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  1. beatmatch

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I'm having the same issue with 0.98, and disabling the Peacetime parameter has no effect. After the first town is captured, the AI simply stand around and the commander does not issue any further orders. Also, not sure if this is normal behavior for this mission, but when I go to other towns after capturing the first one they are all completely empty.
  2. I can't seem to get the "starting cash" feature to work. Even in the demo mission, there is no starting cash, regardless of assigned rank. Am I missing something? Thanks for any insight!
  3. beatmatch

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    I'm running v1.5 of this mod, as well as the sound fix, and much to my dismay, I often experience a strange sort of popping sound towards the end of the rifle report when the tribal Middle East insurgents are firing their weapons. This occurs both with and without the Dynasound mod, which I had hoped was the culprit initially. It almost sounds as if the sounds are cutting off too early, but I'm not certain. It's quite a distraction, and very frustrating considering how much I love these units -- they really nail the Taliban aesthetic. Has anyone else experienced similar issues?