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Everything posted by BattleChief

  1. BattleChief


    I have been playing, trying to figure out what the game needs...A sort of base building mechanic...like the ability to board up windows and place a door that you can lock...I had a Military area locked down for a full hour, then it went to killing an AI car crew and stealing their car. I have also had a bit of inspiration on a new idea, which came from the dead mod "DayZ 2017", some you might know it, you might not, but I would like to see more of a survival aspect in there,make ammo found in mags random, so if I find a 1911 mag, it wont have 7 rounds, it might have like 3 in it, and maybe find something for a decent car mod (whats used is great, but they are all running around as either US army Humvee's or trucks with M2's on the back) that makes the vehicles look more beat up and older. I only expect the random amount of ammo for the mags to be possible honestly XD I also would like to stress maybe a lack of full auto's in the enemy arsenal, I do understand that they are bandits and are killing others for guns and what not, but I do feel that they are armed a bit too well for an apocalypse...maybe some bolt actions? or more handguns...
  2. BattleChief


    I have been playing, trying to figure out what the game needs...A sort of base building mechanic...like the ability to board up windows and place a door that you can lock...I had a Military area locked down for a full hour, then it went to killing an AI car crew and stealing their car...
  3. BattleChief


    This is the code I have been using for all my single player missions, I absolutely suck at this, so if anyone can modify it for MP, I would love it
  4. BattleChief


    @ContheJon Wonderful! I like it! you are on to a good path there! it really does bring out a Mad Max style wasteland... So, I am trying to make my map into a co-op map...I sadly cant get the scripting to go into place, such as Jimmako's script that he let me use that started you off waking up beside a destroyed car...if anyone has an idea, lemme know, I could use an improvement, I have gone ahead and thrown in a patrol to come down the road like as if it had began regularly, but it just doesn't feel the same...
  5. BattleChief


    Well, glad to see that its not just me having that random moment where I can't aim down the sights...I made an entirely new scenario, well...all I added was the ACE systems to it..I wanted to see if I could make it more complicated, thus the ACE medical system came in..only issue is that you cant really find any med items, but luckily for me the first time, my dead driver had some meds on him, so after a few minor scrapes to my right side, I managed to patch them both, but my arm started to bleed again, so I placed a tourniquet on it, and ran to a med box that I placed on the map (added some boxes, about 3-4 that aren't located at bases) and patched myself, but in all, I added cars and what not, so hell has ensued...I still can't thank everyone for the help, and Haleks for making the mod..I should work on a CO-OP map..would be amazing for the revive system...but back to the point, apart from the randomly zoning out of my guys arms, I haven't found that many issues, except the zombies die too easily. My praises go towards the new looting spots. Love the fact that I can now loot static props! makes me feel like I am actually scrounging for scraps! Amazing job Haleks!
  6. BattleChief


    Honestly, to each is his own, and I understand where your coming from Koda, and it is actually easy to tell traders from the rest (Only in open fields and on the roads). I took the time to study the AI's movements, and found that Traders, are very different than the rest. I am not sure about everyone else, but the ambient AI, they Jog/run with their weapons up all the time, Traders tend to walk slower, and only one or two have there guns up, I honestly feel, that they shouldn't have so many guns, but more helpful supplies, in lower quantities. I understand the thrill, but I honestly am growing bored, I think its all the solo playing...we need to get a server out (I just pray that you include Enhanced movement) with a system like the beginning, except that everyone spawns randomly, almost like the rest of the maps, and must find themselves so they can either team up, or kill each other.
  7. BattleChief


    Scopes are rare, but I have found 1. Yes, I found 1 scope, it was a little CQC scope for an AK that I pulled off a dead bandit, I felt so accomplished when I found it, then I went on to restart that game cause I spawned close to my NATO base (I know where its at, but I felt that, without a map, you guys won't know if you spawn close to it) and I started again, by Kavala, and I had some fun in there, until I died. Speaking of fun, I dunno if anyone has found it, or if any of you downloaded my mission to see my handiwork, but I added a Tank, yes, I know, that kills the experience, but I felt like I wanted to add it just so you could screw around. I gotta take it down, its really tempting, so it was down by the beach close to Molos, but I am gonna remove it, just so I don't get any ideas, I also took the liberty of adding a UH60 to the map, for those of you who like to take to the skies, just not in a plane, it has no marker, but if you wanna use it instead of the plane, go ahead and fly around and find it, then crash the plane. Now my turn for a question, I happen to want to make the game a bit more challenging at the start, I want to spawn the body with only a pistol. Yes, just a pistol, I want to give it that feel of "I just got up from a wreck, and of course Jim only grabbed a pistol and is now dead, leaving it to me" and with whatever the poor dead SOB had on him around the time of death. I just think that it adds to the feeling of "I just killed that patrol of Bandits, who all had AK's, except for that one idiot with the M9, with just a pistol, I can survive just about anything!" or the feeling of "I really shouldn't have just shot all my ammo into those zombies, I did not see that patrol coming..."
  8. BattleChief


    Just looked through the setting module for Ravage, its a thing for the editor, you can disable the clean-up system for bodies, vehicles, etc. I am gonna try it without the system engaged.
  9. BattleChief


    Added a Big "T" to the world, find it, *only hint* The wonderful feeling of sand between my toes, down besides Molos. have fun charging bases with my gift.
  10. BattleChief


    I really like the intros, and the original Altis spawns were nicely placed, the one spawn on my map I just made, I spawned further north (I randomly chose spots) and I got the three AI patrols that I happened to run into, I have only heard 1 guy shoot in the last hour, and have not seen any AI...I wanted some exciting gunfights! Edit* Made it Paros, killed 3 guys, and managed to tag a humvee in the process, took out the drivers window with a full mag from my AK at point blank, and killed the other passenger. I had tried to destroy the wheel to prevent them from escaping, no such luck, it drags right now, well, used to. I took it for a stroll towards Blufor base, and got wrecked by another .50 cal humvee, who scored a lucky shot past the dead passenger and into me...well, not bad for my first go around.
  11. BattleChief


    I already got it saved in a Notepad file, just in case I decide to make another one.
  12. BattleChief


    Um, if anyone really loves gunfights, mine is for you XD just killed 15 AI in total, less than an hour in, I got the first patrol by the wreck, then I went down the road and got into another fight, killed them all, then I went on to hide from a Humvee with a .50 cal on it, and then I killed another patrol that closed in, and now im heading towards a town...I sorta set the AI multiplier to 2x the amount in regular Altis XD have fun, and feel free to post screenshots of your killing sprees and rewards from said sprees on the steam page, no need to clog this one full of pics of dead AI.
  13. BattleChief


    thanks Jim, your my savior on this one. Just got the comment thing, took a second to look through it all. *Edit* lets see if she will do it now Jim...I am gonna have to throw an Easter egg in for you then Jim. EDIT2* She works! I made a specific spot for you Jim, my only hint, scroll all the way out when you get a map, you will then see your home, which is completely Zombie free! To the rest of you, My mission is now open, find it in the steam workshop, if you need some help, try typing in "Ravage" into the search bar, Enjoy everyone, and thank you all who helped! (AND PRAISE BE TO HALEKS! for making the mod! and same with Jim, for getting the final piece of the puzzle, so I could fix the issue.
  14. BattleChief


    Fire, Jim, anyone got an idea? I feel that the failure to complete the animation (being Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part1 and part 2) is why my mission is incomplete. I can get it to sorta happen in the editor, he will just stand there, like there is some scripting or coding conflicting....but I am desperate for a fix so I can release it and only worry about updating it and improving it.
  15. BattleChief


    erm, refer to Jimmakos earlier post to me, it gives the entire code for the start up...I am just sad that the animation won't work, the rest is almost perfect.
  16. BattleChief


    Just put out my mission, I have hidden it, found a problem as soon as I started it up : he didn't play the animation where he wakes up and gets up (or animation "Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_Part1" and part 2) I even went so far as to put it in the InitPlayerlocal file, gotta test that one now, I will open it up in a few, just feel free something in steam if something is horribly amiss. Edit* Hm, still not doing the animation, Ugh, I wanted it to be perfect....welp, goes to confirm it, nothing ever goes perfectly/according to plan, if anyone has a good fix for this, lemme know...imma have to shut my mission down in the mean time... *edit2* if anyone has a fix for this, please lemme know, I really fell off my pedestal because I finally did some scripting, never done it before, so I was extremely happy, and this small hiccup where he won't do the animation where he wakes up, is really messing with me, I have tried various fixes, I have searched the ends of threads about animations and coding, still have no found anything....
  17. BattleChief


    well, It strikes me as odd, but the horde doesn't show up if the horde behavior is set to off, but they will still do the same thing when its on, I changed cities, but I had to fire a few time to get their attention after I moved towards the wall, thinking that their path finding is a bit off with these buildings (Cause the mod was intended for Altis, stratis, and what not, speaking of maps, I should make a Namalsk one....I will still lose to Jim, if he makes one, cause he has the entire Ravage intro, sorta like yours) and it just strikes me as odd, cause I set the hordes in the bigger cities, because that's where you would expect one to be, and they are still doing the same thing, If you wanna try it yourself Haleks, get the CUPS maps and terrains, and load up Sahrani, and place a horde in a large city, and put a guy in the streets, and fight em off. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=728153253- photo one, its odd, cause they just turn around http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=728153508-two, they just turn around http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=728153090- and the last one, I shot like 5 rounds and got them to notice me...really strange, might need to do a different map
  18. BattleChief


    Will do Haleks, I will do that, Thanks for everything you have done, I almost lost hope for Arma 3, then I saw Ravage.
  19. BattleChief


    @Jimmakos Thanks Jim! I plan on inserting a different start up though, not the flaming car, but I see how the codes work, so if I place a ruined hunter and the flaming car, I can get that original wake up scene I had tried to originally set up, I have done everything else except the entire spawn set up because I was waiting on your response, so I have accomplished quite a bit, I just feel that the hordes are a bit, well, dumb, they do not target my character very well, I tested it using NATO troops, and nothing so far, they react to the noise, but I generally have to physically run up to them just to get them to attack, a few will manage to get to me, the rest will just turn around and walk about. I set the map as Sahrani, I wanted to try something that was gonna have scarce loot, due to the lack of buildings that you can enter, I have done various camps for raiders and Opfor (Russian insurgents, dunno why, just so many AK's with the RHS mods) and a few survivor camps. I also went ahead and found a nice video that showed me how to make a execution, like a bunch of prisoners being lined up and shot, so I have those placed around. I have even included a few "mystery" spots, just little things with some added bonuses, like some gear, or a little thing to just improve some game play (like a full diving set up, excluding goggles) and what not. I have an excellent plan for my map, its generally for RP though, which suits a few people, but I have made some of the better "mystery" spots a bit hard to find, lets just say, it blends with the map, but thank you oh so very much Jim! I could not have gotten this done without you, I am really new to the entire thing of the Eden editor and coding and what not, I started like 4-5 weeks ago when I tried to make a mission for the IFA3 mod (4 artillery guns vs a horde of infantry and like 6 tanks, I am surprised the tanks lived through all that) relatively simple mission, but it only suffices to say, I am new to the entire thing, I hardly know anything compared to quite a few people. I have wasted enough of all your guys time, Thanks once more Jim, may you not get swarmed and irradiated in your own wastelands, same to you all, do not get irradiated in Jims wastelands, they tend to be a bit harsh. :) *edit* imma hope and pray I am doing this right for the mission...I made a Initplayerlocal.sqf file in the mission directory, I am hoping that this will suffice, and that I am actually doing this correctly, as it is my first time really dealing with any kind of coding and scripting (It really is scaring me, I am really afraid that I will screw the entire mission up) *edit2* Oh my lord...I have done it...THANK YOU HALEKS AND JIMMAKOS! I am actually quite happy now, I have accomplished something I did not think would be possible, thank you all very much (THANK YOU TOO FIREWALKER!)
  20. BattleChief


    I understand this this is not a help thread for making missions, but you all seem to be so wise in the murky waters I happen to be treading through. I have completed the animations, I have gotten the random spawns, I am now just at the problem of getting the wrecks to follow the player, I am unsure if its possible, but it seems to be done in each mission I start, including Haleks original Altis mission, where you would spawn in the back of the Zamak every time, or when you spawn in one of Jims missions, how the specific wreck and the body follows the player to each spawn, Youtube and the internet sends me chasing false leads, so I found that this is a more reliable source.
  21. BattleChief


    Thanks Fire, now I might be able to start making missions on my own
  22. BattleChief


    Now, my only question is, how do you get it so you start in different places? I never found out how to do this...
  23. BattleChief


    Hey Jim, your missions really are amazing, but I feel that they lack something. I played your SP Esseker mission and had a blast running around and trying to survive, but once I got the map and made it to the friendly camp, I saw the arsenal box....that really killed it, its too tempting when given the ability, and after I geared up, I took on the raider camp....I killed all but one (I think the zombies ate him after I left...) and flew off in the LB (LB is short for Little bird, for you who do not know, and if anyone has any questions about this, I played way too much Arma 2 Origins....still miss my LB) after I took the LB, I wiped out the Bosniaks camp, in a few strafing runs of rockets and mini gun fire. I feel that it was made way too easy by including the Arsenal, my personal opinion because I know I could have passed it up and went without it. Now, on to the heavily irradiated Russian wilderness...it was by far, the most unique. I felt like I was under a constant threat of radiation because of the description, after clearing out a small town, I managed to secure a UAZ with all 4 wheels, I then followed the roads (I still do not have a map at this point, so i'm just blindly following the roads) when I came to the end of the map, I heard a faint gunshot over the roar of the engine, and I pulled it behind a house (the only house there....) and looked over to see a military camp. I looked at it and saw raiders in it, so I took and saved and made my way in (dying several times along the way) until I took the camp, upon securing a map from a body, I found that I had taken down the entire raider camp with just the beginning AK, I was thrilled, I began looting the camp. After awhile, I looked towards the bleak end of the map, and saw an AI running towards the base, around the same time, I heard a helicopter, I took cover, and watched. The helicopter came down, wrecked that poor renegade, and circled the camp. I made my way over to the weapons box, and with my Arma 2 training, I grabbed a PKM, and proceed to fight this helicopter, lets just say, that aim bot is OP, I tried again and managed to not get the helicopter this time, I looted what I wanted, and drove to the question mark on the map, and I loved the idea of a hidden bunker (or a castle in the rocks in this case) but after finding that, I sorta felt that I did all there was to do. *edit* If anyone has an idea on how to do this, please go ahead and answer this, I would greatly appreciate it, by the way, wonderful mod Haleks, I feel that this is better than the other zombie survival mods for Arma 3, and to the rest of you, enjoy this mod, and may you get your Geiger counters and maps off of the next few unlucky AI to cross your paths. *edit 2* I am figuring it out already, no need to answer the question on animations, found what I needed and am working with it, Please make more DayZ maps Jim, and Haleks, keep up the good work! Get this mod some more options and content, and it will easily surpass the rest of the mods.
  24. BattleChief


    The sheer brutality is amazing...I keep dying, so I am no longer taking it seriously, I am rushing in to kill zombies and AI, I never take it seriously, and I am wondering...will the NATO RUS weapons mod work with this? I wonder....oh well, will go on to get other mods that work with this epic mod!
  25. BattleChief


    For my next life, I spawn in...only to find a rifle instead of a pistol on the body... Haleks did a wonderful job with this mod, its even more brutal than DayZ 2017! I like it, but it gets frustrating, cause I can't tell the time most of the time, and sneaking past zombies is almost impossible to reach some buildings.