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About Helanger

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  • Biography
    My name is Iago Rosa, I am a multi-talented student artist, studying Graphic Designing in college.
    I do a lot of Photoshop, a bit of Music and Video Editing, I also write a lot of stories.
    I am very dedicated to my work and studies.

    I'm not the greatest at things but I give it my best shot when I have something in mind.

    I am a very nice guy but I don't take nonsense from people, get to know me before you judge me.
    Also, I'm Brazilian, I live in Australia and I've been living here since 2006.

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  1. From experience, I think you can only set one unit as a Trigger Owner but you can modify the trigger so that It's affected by other members of the Group you're in. Maybe this is where your problem may be coming from?
  2. I'll do that, thanks for the advice R0adki11 :) I gotta figure out how to do it first :P I'm such a noob when it comes to forums I'm sorry XD I found it lol.
  3. Hello Tikas, I'm a newbie at the site too, in order for you to create your own post you have to reply to other people's posts first, It was only until recently that I was able to set up this post. As to your question I too am unsure as to what is happening, so the trigger works perfect in the Editor but when Exported it acts differently. I am not so certain about what may be causing that, I am but a Newbie myself :P But I don't think 3den Enhanced has anything to do with it, I use it myself and I haven't come across any issues.
  4. One more question, I want to make it so after the 3 bodies are searched, an objective completes. Is there any way I can activate a trigger VIA the SQF or make the objective complete itself through it? EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out. I added the Variable SearchCount==3 to the condition in a trigger ingame and it worked :D
  5. Guys I got it to work, finally, thank you so much for all the help :)
  6. Helanger

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    In Arma 2, they had a mod which added predators into the game, I had a mission I made in the past using predators and I wanted to re-create it in Arma 3. Not sure if there is a Predator mod out there or if someone is working on it. Would be so cool to see it though.
  7. Hello everyone. I'm starting to slowly get into Arma 3's editor and making missions, I used to do a few missions back in Arma 2OA but then I stopped playing the game for a good 2 years, I have unfortunately forgotten a lot. I'm curious as to what I seem to be doing wrong with this script. At the moment I'm working on a mission (this is just a part of it) 3 soldiers visit this area, you kill them and then you have to search their bodies. I want to make it so only after all 3 bodies are searched, the task updates. I made it possible for this to work using the addaction feature and then linked it with a script I made on the missions directory, but now I'm in a bit of a situation. This is the code I have right now _per = _this select 0; // Person who had the addAction _ldr = _this select 1; // Person who used the addAction _ldr SwitchMove "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_AinvPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_Putdown"; Sleep 0.5; removeAllActions _per; SearchCount +1; if (SearchCount = 3) then [hint "IT WORKED!"]; Everything works perfect up to RemoveAllActions But the count doesn't seem to go up and I keep getting the following error message displayed to me. if (searchCount |#|= 3) then [hint "IT WORKED!"]; Error Missing ) what am I doing wrong here? I was trying to figured this out for ours and tried many different codes, but still getting issues. I cant seem to figure out what to do. SearchCount +1;
  8. Helanger

    Basic help for newbie ...

    Thank you for the fast reply. I really appreciate the help.
  9. Helanger

    Basic help for newbie ...

    Pardon me, I don't mean to change the subject of this post, but I'm relatively new to the forums and I can't seem to be able to make any threads, only reply on them. How come?
  10. I'm relatively new to making scripts for my missions, this helped out a fair bit, thank you :)