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JD Wang

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Everything posted by JD Wang

  1. Have you tried using the ammo containers? I think they're under props/supplies in the editor
  2. JD Wang

    Project OPFOR

    I noticed the Middle Eastern Militia have started spawning with shemaghs. Could you change that please? They really need to be hard to differentiate from the civilians and the red shemagh kind of sticks out and says shoot me.
  3. @HeroesandvillainsOS Don't forget the new module BI added I think it is listed under "environment". If you drop it on a building you can select which doors etc are open/closed (also if the building can take damage or not) it's super useful!
  4. JD Wang

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    That's good news, thank you. Hopefully it's a fairly simple fix.
  5. JD Wang

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey @Vdauphin just ported this across to Lythium and added the Takistan CUP faction using the instructions in the wiki. Problem is as an interpreter (with the correct code in the init) I get no options when talking to the civilians, I just get the same ACE interactions as anyone else. Any idea what I might have done wrong??? Thanks
  6. Thanks Roy, have added that feature request to the tracker. So far so good with VCOM, no issues to report.
  7. Awesome thank you for your help. We plan on testing today so I'll add VCOM in, and Engima's traffic script was what I had in mind, although we may just end up with a ton of dead civilian pedestrians knowing ARMA's incredible AI driving skills How about Arsenal restrictions? Can I blacklist (or better yet whitelist) what I want in the arsenal (and indeed the vehicle spawns) Thanks for your help
  8. I'm 10 mins into testing and this is SO slick and well presented. Amazing stuff. Can't wait for the documentation for porting, restricting arsenal etc. Great work!! *Edit* Wow after about an hour a playing around with this I have SO many questions, I'll try not to inundate you with them haha but here's the first 5 I thought of I suppose the main ones are: 1) How do we set/define roles/restrict the arsenal/vehicles 2) How do we change factions (eg add RHS and only have RHS vehicles available) 3) Do you think AI mods like VCOM will break anything here? 4) Would it be possible to limit who can speak to the civilians? BTC Hearts and Minds has a really cool interpreter mechanic where only someone with that role can speak to the civs. I think that would be great here. 5) I don't see any civilian traffic, is that to come? SO many more questions and I'm sorry for that but you have created a potential masterpiece here. I can see our group playing the hell out of this across many many maps Thanks again for all the work you've put into this, it really shows.
  9. Has something changed with medical vehicles? I'm sure once upon a time I could make the unarmed stomper a med vehicle and you got the med facility boost if you were right next to it. Now that doesn't seem to be the case. Has something changed or am I suffering from false memories again #oldman
  10. I believe if you're putting that in the init of a unit, you'll need to use this instead of _unit this setVariable ["ACE_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI",1]; this setVariable ["ACE_medical_enableRevive",1]; this setVariable ["ACE_medical_preventInstaDeath",true];
  11. Hey _SCAR is there a way to set this up so the workers are already working at mission start? I'd like to use this for a non persistent mission, but I'm unsure how I would set it up and have the workers already on site doing their thing. I assume I would have to also do something with the supplies to make the mod recognise them?
  12. JD Wang

    Project OPFOR

    Please remember to add units with static weapon packs. VCOM AI makes great use of them and will make the AI actually deploy them. Thanks for all your work
  13. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Can we turn on/off certain functions mid mission? Eg I would like to turn on AI mortar usage only midway through the mission
  14. JD Wang

    Project OPFOR

    Needs a "I don't care just release it already" option (voted yes)
  15. One thing I've noticed that I haven't seen here is that with tpw_air when the flyby aircraft is deleted it leaves an ejection set which then falls to the ground. Not a big deal, but after testing a persistent mission overnight last night I notice a fair few littered across the map :)
  16. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Does anyone else get the following spammed in their rpt files? 16:54:41 Error in expression <_Unit getVariable ["NOAI",false] || !(local _unit)> 16:54:41 Error position: <|| !(local _unit)> 16:54:41 Error ||: Type Number, expected Bool Or is it something I've done to cause this. Honestly when testing the mission in the editor the black error box never goes away
  17. Haha that was actually going to be my next request too. Thanks for the quick fix.
  18. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Ok @HeroesandvillainsOS so far the only way I've been able to reload mortars is to place a Vehicle Ammo box nearby, then you can use ACE interactions to reload the mortars. If you don't use ACE I've got no idea. Just seems to be one of those things where either no one knows, or no one cares :(
  19. I've got a problem with the UCM save button, it doesn't move. So if you want to edit your player controls, you can't because the UCM save button is over top of them.
  20. JD Wang

    MKY Sandstorm script

    Yeah with my limited knowledge that seems to select a random bearing for the wind, or am I wrong and it's getting the wind then converting it to a bearing?
  21. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Still curious as to how we reload the mortars? Is the only way to just park an ammo truck next to them? Or if anyone has an ACE compatible way to reload them that would be greatly appreciated.
  22. JD Wang

    MKY Sandstorm script

    From my very limited ability to read code it looks like the script sets the wind direction/speed. I would like to use this on a persistent ALiVE mission which has changeable weather so I'd rather the script react to the weather in the mission rather than setting it's own wind values. Does anyone know how I would go about making the script work off the in game weather?
  23. Hey thanks again for all this atmosphere you've created, it's amazing. Quick question, am I right in thinking that if I don't want the chainsaw sounds, and I'm using the scripts I can just comment out line 694 in twp_soap.sqf that says: [] spawn tpw_soap_fnc_chainsaws; That won't cause any issues will it? Thanks again, and I hope the frustration has eased a little for you.
  24. Hey @_SCAR first off thanks for all the work you're putting into this, and for your dedication to getting it ALiVE "compliant" Just a quick question, the workers will just go through each object in sequence based off the variable name, now those objects don't need to be adjacent to each other do they? I was thinking about using the new "Hide Terrain Objects" module to put some gaps in the Takistan pipeline and then send in the workers to fix it. Will they be happy to work on 3 or 4 sections and then move 20 metres down the way to work on the next section? Stretching that a bit further can I then have for instance objects 1-20 on one side of the map, then 21-35 on the other side of the map? Will the workers stop after object 20 and need to be transported, or will they try to walk to the other side of the map to carry on their job? Thanks again for all your work
  25. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Well while I was waiting for the addons to upload to our server (curse my stupid slow VDSL with throttled upload speed) I threw together a port of BTC Hearts and Minds onto Chernarus, US Army vs Chernarus Ground Forces for the guys to check out some of the new gear. The UH-60 ESS looks amazing with rocker pods and Hellfires on it's pylons, the new optics are great, I really like the aimpoint with magnifier, and the new MRAPS are awesome. One question, we're coming from the 3CB mods which have a Coyote logistics vehicle, which can be used to refuel other vehicles either via vanilla or ACE. Just curious if there's something similar in the RHS pack already? We run a fuel usage script on the server and I often bump up the fuels usage on Tanks etc to make the players have to support them somehow. At the moment I think there's only the HEMTT fuel truck that can act as a refuel vehicle. Is there anything smaller that I'm missing? I see the MARSOC support vehicle has a ton of jerry cans on it, is there any chance that could be turned into a vanilla refuel vehicle? Thanks again for all the great content. This game wouldn't be what it is without you guys.