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JD Wang

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Everything posted by JD Wang

  1. Thanks I'll give that a try tonight.
  2. Even your vanilla shot looks way different to mine. Care to share your standard settings? I assume you've dropped your saturation etc?
  3. I just reduce the alpha on the markers in the editor, and it works fine.
  4. One thing I really miss from the old EOD mod are the "dickers" Eg you have a car randomly parked by the road with an ACE compatible explosive attached, then within eyesight of the vehicle you have a "civilian" standing/sitting watching the car with a cellphone in his inventory. If you searched the guy and took his cellphone (or killed him) you could approach the car safely without the explosive going off. However if you went near the vehicle without detaining him/taking the cellphone/killing him he would set off the explosive (satchel charge) I've got no idea how easy/difficult that would be but it'd be great to see that feature back in the game. if it's outside the scope of your small scripts I totally get it, Thanks for all the work you've done on Liberation too by the way.
  5. @rekkless no doubt I'm too late with this, but for future reference if you create a file called cba_settings.sqf in your mission root folder then put force STHud_Settings_HUDMode = 0; into that script and save it, then it should stop the HUD and names from showing (but not the name tags when you look at someone, I don't know how to turn that off yet if you even can)
  6. JD Wang

    Spyder Addons

    Is there an easy way to set up a timer on the vehicle spawner? Eg once a vehicle is spawned you have to wait 30 mins before you can spawn another?
  7. @astrospud You can (if I remember correctly) set the module to allow anyone to repair vehicles regardless of their role, but limit full repairs to facilities. This would mean that you could repair to a certain point in the field but have to fly back to base to do a full repair. Oh and here's an example of a script you could probably use http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19139 It's not that difficult to set up, all the instructions are there and it allows refuel, rearm and repair.
  8. 2 things, first I've always found it easier to place a trigger covering the appropriate area and then sync the module to the trigger. 2nd (and the bit I think you may have misunderstood) the repair facility module doesn't auto repair vehicles. It simply allows you to designate an area where repairs can be done. Eg I usually have it set that full repairs can only be done at the repair facility. In your scenario if you have the repair specialist role then you would be able to ACE interact and repair the vehicle. If you want something that auto repairs the vehicle when you land on the pad, then you may want to look for a specialist script for that.
  9. Wow the variant with a Rhino would be perfect for the *cough* EOD mod *cough*
  10. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Quick question, I checked the wiki and couldn't find the answer but when it comes to the M1087A1P2 MedCenter vehicle, I see the shelter folds out, but is there any interactivity with that, or is it just currently for looks?
  11. Just been through the thread looking but I can't find the answer. Is there a way to start a mission with the satcom already deployed? The classname/item just gives the broken down version, I would like to have my ops center have the satcom already sitting there ready to use. is there an easy way to do that?
  12. JD Wang

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I'd be surprised if no one's asked for this before, but it'd be great if we could get a "launcher" which was modelled to be a TV camera. Looking down the sights would give you a camera overlay style and the "firing" it could either turn on the little red "rec" light on the overlay, or (if possible) take a screenshot. I would play the hell out of our group missions as an embedded camera man.
  13. JD Wang

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Ok cool so by default they have a ton more "armor" value than the average civilian, and setdamage 0.5 brings them down to the correct level? if so that's very cool and makes what I want to do nice and easy. Thanks again for all the work you put into this it's really appreciated.
  14. JD Wang

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    You could try using something like EOS perhaps to spawn the zombies like any other AI? That would require you to make zones around the map though so it's probably not that much different. Now I have a quick question, I know I can blanket change a demons max health using the module, but is there a way to do it dynamically for 1 particular demon? Basically to make a "boss" demon that's tougher to kill than the others?
  15. JD Wang

    Hidden Identity v3

    Hey @Cunico thanks very much for this addon, it's great. Just 1 quick question, 1 wee issue, and a request. First I didn't see any mention of this (although I may have overlooked it) but are you planning on combining this with version 2 so as we get an even larger range of facewear? Second, at the moment this facewear gets picked up by the RHS randomisation for their units, which is cool, but a lot of times the gear doesn't "fit" Eg at the moment if you have this loaded and place some SAF units, you'll see them wearing their M97 helmets with a veil clipping through it etc. And if I can just second the person who was asking for ACE compatibility to be baked into the goggles so you get the dirt effect and also the tinting for different goggles. But again thank you very much for your work. I really liked V2 and V3's looking great
  16. Is it possible to activate medical on specific AI? Eg We normally run with AI unconsciousness disabled, but is it possible for me to enable that specifically to an HVT so as there's less chance a stray round 1 shot kills him and the players will have the chance to provide medical if he does get shot? Or is there a better way to achieve that mechanic of the HVT not insta dying?
  17. @Arma3_JSOC you know you can right click on a unit go to log and then select copy classname to clipboard (or something to that effect) it's a really quick and easy way to get a faction name or classname for any unit
  18. JD Wang

    Make Tanoa Publicly Available!

    Oh the entitlement is real.
  19. JD Wang

    Terrain: Bariga

    Looks great for something like a Ravage mission. Great work, thank you
  20. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Weapons

    I think there's an ACE module for NVG's that will turn them off whenever you bring your scope up. That MAY be what's at play here if TheLimbo365 has that setting enabled.
  21. Quick question, does the percentage chance apply to each group in the array or the entire array? Eg. If I set 4 patrol groups to spawn and have the percentage chance set to 50 does that mean each group has a 50% chance to spawn, or does that mean there's a 50/50 chance I'm going to see either 4 or 0 patrol groups?
  22. Just tried this for the first time last night. I hadn't tried it beforehand because I thought the task modules were easy enough. I was wrong, this is a much simpler system thank you. Between this, your civilian and traffic scripts you make mission making SO much easier. Thank you for all the work you put in, and thank you for sharing it with us.
  23. JD Wang

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Yeah that's the vanilla MRCO scope, and it's had issues like that on and off since the game was released.
  24. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    If you use the script version then there's an option in the setting file to change that I believe