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About NoobSbooN

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  1. NoobSbooN

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    guys... i know this is a bit late (noob/newb here), but i am having a problem with this script... this is a part from the G_Revive_Action.sqf. i added hints so i'd know which parts are being called and which are not... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Reviver private ["_hasItem"]; _unit = _this select 0; G_Revive_Global_Unit = _unit; _rescuer = _this select 1; G_Revive_Global_Rescuer = _rescuer; _reviveActionID = _this select 2; hint "Check 1"; _unit setVariable ["G_getRevived",true,true]; _rescuer setVariable ["G_Reviving",true,true]; _hasItem = 0; hint "Check 2"; if (G_Revive_Requirement > 0) then { hint "Check 3"; _rescitemsArray = items _rescuer; if ("Medikit" in (_rescitemsArray)) then { _hasItem = _hasItem + G_Revive_Requirement; hint "Check 4"; }; if (_hasItem < G_Revive_Requirement) then { { if (_x isEqualTo "FirstAidKit") then { if (_hasItem < G_Revive_Requirement) then { _hasItem = _hasItem + 1; }; }; } forEach _rescitemsArray; if (_hasItem >= G_Revive_Requirement) then { for "_i" from 1 to G_Revive_Requirement do { _rescuer removeItem "FirstAidKit"; }; }; }; }; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- as far as i observed, check 1 is not displayed. when i try to revive, it only goes as far as check 2 and check 3 is not displayed, so, i believe there is a problem with that particular if statement because i don't think it's able to check for the value of G_Revive_Requirement... Halp ples...