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About kilroy_pl

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  1. kilroy_pl

    US Military Mod

    Sorry, this is my favourite mod and i was just curious if autor is going start working again on this project becous ther is still a lot of gear from 80's and 90's theat would be great to make missions about cold war.
  2. Great mod guys and i cant weit to another update and new vechcles to use in my cold war missions but i have one question. Are you considering to change uniforms in the near future ? I think they still looks like from Arma 2 and need some work also change a name from BDU to TCU.
  3. kilroy_pl

    US Military Mod

    Are there any chanches for update of this mod or you complytly abbandon this project ?
  4. kilroy_pl

    US Military Mod

    RDF Was wery similiar to ERDL but with streight pockets like on this photo: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTI2OVgxMDkz/z/ln8AAOSwPe1T3t9Z/$_1.JPG Marines weare using it during the intervention in Lebanon. Soldier on the left wear RDF unifomr together with M55 vest :) http://www.usmilitariaforum.com/uploads//monthly_04_2013/post-2910-0-96531500-1365012980.jpg Ps. Sorry for my bad English bu it isn't my first language
  5. kilroy_pl

    US Military Mod

    i Hope you will add some older stuff like RDF and M1 helmets, for even know you mod and RHS are two the best mods alivable for Amra 3.
  6. kilroy_pl

    US Military Mod

    This mod i great. Is there a chance to add RDF and ERDL uniforms in future together with M1 helmets ?
  7. During 1960 Us Army didnt had any patter created for desert environment. During the first days of Lebanon intervension Marines used a RDF uniforms in ERDL pattern Latertthey were Replaced by First Woodland uniforms. Marine on the left have a RDF uniform http://www.usmilitariaforum.com/uploads//monthly_04_2013/post-2910-0-96531500-1365012980.jpg In the late 80's US military start Using 6 color desert Uniform but in this time the also use totaly diffrent equipment, old M56 and M67 beltkits was replaced by ALICE system, they have new PASGT helmet and PASGT vest. Here is a foto of soldier in full desert geer. http://www.usmilitariaforum.com/uploads//monthly_05_2009/post-70-1242471203.jpg Ther is a mod, its called US military 80' 90' theat add units in 6 coulur and 3 coulor uniforms.