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Posts posted by BattleChief




    Enhanced Movement




    CUP terrains-Core

    *BaBe Midtex (makes the ground textures look better at a distance, saw it on the suggested/supported mods on the ravage page)

    *dfs 3rdperson (saw it on the ravage page, edits your 3rd person viewpoint)

    CUP terrains-Maps

    *Cup terrains- CWA


    *Project SFX (wanted some death screams so I could listen in joy...adds animations too!)

    *Advanced Urban repelling

    *Enhanced Visuals

    *JSRS Soundmod

    *Mr. Sanchez headgore mod

    *JSRS Soundmod RHSAFRF support

    *JSRS soundmod RHSUSAF support

    *Winter 2035

    *Friths Ruin

    *Improved Melee system (By the guy who made Project SFX, he has the link in Project SFX)

    *DP Build everything Arma Core


    This is everything I have in the way of mods, that are loaded and are in this order too


  2. @haleks


    I can post a screeshot of it on your Altis mission, with the current version, on my steam and send you a link so you can see an example....I have seen it happen too many times on Jimmakos' SP Esseker mission, and I thought it was just the map, but when it happened on Altis, I screenshotted it and have had it set aside incase you wanted it


    Just click the first one, I tend to keep a few spare screenshots for fun...


    EDIT: I just realized how zoomed out that is...I must have let my finger off the zoom button...I should swap out my mouse for my spare, the side zoom button isn't working properly :face_palm:


    and please don't mind the quality, I don't play with a supercomputer and a good screen..I play off a basic computer with a cheap graphics card, on a TV screen...the TV was larger than my old monitor

  3. @cosmic10r


    That is a lot of 30rnd mags...I think for a weapon in that condition, at least 300 rounds is sure to have at least 1 jam...maybe 450 if your lucky...its just dependent on chance, and the restoration attempts made by the next owner of the weapon, as you could possibly try to fix one using better parts off of another gun of the same kind (as every gun won't have the EXACT same damages) but this would add more complications, and so I say maybe 450-600 is a reasonable set, as I never really see my primary weapon being used a whole lot...


    Now if you ask me, I think that the SPAR and everything that isn't based on an AK, should jam more often..The AK is kinda hard to jam, and if it does, you got a good problem...Pistols should jam easier than anything else, except the Zubr...Revolvers never jam, and if they do, you need to fix a spring that works with the hammer, as the only other problem I can recall from experience, would be the ammunition

  4. 3 hours ago, cosmic10r said:


    just watched it...



    Goodness gracious! I can't help but agree! Is this out? or is this still in progress? I want to get my hands on this really badly! I would be willing to use and outdated script, as long as I could play this!

  5. @haleks 


    Glad to see a changlog, I like the progress being visible, and its comforting to be able to see progress...I am curious though, as I have theories as to why things are happening, but its nice to see if it can be confirmed...When you kill an AI, if you happen to be a good distance away, a horde spawns. Is this related to the fact that the bodies could be considered loot? that maybe the zombies are tied to loot spawns? I am curious, in a way of trying to understand, about all of this...


    Also, I am gonna try to see if I cannot learn more about scripting so I can maybe help discover something, or fix my own issues with scripting problems

  6. I guess imma call it quits for now...I am better off waiting for someone else to make a ravage mission, cause I kinda can't do the regular Altis mission, cause anytime I kill the patrol that comes down to the wreck, a horde spawns on them, and I can't get their guns or anything cause I die before I can get them, or their bodies despawn when I come back to see if the horde dispersed...I dunno whats up with my usual script, so I guess imma just let this go for now, maybe till the next Ravage update...I still wanna pop in to see the progress on the rusty guns though, but now, I guess my time making Ravage missions is over, been fun, see y'all later, have fun

  7. Also, I just tested the old script Jim gave everyone for the original Ravage mission, it seems to work, no errors on start up...but it doesn't clear all my gear and it gives me vanilla items only, and it makes me slightly confused...mainly cause I cannot work script to save my life, but because my script has nearly no difference, and it keeps getting errors...hmm....to the wiki I go I guess...


    This is what I have for the original Altis spawn from Haleks (and Jimmakos)


    private "_unit";
    _markers = ["spawn1", "spawn2", "spawn3", "spawn4", "spawn5", "spawn6", "spawn7", "spawn8"];
    _p = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 50;
    _road = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _pos = getposATL _road;

    _nextRoad = (_road nearRoads 50) select 0;

    [player] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
    [player] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;
    //player addWeapon "rhsusf_weap_m1911a1";
    //player setFace "WhiteHead_20";
    //player setSpeaker "Male01GRE";
    (vehicle player) setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];
    _posV = [_pos, 5, 5, 1, 0, 35, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

    if (isNil "_posV") then {
        _posV = getPosATL (((getposASL player) nearRoads 10) select 1);

    _vehicle = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Car2_F", _posV, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _vehicle setDir (direction player - 187);
    _vehicle setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL _vehicle) select 0, (getPosATL _vehicle) select 1]);
    [getPosATL _vehicle,"FIRE_BIG"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;
    _soundSource = createSoundSource ["Sound_Fire", _posV, [], 0];
    _unit = createVehicle ["Survivor_blue_1", _posV, [], 1, "FORM"];
    uiSleep 1;
    [_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
    removeBackpack _unit;
    removeVest _unit;
    _unit addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests);
    //[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddWeapon;
    if !(rvg_weapons isEqualTo []) then {
        _weapon = [_unit, rvg_weapons select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weapons) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
    } else {
        _weapon = [_unit, rvg_weaponsA3 select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
    [_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;
    //_unit addmagazines ["Chemlight_blue", 1];
    _unit setdamage 1;

    if (!isNil "_soundSource") then {
        WaitUntil {player distance _soundSource > 1000};
        deleteVehicle _soundSource;

    This is what I am using for my missions 


    private "_unit";
    _markers = ["spawn1", "spawn2", "spawn3", "spawn4", "spawn5", "spawn6", "spawn7", "spawn8"];
    _p = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 50;
    _road = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _pos = getposATL _road;

    enableSaving [ false, false ];

    uiSleep 1;

    private "_unit";
    _markers = ["spawn1", "spawn2", "spawn3", "spawn4", "spawn5", "spawn6", "spawn7", "spawn8"];
    _p = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 50;
    _road = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _pos = getposATL _road;
    _nextRoad = (_road nearRoads 50) select 0;

    [player] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
    [player] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;

    (vehicle player) setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];
    _posV = [_pos, 5, 5, 1, 0, 35, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

    if (isNil "_posV") then {
        _posV = getPosATL (((getposASL player) nearRoads 10) select 1);

    _vehicle = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Hunter_F", _posV, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _vehicle setDir (direction player - 187);
    _vehicle setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL _vehicle) select 0, (getPosATL _vehicle) select 1]);

    [getPosATL _vehicle,"FIRE_BIG"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;
    _soundSource = createSoundSource ["Sound_Fire", _posV, [], 0];

    _unit = createVehicle ["Survivor_blue_1", _posV, [], 1, "FORM"];

    uiSleep 1;

    [_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
    removeBackpack _unit;
    removeVest _unit;
    _unit addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests);
    //[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddWeapon;
    if !(rvg_weapons isEqualTo []) then {
        _weapon = [_unit, rvg_weapons select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weapons) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
    } else {
        _weapon = [_unit, rvg_weaponsA3 select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
    [_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;

    _unit setdamage 1;

    player switchMove "Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part1";player playmovenow "Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part2";

    player setFatigue 1;

    uiSleep 40;

    _closesttown = (nearestLocations [player, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"],2500]) select 0;
    _PosT = _pos;
    if !(isNil "_closesttown") then {
        _PosT = position _closesttown;

    _posP = [getposASL player, 400, 600, 1, 0, 35, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    _Grp = createGroup resistance;
    for "_i" from 0 to 3 do 
         _unit = _Grp createUnit ["Bandit_green", _posP, [], 1.0, "FORM"];
        [_unit] spawn RVG_fnc_equip;
        [_unit, (["ENG", "GRK"] call bis_fnc_selectrandom)] call rvg_fnc_setName;
        rvg_garbage_collector pushBack _unit;

        //_unit addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this spawn RVG_fnc_Fired}];
        _unit setCombatMode "RED";
        _unit setBehaviour "SAFE";
        [_unit] joinSilent _Grp;
    _Grp move _pos;
    0 = [_Grp, _pos, _PosT] spawn {
        _Grp = _this select 0;
        _pos = _this select 1;
        _posT = _this select 2;
        waitUntil {(leader _Grp) distance _pos < 10};
        [_Grp, _posT, 300] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;

    enableSaving [true, true];

    execVM "scripts\tuto.sqf";

    if (!isNil "_soundSource") then {
        WaitUntil {player distance _soundSource > 1000};
        deleteVehicle _soundSource;

    If someone could please find out what is wrong, I would be ever so grateful...I cannot work script at all, I only know how to do Animations with the Eden editor :icon12:

  8. When it comes to firearms, you field whatever you can get your hands on, as long as it shoots reliably, and won't kill you in the process of firing it...a little rust isn't too bad, especially on the outside, the internals are the ones you don't want rusted....best way I know of currently for storing weapons for years, is to put them in trashbags, or barrels full of axle grease, and it will preserve the metal finish, and the internals...but is a pain to clean out, this is the same idea as the Russian guns found today, they are put in boxes with Cosmoline, which requires you to go ahead and do a full break down of the weapon, such as Mosins...every piece must be removed and cleaned, all the way to the bolt 

  9. Also, because I have run into an issue with it now, does anyone have a more recent starting kit script? I am experiencing problems when I start a mission, the body spawns in its underwear, and I usually have on the clothes in which I started with...and the body tends to spawn with Vanilla weapons...I think Jim's old script is kinda outdated now, which would make sense, it was working for so many different Ravage versions

  10. @cosmic10r


    Looking good, the SPAR looks good, as it is roughly based on the M416, and most likely the guard and rail would be metal...so rust and wear 'n tear marks are a good idea...the polymer would most likely have stuff such as cracks and fading to show its age...something you can do to help make them look aged, primarily the SPAR, would be to fade some spots like the rail and around the ejection port...give it a look as though you ground down the black or green metal finish, and its just rough metal beneath it...With the Vermin, go ahead and add some more dark brown to it, all brown does is crack and get darker


    EDIT: When I say fade the metal, I am saying that you basically want to do this to the rail and upper/lower receiver...can't get the photo in, so I found the link to a picture that best represents the damages they will sustain


  11. @cosmic10r


    Its beautiful! I enjoy looking at all these...gotta do something while I make my ring...which I finished a good bit ago....can still wet sand the outside with a fine grit...besides that, I am like Mcdonalds, I'm Loving it!


    EDIT: Also, go ahead and recolor the main body of the TRG, the main body that isn't metal, is polymer and plastic, and polymer does not rust, just fade it and discolor it...polymer tends to crack and decay with age..so add some sort of color to show damage...Plastic mainly cracks and the color fades...I just don't want this come bite you in the rear later down the road, just felt like I should point this out...

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  12. 3 hours ago, tourist said:

    Hey BattleChief,


    have you tried setting the "hunting the player" percentage for the AI bandits to 100% ?


    In my SP playthroughs, I had plenty of "Tourist's Last Stand" situations with bandits following me relentlessly into houses no matter the cost for their side just to see me go down.  Maybe this extreme tough gameplay experience is due to combining the hunting setting from RAVAGE with VCOM AI, but I'd say give it a go without VCOM and even that will make you sweat.  Note I have also INDFOR and OPFOR bandits who foght each other, but still the surviving group will turn on me if I try to play happy 3rd party and loot the loosing faction after they had duked it out somewhere.


    If you are willing to do things just for RPing without demanding an actual gameplay effect, I'd suggest to use some building mod like DP Build Everything http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=892365572&searchtext=build+everything to construct a base for 12 people, then collect enough food & clean water for the lot of them and then recruit ambient BLUFOR survivors until you have your Dirty Dozen together or so... 


    Just a few ideas, ARMA has so many crazy mods to try out that I still haven't played them all - ever tried the sailing http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=892308157&searchtext=sailing or the paddle http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=887302721&searchtext=paddle mod in the Tanoa Archipelago to get off one of the zombie infested smaller islands hoping to reach the main island and find a working radio station? 


    Man, I should actually go and PLAY this damned fine game and see if I can survive for two ingame weeks and pull off any of the above without respawn/reload savegame... :hehe:

    This is a brilliant idea! I have never seen what the "hunting the player" percentage does when its set that high...I guess I will do that with my Altis Winter map, make it for a boat load of fun! I am not one for Tanoa, but I like Esseker, and thats where most of my fun usually is at, 'cause Jimmakos made a wonderful Esseker map...but by Haleks thats a wonderful idea! (because God is irrelevant currently, 'cause some people don't believe in God, and we gotta be "respectful" to others, so the next closest thing is up there, Haleks! :D ) 


    EDIT:  I should probably set the AI multiplier to around 3-4...mass chaos...I like the shootouts that happen...

  13. Now, I know we have had a streak of successes on this thread so far, sadly, I gotta lodge a complaint...I have seen the spontaneous horde pop up multiple times upon killing an AI, its quite annoying, especially when I just started and all I have is 1 mag of PM ammo left, and I got like 30 zombies...Now onto a better note, I love the rusty gun retextures, those are beautiful! now we just need a good amount of ammo, and a horde to slaughter with the Zubr...besides that, loving the mod, keep up the wonderful work everyone, you are some of the greatest content makers I have seen, absolutely wonderful! May you get everything you need from the AI you slaughter, and may your bullets fly true, good luck


    Also, what are some fun things to do in Ravage? I kinda am stuck with just running around and killing AI, but even then, if I stay in one spot, they don't constantly come to me, I have to leave and come back...I guess maybe RP'ing through my solo games would help, but it gets difficult to remain in the zone...if you guys have any suggestions, please let me know, I could use some ideas :icon_cool:

  14. 7 hours ago, Evil Organ said:

    Dead Snow...Ravage style.





    OH MY GOD! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH EVIL! XD Das ist wunderbar! 

    EDIT: Cause some might wonder what it says, kinda obvious what it means, but it translates to "This is wonderful (or great)." You should really put that in your screenshots on steam...that's great


    EDIT: That's Altis right? I can't really tell, the snow kinda makes it hard to tell...I think it is due to the buildings and the windmills in the background...

  15. You know, I really am beginning to dislike these scripts...I am currently trying to fix a problem with my script for my Ravage mission, it doesn't seem to be working all too well...I am still using the old script Jimmako's gave me, but now its giving me all sorts of errors...I will post this up so hopefully someone can find out whats wrong with it, because I can't for the life of me...


    private "_unit";
    _markers = ["spawn1", "spawn2", "spawn3", "spawn4", "spawn5", "spawn6", "spawn7", "spawn8"];
    _p = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 50;
    _road = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _pos = getposATL _road;

    enableSaving [ false, false ];

    uiSleep 1;

    private "_unit";
    _markers = ["spawn1", "spawn2", "spawn3", "spawn4", "spawn5", "spawn6", "spawn7", "spawn8"];
    _p = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 50;
    _road = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _pos = getposATL _road;
    _nextRoad = (_road nearRoads 50) select 0;

    [player] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
    [player] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;

    (vehicle player) setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];
    _posV = [_pos, 5, 5, 1, 0, 35, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

    if (isNil "_posV") then {
        _posV = getPosATL (((getposASL player) nearRoads 10) select 1);

    _vehicle = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Hunter_F", _posV, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _vehicle setDir (direction player - 187);
    _vehicle setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL _vehicle) select 0, (getPosATL _vehicle) select 1]);

    [getPosATL _vehicle,"FIRE_BIG"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;
    _soundSource = createSoundSource ["Sound_Fire", _posV, [], 0];

    _unit = createVehicle ["Survivor_blue_1", _posV, [], 1, "FORM"];

    uiSleep 1;

    [_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
    removeBackpack _unit;
    removeVest _unit;
    _unit addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests);
    //[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddWeapon;
    if !(rvg_weapons isEqualTo []) then {
        _weapon = [_unit, rvg_weapons select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weapons) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
    } else {
        _weapon = [_unit, rvg_weaponsA3 select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
    [_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;

    _unit setdamage 1;

    player switchMove "Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part1";player playmovenow "Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part2";

    player setFatigue 1;

    uiSleep 40;

    _closesttown = (nearestLocations [player, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"],2500]) select 0;
    _PosT = _pos;
    if !(isNil "_closesttown") then {
        _PosT = position _closesttown;

    _posP = [getposASL player, 400, 600, 1, 0, 35, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    _Grp = createGroup resistance;
    for "_i" from 0 to 3 do 
         _unit = _Grp createUnit ["Bandit_green", _posP, [], 1.0, "FORM"];
        [_unit] spawn RVG_fnc_equip;
        [_unit, (["ENG", "GRK"] call bis_fnc_selectrandom)] call rvg_fnc_setName;
        rvg_garbage_collector pushBack _unit;

        //_unit addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this spawn RVG_fnc_Fired}];
        _unit setCombatMode "RED";
        _unit setBehaviour "SAFE";
        [_unit] joinSilent _Grp;
    _Grp move _pos;
    0 = [_Grp, _pos, _PosT] spawn {
        _Grp = _this select 0;
        _pos = _this select 1;
        _posT = _this select 2;
        waitUntil {(leader _Grp) distance _pos < 10};
        [_Grp, _posT, 300] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;

    enableSaving [true, true];

    execVM "scripts\tuto.sqf";

    if (!isNil "_soundSource") then {
        WaitUntil {player distance _soundSource > 1000};
        deleteVehicle _soundSource;

    EDIT: I keep getting a problem with the "Scripts\tuto.sqf", that has been there since the start of the mission, I can't seem to get this one either...


    EDIT: It works in the scenario itself, but you keep spawning in the same uniform, and the dead body with the gun keeps spawning without his uniform..mine has also been spawning with vanilla guns, not any of the RHS guns...

  16. Erm, I think I got a problem...anytime I kill an AI, his body gets surrounded by zombies, making it increasingly difficult to loot them...anyone got an idea of why? I just am getting tired of it at this point, the first few times I could shrug it off...but now its like everytime I kill an AI, they pop in outta no where, and I can't take what I worked for...Bullets aren't easy to find, I only start with so many!
