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JD Wang

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Everything posted by JD Wang

  1. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Careful what you wish for, I've got an ALiVE mission where the Taliban have a couple of static mortar positions for the players to hunt. Those mortars will reach half way across takistan and can certainly ruin your day VCOM does a great job of having the AI employ mortars and you really need to kill any enemy around before they'll actually stop
  2. Hey @phronk thanks for this, it's an awesome script that I think I'll be using in just about every mission going forward. One question though is there some way to take into account suppressors? At the moment the EH just works off the distance to the person firing. Is there some way to adapt it so that range shrinks if the weapon fired has a suppressor? Thanks again for the script, it's great Oh and one more question, is there any way to turn if off on a certain civilian? I wouldn't want my informant running away
  3. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Where's my Takistan civilians!!! Oops wait wrong thread
  4. @Solano thanks for all the work you put it, I find it really hard to play ARMA now without Real Light 7 I know there was talk of you making a LUT for some of the other CUP maps, specifically Takistan. Any word on that?
  5. I'm still waiting on my ALiVE hotfix to fix the civilian grouping
  6. Just FYI, the latest update seems to have broken ALiVE somehow with people getting stuck on an infinite load screen.
  7. Does the pre release revert back to the non grouped civilians?
  8. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Also talk to your server provider, a lot of them will make a cache available or even download them for you. I know my provider offered to do that, and just recently has added a cache for CUP so I can just update from there quickly rather than having to download to my machine then upload via FTP
  9. or a complete success depending on how clean the latrines are now
  10. Or better yet tweak it to your liking. The ACE stamina module has a bunch of parameters you can tweak to make it as easy as you like.
  11. In the trigger condition if you change it from "this" to "true" then that will trigger straight away
  12. JD Wang

    3den Enhanced

    Yeah but when you have a library of missions you built months ago, opening it up and being able to tell what is and isn't APEX restricted, and then finding it on the map is a real pain in the hole. And yeah you can copy/paste in the mission.sqm but then there's the chance you run the mission and things don't fit etc. Just be really nice to be able to highlight them in the editor somehow . If anyone can R3vo can ;)
  13. JD Wang

    3den Enhanced

    Hey R3vo, just came across something last night and wondered if it's something that could possibly make it into this essential mod. We've just had a number of new players join our group, and a lot of them don't have APEX because they're only just getting into ARMA. Problem is so many of our older missions apparently contain fences or objects from APEX which for some reason lock you out of the mission if you don't have them (I thought that was only supposed to happen with the island itself) Is there any way 3den Enhanced could highlight objects placed in the editor that are expansion objects? It's really hard to go back to a mission I made months ago and pick out all the APEX dependant objects so if there was a way to highlight them (even just with map dots) it would be really helpful.
  14. I had that issue tonight, but reloading a couple of times seemed to get me into the mission
  15. This just in, high ranking CUP dev CONFIRMS BlackOps PMC factions, more at 11 #fakenews
  16. maybe people have finally clicked that with this awesome config from AuTigerGrad you don't need to wait for someone to port them over?
  17. What a pain in the ass for you :( I would quite happily run with CWA now I know it's needed. But I get why you'd switch out that building. Thanks for making some of the best maps for Arma dude. Really appreciate it.
  18. JD Wang

    How to create a custom squad?

    Try something like this. If it's not exactly what you need it should get you started.
  19. Yeah because I don't see it as a big deal. Hell even BIS's functions will give you rpt errors at times. I get one in every mission just from preloading the arsenal. It really is nothing to worry about.
  20. There's no reason not to trust it, have you even looked at the script? If you don't want to use it that's fine, but it's the best option out there
  21. 2 posts up Larrow wonders why this thread is still going and so do I. I just used his solution and it works great. If players go to load a preset using gear NOT in the whitelist then it removes it and tells them. There's honestly no better solution than Larrows (as usual)
  22. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Oh I haven't, I was just working on a mission using the awesome VSM gear, looking at the breacher vest with the small shotgun on the back wishing it was useable like yours is.
  23. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Actual spare wheel's you can use, vehicle guns you can reload from the inventory, mine detectors that show on your pack if you're carrying one... there's a lot of mod developers that could learn from you guys. Keep up the amazing work, can't wait to see the next release.
  24. Hey @Icebreakr I keep getting an error pop up saying I assume this is because of the CUP update?