂
  8. https://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/medical-system.html Good place to start
  9. JD Wang

    Zodiac Backpack

    Thanks, I'll give it another shot, but in the past I've always found if I copy optional PBO's over then steam "repairs" the folder back to it's original state which is a nightmare when you run a group and people struggle to even get the right mods loaded despite having been given an exported modlist to use 🤪
  10. JD Wang

    Zodiac Backpack

    Thanks again for all your work. Is there any way make those variables you can change in the missions init.sqf or even use CBA_settings? (I know that would make CBA a dependency, but 100% worth it in my eyes) Optional PBO's are the worst for anyone who runs a group. You either have to upload those optional PBO's to the workshop or talk your guys through making the mod local else every time you open the launcher it "repairs" the mod and gets rid of the optional PBO's I get why people make them, but they really are the worst.
  11. JD Wang

    Zodiac Backpack

    This is awesome! one of those mods I didn't know I needed till I saw it. Is there any chance you could add ACE interactions as well (Like a self interaction to deploy and an interaction on the boat to recover)? Understandable if it's not a priority, I just really hate the scroll wheel menus 😂 One more thing for consideration is a deployment/recovery time so it's not instant, even if it's just 5-10 seconds or something? Again great work as always!!!
  12. I use ALiVE all the time and have never seen this bug. What makes you so sure it's ALiVE?
  13. Hey brand new to this, I saw the video posted earlier on YouTube and thought I'd check it out. Seem fairly straight forward although the number of modules can be a little overwhelming especially when you don't know if they need syncing and if so what to. The main question I have though is how do I have the mission start with one force already garrisoning a town? For my first mission using this framework I thought a simple WW2 town assault would be a cool start, but haven't been able to work out how to have the German units spawning in town as a garrison? Anyone able to point me in the right direction? Should I simply be placing the units where I want them and then just letting the commander take over?
  14. You can always throw down a grass cutter object in areas you think are truly bad. Not something that you'd do for the whole map though.
  15. No you create that file in the root of your mission folder.
  16. Try the bottom of this page http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Custom_Blacklists
  17. Why can't you place an empty one in the editor, go into "vehicle appearance" and change textures, then place a unit of the faction you want and drag them into the SAM they same way you would with a vehicle? That's how I set up my SAM sites.
  18. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I believe Kimi's awesome HMD mod will do both metric and wrong measurments. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=877530153
  19. JD Wang

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    @mickeymen We run CF_BAI alongside LAMBs and that does a great job of playing with the AI vision, making the AI spot you further out, but also taking in to account things like optics, movement speed, concealment etc. We've found the AI will engage at much longer ranges, but if you're smart and stay concealed in tree lines etc you can actually sneak up on them as well.
  20. With the full rail system and the Advanced Train Simulator mod we just need a very smart person to script an ambient train system
  21. Cool thanks for looking into that. My guys are looking forward to the fixed version, once it's reindexed for ALiVE we can start this campaign. In the meantime I think playing on Kujari as KSK german forces fighting ISIS will have to suffice 🙂 Thanks again for all your work here.
  22. @1212PDMCDMPPM It seems like every instance of the barracks building is missing from the new version. Just started testing our new ALiVE mission last night and noticed a bunch of floating soldiers. Turns out when I check the old version of the map everywhere they were floating there was supposed to be a barracks. Taken some screen shots so you can see what I mean https://imgur.com/a/z8X1h73
  23. Have you tried these? https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/222092-release-fn_taskrushhuntcreep-by-nkenny/
  24. Haven't tried this myself, but you could "patch" that spot with the invisible wall object from the editor?
  25. Isn't one of the holdAction parameters a show condition? is it actually better performance wise to include the check in the HALO script or in the holdAction parameters?