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Everything posted by Freddo3000

  1. This is likely due to the danger.fsm which you can find in Arma 3/Addons/characters_f.pbo. The FSM is ran whenever there is a "danger" event, which can be a lot of things, such as gunfire, enemies, but notably one thing "CAN FIRE". When the AI encounters anything that it can target, the default script is simply as follows: //_this globalChat "Stopping to fire"; _stopUntil = time + 4 + random 4; // soldier stop - set max. speed to 0 if (vehicle _this==_this) then {_this forceSpeed 0;} This FSM can be overwritten by your own, so you should be able to get rid of that or implement your own solution.
  2. Hey, I'd like to suggest that you change your license to something more defined. Currently the license is very loosely defined. License: Tactical Combat Link has been created for Bohemia Interactive Studios ARMA 3 ( Armed Assault 3) the ARMA community and for free use only! Please keep this modification as it is! This modification has been Developed / Scripted / Tester by =\SNKMAN/= It would be better to license it under one of the official ArmA Licenses provided by Bohemia Interactive so people can know for sure if what they're doing is allowed. Check out the different licenses here: https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses The reason I am suggesting this is because I work on a different AI mod, VCOM, which does a lot of things similar to what you do here. I don't like to reinvent the wheel, so I often look at and take inspiration from other scripts assuming that the license allows it. It also helps to have a good license in place if this mod would get abandoned at one point or another, because if you either don't have a license or a very loosely defined one, your mod may simply die without anyone being able to take it upon themselves to maintain it. Anyhow, very interesting thing you've got going here. I'll have to check it out.
  3. That was one of the first things we tried, but the AI simply ignores it much like when they eject when their vehicles are about to blow up.
  4. @velzevul That is unfortunately a vanilla issue that occurs from time to time. There isn't really anything that we can do as far as I know. @piggypotpie You're using the command wrong. it is supposed to be <parameter> setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true]; where <parameter> is the unit group. So either you can use this setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true]; in the init field of the group, where "this" refers to the group, or (group this)setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true]; in a group members init field, where "this" refers to the unit and the "group" command returns the group of this(unit).
  5. Only @genesis92x can do that unfortunately.
  6. New hotfix release: https://github.com/genesis92x/VcomAI-3.0/releases/tag/3.2.1
  7. Hit reactions don't occur when ACE is active, due to it breaking ACE unconsciousness.
  8. @SHIFTY_TFD Are you using the 3.2 version available on github or the 3.1 version?
  9. You can set this variable to accomplish that: You cant right now without editing the mod, though I'll make an issue for it.
  10. Vcom AI 3.2 has a pre-release available in a script and mod version on github currently. You can find it here: https://github.com/genesis92x/VcomAI-3.0/releases/tag/3.2 The reason it is marked as a pre-release is because it does not yet have any keys, and therefore it will not be uploaded to the workshop. This will be the case until @genesis92x is able to generate them and upload it to the workshop.
  11. @JD Wang It can be ran server-only, but it'll loose some functionality. For example, you will not be able to easily set CBA settings and AI won't be able to hear player fired weapons.
  12. @JD Wang The 3.2 release I would say is ready to go on a test run, I've ran it on one of my sessions without any noticing any bugs. It does include the Zeus code as well. I'll look into packing up into a mod sometime during this week, though when it will be able to reach the workshop depends on if @genesis92x has time.
  13. @BvB1 The script version does use the userconfig file as long as the server has filepatching enabled. Unit skills are as you say, hierarchical. First side specific skill is applied and then overwritten with class skill.
  14. @fiftyinfive CBA settings overwrites the userconfig, but there are some settings that can only be configured inside the userconfig.
  15. @Dallas Medina@froggyluv From the sound of things, the script is running on player groups, something that it is not supposed to. @Markkos26 It cannot currently be disabled.
  16. @JD Wang Depending on the method ALiVE uses, that may already be the case with the next update of Vcom.
  17. @Nichols The issue with AI bee-lining for players have been resolved, namely AI had a function that would cause them to move towards closest known enemy, which didn't have a maximum range. AI not flanking is probably due to that a maximum flanking distance was added, set at 300m. This is likely set too low, and will be upped in the next update as well as having a config option added. Mines being placed while dying has hopefully been resolved on release branch, if the issue is occurring on release branch please do create an issue on the Github.
  18. @Nichols The changelog.txt on the branch should be up to date.
  19. @redarmy There was an issue with it that made so that the function is never actually called. This has been fixed in the next update of Vcom. Furthermore, you will be able to configure the frequency of it happening.
  20. @headstone Unfortunately it has not been implemented currently.
  21. If people are interested you can test out upcoming features on the github. Development branch AI Driving feature branch If feedback is provided it may lead to a more stable and quicker release, just be sure to mention that you are using the development branch.
  22. Freddo3000

    DHI Battle Dress Uniforms

    Got a bug with the Skivies ("usm_skivies_green"). Other than that, nice mod! Unfortunate that they aren't compatible with your vests though.
  23. @target_practice UAV functionality was something that was deprecated in the transition to 3.0. It may get revamped and added at a later stage. Looking into the "sides affected" issue, is this to only case or do they also generate waypoints, place mines, etc? Also, did you change the parameter after mission start?
  24. The UAV backpack is currently treated as a static weapon with no additional functionality. Improved functionality may come in later versions. This is a bug that will be fixed in the next update.
  25. Vcom is functional, though you can currently not configure it using CBA settings. Expect a hotfix soon™