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About cry_me_a_river_kids

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  1. cry_me_a_river_kids

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    So will the security units be removed as a separate mod or deleted entirely? I really like the police cars and I think they are a really cool addition to the game. Would be a shame to see them go
  2. cry_me_a_river_kids

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    the image is from today, and I only recently downloaded the mod. I'm running v0.5.3
  3. cry_me_a_river_kids

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    So I took the F22 out for a spin but I noticed a problem. I don't know if anyone has mentioned it before but the F22's default loadout (all weapons carried internally) has 8 AMRAAMs even though in real life the weapons bays on an F22 can only carry 6 AMRAAMs. Is this suppose to happen? here is a link to a website with an image of what I saw. https://cc1b11a5-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/crymeariverkidsimages/f22-bug/20160717145550_1.jpg?attachauth=ANoY7cqLxROEwteRGjM7EOfbB3sBN74VUk4_ogtgNPSU2cOOuhVLMSnTUAhZj7d0aiS5WmTb-O7zjXlwt8S1hZtus6rUQUeNr8XPUpw_LrvoLjDO9j74xJWuQOMg5wSdS870dKi7Rgz_0bq2SXEV4Yx92-AQbA1KkfcSbk_RwDs5r38jjq9Aza1CvVLlIF-8sDcWLvmq_DevAYnYLz0P4mMZ4ZRGG6v-jdYNiCeyAIGDWdbcygtePQS-ITjFqog0CNUGywnKb8yc&attredirects=0