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Everything posted by bundook

  1. bundook

    How would you model this?

    Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. Here is an instructional video that should give you a good idea of what sculpting in Blender involves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPkVLgD8--c Be aware, though, that it's going to take quite a while and a deal of study and practice before you will be comfortable doing any of this. I am trying this myself for the first time and I can produce the greatest looking misshapen lumps, but never anything like what I want. The next step from this would be retopoloizing the high poly beret to a lower poly one for use in-game. Search online for blender retopology. There are a number of decent videos on youtube covering this. then you'll have to bake the high poly details onto the low poly model to use as a normal map. Then comes the fun and games of actually getting it onto a toy soldier's head and into the game. I'm not sure of what that last part entails myself yet. I'd also advise you look for dedicated blender forums. They're usuallly good at helping new guys if you show you are sincere and willing to work at it. One other important thing I'd advise is to try to get pictures of actual soldiers wearing berets to use as a model. A beret stuck onto a mannequin head wont ever give the right look. Sorry I can't help better than this. I'm a total noob too.
  2. bundook

    How would you model this?

    My understanding is that the "proper" way to do it is to use the sculpting tools in Blender, then retopologize the resulting horrendously huge polycount model to a lower poly one and proceed from there. I'm about to try exactly the same thing for the project I've been messing about with (early 1960s Royal Marines - but I'm a total noob too). I'm on my break at work right now but I'll see if I can find some stuff online a bit later that might help you at least get started. Wait out...