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JD Wang

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Everything posted by JD Wang

  1. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Well while I was waiting for the addons to upload to our server (curse my stupid slow VDSL with throttled upload speed) I threw together a port of BTC Hearts and Minds onto Chernarus, US Army vs Chernarus Ground Forces for the guys to check out some of the new gear. The UH-60 ESS looks amazing with rocker pods and Hellfires on it's pylons, the new optics are great, I really like the aimpoint with magnifier, and the new MRAPS are awesome. One question, we're coming from the 3CB mods which have a Coyote logistics vehicle, which can be used to refuel other vehicles either via vanilla or ACE. Just curious if there's something similar in the RHS pack already? We run a fuel usage script on the server and I often bump up the fuels usage on Tanks etc to make the players have to support them somehow. At the moment I think there's only the HEMTT fuel truck that can act as a refuel vehicle. Is there anything smaller that I'm missing? I see the MARSOC support vehicle has a ton of jerry cans on it, is there any chance that could be turned into a vanilla refuel vehicle? Thanks again for all the great content. This game wouldn't be what it is without you guys.
  2. It's all good, as much as I enjoy this game more than any other it can also be downright frustrating and disheartening at times too.
  3. Hey thank you for all these amazing scripts. Just a quick question, is there a list of the sounds somewhere so I can use them in triggers? I'm setting up a market place and would like to ensure the right sounds play there
  4. I've actually got placed some in the mission, there's nothing extra I have to do with ACE is there just put that code in the description.ext because I literally copy and pasted what you wrote into the description.ext? I even put 2 pallets down, added the module to one then drove the van over. I can load the one with the module, but not the other one
  5. Actually I just tried this (it goes in the description.ext correct?) and whiffed. Still not interaction :( Have I missed something?
  6. Thank you both, I figured I just had the inheritances messed up or was doing something dumb :)
  7. Hey guys, first off it hasn't been said enough, THANK YOU so much for all the work you put into ACE. The game just isn't the same without it. Now I'm trying to make a couple of things from the Law of War DLC loadable. In the mission these will be spawned by the player as needed so I can't just use the handy dandy module. I checked the wiki, but despite my years in this game, some of the simple stuff still eludes me. I assume the code to make an object loadable goes in the description.ext? If so I have the following I'm fairly certain I've got the "yourVehicleBaseClass" part incorrect, but for all I know I could have the whole thing wrong. I basically want to be able to load the pallets of water, rice and grain into the IDAP vans in order to keep the poor Takistani locals happy. Won't someone think of the Takistani Civilians (I know the CUP team don't )
  8. JD Wang

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Wow ok, thanks, I'll have a look and see what I've got wrong.
  9. JD Wang

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Thanks as always for your help I had already changed lines 460 and 462 to the classnames for the 2 different merlins we're using, but in testing they still could not lift a vehicle once it's a wreck. When the vehicle is NOT wreck though they lift fine. Initially I thought it was because we use duda's advanced slingloading on our server so I turned that off but still no luck.
  10. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Couple of minor issues with the soft top landrovers, when you break them down for transport the unit insignia still floats where the doors should be, the flag floats above the model and the bonnet can open up through the windscreen. But those are just very minor issues in what is an amazing addon pack. Thank you so much for all the work you guys have put into it. Looking forward to whatever new goodies you have planned for us Thanks again.
  11. JD Wang

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    We're also having an issue using the 3CB Merlin where we can slingload vehicles just fine, but not wrecks. Is there somewhere I have to define the lifting chopper? Also is there any way to have enemy spawning and garrisoning buildings? Would be great to have a reason to search and clear buildings.
  12. Wow, just downloaded this to check it out, and so far it's looking amazing, keep up the great work. No disrespect to the CUP team because they're doing some amazing work, but CUP Chernarus could really use your lighting work. I am a little torn on the "sullen skies" effect, don't get me wrong I REALLY like the look, I just wish it could be achieved while still being able to have a clear cloudless day every now and then. (also as a photographer the hard shadows on an overcast day just doesn't happen. But I am being SUPER picky there) Again I can't wait for this to be finished, it looks amazing. Also is there any some of this work could be shared with the CUP team? It'd be amazing to have a "normal" amazing version of Chernarus as well as an overgrown apocalyptic version. Thanks again for all your work
  13. Really wish I could bind a key to hide/show the hud. I've started playing with it off lately because I hate having it on the screen while I record. I tend to have as little hud as possible so being able to toggle it on ans off on the fly would be super helpful
  14. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You know MRT was integrated into CBA right? You don't actually MRT anymore for anything as long as you're running CBA
  15. JD Wang

    Project OPFOR

    Hey @keeway thanks again for all the work you guys put into this. I do have one quick request though. Since we've had some advancement in AI using their static weapons thanks to VCOM AI, would you consider doing a quick pass and adding in static weapons units for the factions. Would be great to see the AI dropping mortars on my guys without me having to place them in. Also deploying heavy machine guns would be amazing. We just need the units. Thanks again for all your work, really looking forward to the next update.
  16. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Just had the same issue @kaysio was mentioning, trying to hit the escape key to respawn, the VCOM button appears and the escape menu disappears. I had to hold down escape so it kept flickering and then click my mouse rapidly over the respawn button to get it to work. Not sure why it would be fighting like that? Also while testing a mission i had a truck load of enemies roll up behind me, debus and start fighting which was really cool. But then they wanted to load back up in the truck, then get back out. It seems like getting into a vehicle when they're not actively firing is too high a priority for them.
  17. JD Wang

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Quick question, is there an easy way to turn off the cargo system and just use the standard ACE cargo? Main reason I ask is because we often use the 3CB addon pack and they have a logistics system for their vehicles which uses ACE and it seems like the Hearts and Minds version overwrites it so we end up with gear missing out of our cargos. If that can't be done then is there a way I can stop the spare wheels from being removed from cargo? Thanks again
  18. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Ok so we use RHS and ACE, how do you reload the mortars? Is the only way to bring an ammo truck over?
  19. JD Wang

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Well after a couple of weeks running this mission on our small server, I just have to come back and say a very hearty thank you for all the work you've put into this mission. It's some of the most fun our small group has had playing ARMA, and our server is busier than it has ever been. Everyone is have a really great time so thank you. I do have 1 more request though with regards to IED's (and a suggestion). We use the ACE 3 mine detector and have found that a lot of the IED's will explode before we can get close enough to detect them. Is there any way to either increase the detection radius, or decrease the distance at which the IED triggers? I know the guys can crawl to get closer, but having to crawl while using the mine detector just doesn't seem right. Also something that the EOD mod had which I'd really like to see if it's not too much work would be trigger men. For example with the EOD mod it would spawn a civilian car (or any type of IED) on the side of the road and a man standing watching it about 50m away. If you got close to the car it would explode, but if you spotted the man and captured him he would have a radio/cellphone on him. if you took that off him (or simply killed him) then you could approach the car without the IED going off. I hope I'm explaining that correctly. It just adds another level of "realism" and rewards those players with the awareness to spot the trigger men. Just a thought, the mission is amazing already, thanks again, I can't wait to see what the future holds for this mission.
  20. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Well bugger me, that's probably what it is. So used to not needing that
  21. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hey @genesis92x just trying the new version, seems pretty sweet. Only issue is when I hit escape I got an error about the VCOM button missing, and now whenever I hit escape it flashes up the escape menu then closes back into the game again. STUCK IN ARMA SEND HALP!!!1 I'm using the script version btw The exact error is
  22. JD Wang

    MHQ script doesn't work

    As far as I'm aware this setVariable ["btc_dont_delete",true] is for the BTC Hearts and Minds mission, in which vehicles are not despawned and respawned when destroyed. Instead you need to get the vehicle wreck back to base (via towing or slingloading) and repair it. If you remove that code the the vehicle should despawn and respawn as normal.
  23. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Equipment

    I don't want them to change it I just want to be able to tweak it at my end. At the moment we use it as is but without fail one of the medics will leave base without the right gear. That's the best thing about the module is that players start off with everything they "need" Honestly it's no big deal, I just thought if there was a simple tweak I could make at my end it would be great
  24. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Is it possible to tweak the loadouts slightly when using the loadout module? I mean like everything else from you guys they're great and it certainly makes my life MUCH easier when building missions, but specifically the medic loadout doesn't fit our medical system. We have 1 PAK which doesn't expire and can only be used by medicals at facilities and our surgical kits are one time use and can be used anywhere. The medical loadout is opposite in terms of # of PAK's vs # of surgical kits and it would be great if I could swap them.
  25. JD Wang

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    I know we can use the parameters to turn on and turn off tanks, but is there a way to adjust how rare they are? I'd like my insurgents to have armour, but only very very rarely. Is there a way to adjust that?