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Everything posted by red62dota

  1. Hello, I have been working on this code for a mission for the past couple hours. I need to call it with four different units, like this: [bLUF_LEAD, "blufor_asset_1", "blufor_asset_2", "blufor_asset_3", "blufor_asset_4"] execVM "assets_core.sqf"; Before I attempted to call it with two units, every part of the script worked fine, but when I attempted to call it with the second team lead I realized that all the variables were global and it screwed up everything. In an attempt to fix this, I made all the unit and asset1-4 variables local - but now they do not get passed to the rest of the script for some reason. I get an undefined variable error around line 54 when I try to use _asset1. Can someone please help me figure out why my local variables (which should have a scope of the entire script) are not usable throughout the entire script? Many thanks. /* DONE: define spawn locations for assets, boxes etc - primary spawn, secondary spawn blufor_asset_1-4 civ_asset_1-4 indfor_asset_1-4 redfor_asset_1-4 */ sleep 2; _unit = _this select 0; _asset1 = _this select 1; _asset2 = _this select 2; _asset3 = _this select 3; _asset4 = _this select 4; //DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN RIFLES if (side _unit == west) then { dmrScope = "rhs_acc_1p78"; redDot = "CUP_optic_Kobra"; silencer = "rhs_acc_tgpa"; }; if (side _unit == east) then { dmrScope = "RH_ta31rco"; redDot = "FHQ_optic_AC11704"; silencer = "CUP_muzzle_snds_G36_black"; }; if (side _unit == resistance) then { dmrScope = "RH_ta31rco"; redDot = "optic_Aco"; silencer = "muzzle_snds_M"; }; if (side _unit == civilian) then { dmrScope = "RH_ta31rco"; redDot = "optic_Aco"; silencer = "muzzle_snds_B"; }; //PICK PRIMARY ASSET a = 0; while {a != 1} do { if (a == 0) then { _unit addAction ["1x HMMWV (M2)", {a = 1; _veh = "rhsusf_m1025_d_m2" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset1); clearWeaponCargo _veh; clearMagazineCargo _veh; clearBackpackCargo _veh; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["2x HMMWV (UNARMED)", {a = 1; _veh = "rhsusf_m1025_d" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset1); clearWeaponCargo _veh; clearMagazineCargo _veh; clearBackpackCargo _veh; _veh = "rhsusf_m1025_d" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset4); clearWeaponCargo _veh; clearMagazineCargo _veh; clearBackpackCargo _veh; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["1x Littlebird (UNARMED)", {a = 1;_veh = "CUP_B_MH6J_USA" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset1); clearWeaponCargo _veh; clearMagazineCargo _veh; clearBackpackCargo _veh; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["1x HMMWV (GPMG)", {a = 1;_veh = "CUP_B_HMMWV_MK19_USA" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset1); clearWeaponCargo _veh; clearMagazineCargo _veh; clearBackpackCargo _veh; _veh setVehicleAmmo .18; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["4x Quadbike", {a = 1; _veh = "C_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset1); _veh = "C_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset1);_veh = "C_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset1);_veh = "C_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset1); removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["1x HMMWV (TOW)", {a = 1; _veh = "CUP_B_HMMWV_TOW_USMC" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset1); clearWeaponCargo _veh; clearMagazineCargo _veh; clearBackpackCargo _veh; _veh setVehicleAmmo .40; removeAllActions _unit;}]; a = 2 }; sleep 1; }; sleep 2; //PICK SECONDARY ASSET box = "Box_East_Ammo_F" createVehicle(getMarkerPos _asset2); clearMagazineCargo box; b = 0; while {b != 1} do { if (b == 0) then { _unit addAction ["1x L115A1 Sniper w/ optics", {b = 1; box addWeaponCargo ["CUP_srifle_AWM_des",1]; box addMagazineCargo ["CUP_5Rnd_86x70_L115A1",10]; box addItemCargo ["CUP_optic_LeupoldMk4_10x40_LRT_Desert",1]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["2x AA12", {b = 1; box addWeaponCargo ["CUP_sgun_AA12",2]; box addMagazineCargo ["CUP_20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets",16]; box addMagazineCargo ["CUP_20Rnd_B_AA12_74Slug",16]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["2x M249", {b = 1; box addWeaponCargo ["rhs_weap_m249_pip_L",2]; box addMagazineCargo ["rhs_200rnd_556x45_M_SAW",16]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["2x M136 HEDP", {b = 1; box addWeaponCargo ["rhs_weap_M136_hedp",2]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["2x M16 (M203)", {b = 1; box addWeaponCargo ["rhs_weap_m16a4_carryhandle_M203",2]; box addMagazineCargo ["rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_Mk318_Stanag",16]; box addItemCargo ["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",60]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["4x Mini Uzi w/ Suppressor", {b = 1; box addWeaponCargo ["CUP_hgun_MicroUzi",4]; box addMagazineCargo ["CUP_30Rnd_9x19_UZI",50]; box addItemCargo ["CUP_muzzle_snds_MicroUzi",4]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; b = 2; }; sleep 1; }; //PICK TERTIARY ASSET sleep 2; a = 0; while {a != 1} do { if (a == 0) then { _unit addAction ["2x IED", {a = 1; box addItemCargo ["CUP_IED_V1_M",2]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["6x M15 AT Mine", {a = 1; box addItemCargo ["ATMine_Range_Mag",6]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["12x L109 Frag", {a = 1; box addItemCargo ["CUP_HandGrenade_L109A1_HE",12]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["10x M84 Stun", {a = 1; box addItemCargo ["rhs_mag_mk84",10]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["15x M18 Smoke", {a = 1; box addItemCargo ["SmokeShellBlue",15]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["2x Steerable Parachute", {a = 1; box addBackpackCargo ["B_Parachute",2]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["4x Red dot", {a = 1; box addItemCargo [redDot,4]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["4x Suppressor", {a = 1; box addItemCargo [silencer,4]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["2x DMR optics", {a = 1; box addItemCargo [dmrScope,2]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; _unit addAction ["Extra medical supplies", {a = 1; box addItemCargo ["ACE_elasticBandage",30]; box addItemCargo ["ACE_packingBandage",30]; box addItemCargo ["ACE_morphine",15]; box addItemCargo ["ACE_epinephrine",15]; box addItemCargo ["ACE_personalAidKit",10]; box addItemCargo ["ACE_salineIV_250",10]; removeAllActions _unit;}]; a = 2; }; sleep 1; }; //TODO: delete border fences around units after 2 minutes or so
  2. Thanks. I only have a couple years of Java and Python experience, and I have been trying to work through a couple scripts in my unit's modpack to try to understand them, but I find this language incredibly hard to read in general. Your code looks beautiful, but I am definitely going to have to read up on some Arma 3 specific control structures, reserved commands and variable interaction before I am able to trace it and fully understand it. Thanks again for your assistance.
  3. Everything works fine when the vars are all global, but when I switch them to local they do not get propagated down from the main body of the script into ANY control structures or anything with brackets in it whatsoever
  4. The while loop checks if the addactions have been given to the unit, and if so it sleeps 1 then repeats until one of the addactions has been selected by the unit, in which case the script can proceed to the next block - it happens sequentially. I know I should name my variables better, sorry about that
  5. Really informative post, thanks! Trying to make a mission myself
  6. red62dota

    Post New Thread Button missing?

    Thanks for this information! No rules were sent to me when I signed up through steam :\