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Everything posted by Freddo3000

  1. @enxyo This is not possible in vanilla, however with Achilles you can if you select a unit and paste it into the init field. Make sure to remove the comment as it may cause issues in this circumstance.
  2. @redarmy This is a bug, I'll make an issue and see if it can be resolved.
  3. I don't think this feature was ever present, and from the looks of things it is not being developed Probably. It is best you check for yourself, and if it is still present, make a issue on Github.
  4. @redarmy This has been resolved on the Github repo, though it is still waiting to be pushed to Steam. Check it out here.
  5. Hey, would it be possible to upload this mod to Github, alternatively Gitlab? I'd like to contribute a bit to the mod, and Git is an excellent way to do it and later review changes as you probably know.
  6. @jandrews It is located in the FSM, in the "Combat Brain".
  7. @avibird 1 I'm working on that, you can look at it on GitHub.
  8. @Matroshka Don't use VCOM or any other major AI mod when playing the campaign or any non-dynamic mission that isn't made with the mod in mind. If you do, as you have noticed, it is going to break stuff.
  9. Dropbox link doesn't work anymore. Besides, any chance this could be added to the workshop?
  10. Hold waypoints with VCOM have a different functionality, namely they cause the AI to garrison. You could instead use a move waypoint linked to a trigger to get the same result as for what you're trying to achieve.
  11. You may want to look into the previous version of VCOM, it is a bit more fleshed out and works a lot more on the micro level. This however comes at the cost of performance, something that 3.0 sought to resolve, though in my opinion too many features were lost in the process.
  12. In the current way that VCOM is configured, no, other than disabling VCOM on the unit until they are in combat.
  13. Freddo3000

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Have a look into these https://forums.bohemia.net/showthread.php?181415-SP-HETMAN-War-Stories
  14. @avibird 1 I can with confidence say that it will cause issues unless you disable the majority of the functionality of VCOM.
  15. @specialsmithThat mod was made for VCOM 2.0, so it will likely not have any effect on the current 3.0 version. To answer the question, yes VCOM will work with any units in general. Edit: Mod author replied
  16. Make sure they hit the waypoint too, otherwise they'll get stuck when they travel towards it. V2 had a script to help with dismounting, though I can with confidence say that this bug was to some degree still present then.
  17. The key difference with vanilla compared to modded units is that in vanilla the vehicle is the leader. If the vehicle is not the leader then this bug will occur. Try placing a mechanized squad in zeus, ungrouping the vehicle and then regrouping it to the new squad leader. Then give them a waypoint far off with some enemies on the way. The squad will mount up and once in combat the mounting cycle will begin.
  18. This is a bug that occurs in vanilla arma, when the transport vehicle is not the "leader". It can be solved by using unload waypoints, which will cause the unit to stay unloaded and not try to remount.
  19. Freddo3000

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Is VCM_fnc_FindCover meant to be disabled? I've found that apparently VCM_fnc_FindCover is commented out in the FSM, and doesn't appear to be getting called from anywhere else.
  20. Freddo3000

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    @dlegionIt has not yet been reimplemented, as mentioned earlier it was something that happend to be forgotten about but will be added.
  21. Freddo3000

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Ran into an error: 16:25:04 Error in expression <VCM_fnc_ClstObj; private _Foot = isNull objectParent _Unit; if (_Foot) then { if> 16:25:04 Error position: <objectParent _Unit; if (_Foot) then { if> 16:25:04 Error objectparent: Type Array, expected Object 16:25:04 File Vcom\Functions\fn_ArmStatics.sqf [VCM_fnc_ArmStatics], line 10
  22. Freddo3000

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Is fn_incAcc.sqf meant to be empty?
  23. Freddo3000

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Has the building clearing and IR laser detection part of VCOM been removed? If so, that's pretty unfortunate. Anyhow, here's a few issues I've come across: AI will attempt to "flank" aircraft AI flanking waypoints appear to be somewhat broken, often placing two waypoints on top of each other AI planting satchelcharges will never be able to determine when it is safe to detonate AI vehicles will continue moving while under fire, only occasionally dropping off individual soldiers AI Soldiers planting mines will not move away from them in time, and end up detonating their own mines. Additionally, a few options I would like to see added: An option to enable/disable flanking waypoints (This exists on a per-unit basis, but applying it globally would be nice) An unit setting to enable/disable automatically changing formation (This currently makes making proper convoys impossible) An option to enable/disable skill level tweaking An option to tweak skill level depending on faction An option to ignore certain barrel attachments (Several mods add attachments such as muzzle breaks and the like) Thanks for continuing work on this brilliant script
  24. Freddo3000

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    To you guys who are asking about player suppression, I'd like to suggest that you check out Laxemann's Suppress. @JD Wang @SnakeDocc