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About Prpa

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  1. Anyone? Tried to find more documentation and examples but coudn't find any...
  2. First of all, is it even possible to sync scripted trigger with editor placed waypoint? I've been trying to do that for a few days now and just can't get it to work. I want enemy group (placed in editor) to wait at a waypoint unit a trigger fire. After that group will continue to next waypoint. I know how to do this in editor, but I would like to learn and understand how to make this via script. So I placed enemy group in editor, in init field of team leader i have qrf2=group this, also variable name is qrf2. In trigger.sqf i have _trwp1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0], false]; _trwp1 setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false]; _trwp1 setTriggerActivation ["none", "PRESENT", false]; _trwp1 setTriggerStatements ["[""tsk1a""] call BIS_fnc_taskState == ""SUCCEEDED"" || [""tsk1c""] call BIS_fnc_taskState == ""SUCCEEDED"" || [""tsk1b""] call BIS_fnc_taskState == ""SUCCEEDED""", "0=[""tsk2"", ""ASSIGNED"",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState;","deleteVehicle thisTrigger"]; _trwp1 synchronizeTrigger [[qrf1,1], [qrf2,1]]; When I host mission everything works fine. When hosted on dedicated server, after activating trigger enemies are just standing in same spot as before. From my limited knowledge I concluded it has to be something with locality, since everything works fine in editor or hosting on my machine. Would appreciate any help. P.S. also tried _trwp1 synchronizeTrigger [[group qrf1,1], [group qrf2,1]]; and giving waypoints name (wp1) _trwp1 synchronizeTrigger [wp1, wp2]; with no luck.
  3. I'm new here and this may be stupid but did you use arma3 tools to get mission's .pbo file? Had similar issue once, turns out that arma3 tools for some reason didn't put .paa file into .pbo. (worked fine when testing mission from editor)
  4. Haha I wish. Sadly, it's just an expression :(
  5. Nope, same problem again. P.S. Love your blog, it's great source of informations. Read it all though didn't understand half of it :)
  6. I am member in question, thank you for posting. Everything is in first post, anyone can help?
  7. Hi guys, new here and new in Arma scripting. Just wanted to say thank you for your time and for sharing all those knowledge with ppl willing to learn.
  8. Can't wait for new release, already started making campaign for my unit. Great map and good job!