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About Mordgier

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  1. Mordgier


    Thanks - really appreciate it and agree on the RHS assets - using your mission - well trying to -"54:05 Missing addons detected: 8:54:05 ace_realisticnames 8:54:05 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.ace_realisticnames 8:54:05 Mission MP_Warlords_02_MODIFIED.Stratis: Missing 'description.ext::Header'" Anyway installed ACE and it's up now...
  2. Mordgier


    Server is now up at Vast majority of RHS assets are available. Stratis 16 is loaded so that it's manageable with a few people, but ultimately it's a 40 slot server. Let me know if you run into issues of some kind...
  3. Mordgier


    Can I have that as well? I like RHS assets personally but I am wondering if forcing people to download a whole set of assets might make the server a non starter for many new players. I'm kinda hoping that between Apex release and the ongoing steam sale there maybe a lot of new players and Warlords is absolutely outstanding as a way of learning the game and playing with a lot of vehicles and weapons with a very low barrier to entry. I have the Russian faction all working just need to work out the prices to make them make sense. Kinda off topic but personally I have felt that the Soviet hardware is inferior to the US in game - would it make sense to have it also be cheaper as it's also vastly cheaper in real life? (T90 costs about half as much an Abrams http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/what-america-can-learn-from-russias-cheap-but-deadly-t-1540829820) I was intending to try to price most Soviet armor as slightly cheaper than the US variants. PS for anyone who just wants to mess around on a basic setup of Warlords RHS it's up and running vanilla variant right now:
  4. Mordgier


    Hey I'm working on setting up a standalone server for warlords with RHS - I have it working but would like to tweak the requests list to make the full list of RHS vehicles available. I think I know how to do that but am hoping that somebody has already done exactly that so I could avoid reinventing the wheel. So does anyone who is still reading this happen to have a comprehensive list of all RHS assets made available to warlords requests list? Once the server is fully configured I'll post the info here as I very much like this game mode but the lack of public servers is a real downer.