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Posts posted by Kniazzy

  1. 1 minute ago, jonpas said:

    There have been no changes to the API on TeamSpeak's side, even previous 2 versions would work. :)

    We also update the first post with latest TeamSpeak support as we post the update posts, do check that.

    Thanks, I had no idea!
    I'll be sure to check next time, sorry about that. Gotten so used to just jumping to the last page.
    Time to tell the lads to update TeamSpeak!!

  2. This is incredible!
    A while back, my unit and I attempted to make a little Australian Defence Force faction, by mashing together a bunch of mods.
    It was great, but the requirement list was a bit extensive.
    Really looking forward to seeing a gorgeous all-in-one bundle!!
    There's some great ADF kit already out there, like the incredible Bushmasters.

    It might also be worth contacting AAF, as I do recall they have some in-house ADF mods that they use on their private server.
    Last I saw, they were working on their own F90.

    Can't wait to see how development goes :)

  3. It's a good start, but I'm finding it totally imbalanced.
    The M1's reload should be two seconds longer while it is on the move, as it is without an auto-loader.
    Totally game-breaking, and exploitable.
    I also noticed that the individual tank treads slightly clip into eachother when they move, and frankly it totally shatters my immersion and my unit won't accept anything but the best.
    Sorry, we gave it a try, but we'll stick with Massi.

    • Like 4

  4. Been building a campaign for my unit, and noticed a flight recorder in the editor.
    That's awesome! Currently using it as a prop for an objective.
    Is there any planned functionality for it, or even more small props like it?
    These little things, including the used artillery shells, are absolute gems for me and I love them to bits!!

    • Like 2

  5. 11 hours ago, Redphoenix said:

    No, because currently it is not worth the extra effort until BI improves the general PiP implementation.


    Fair enough!!
    I could be wrong, but it seems PiP is being used less-and-less in RHS vehicles now, too.

    It's a cool effect, but unfortunately it just doesn't have the right clarity to be practical for me ):

  6. 13 minutes ago, DEV614 said:

    would it be possible to switch the "PIP" image to the outside of the scope, and have the clear image on the inside? That would be super cool.


    After reading the first half of your post, I was actually about to suggest this!
    I believe ACE does this already, however the PIP image does not move with the scope. It may be something to do with how the image is mounted, or something similiar.
    It is a really cool effect, and works fantastic over long ranges when you aren't moving your weapon much in the first place.

    PIP is a great effect in theory, but Arma just really lacks the image fidelity for me to justify using it all the time ):

  7. 8 hours ago, jonpas said:

    Thank you for the kind words! :)

    Yes, vehicle racks are in the works, actually pretty close to being done.


    Can't say it enough, ACRE2 has totally changed how we approach Arma. Can't play it without, now!
    Very exciting to hear racks are nearly done, too.


    8 hours ago, ShiftyFR said:


    What is "vehicle racks" ?

    A radio, usually long range, affixed to the vehicle.
    Like a long-range that can be used by the driver, or commander etc etc
    Saves units needing to hop into their vehicles with a long range radio in their backpack!

    • Like 1

  8. Really love the mod, the switch from TFAR to ACRE was almost seamless for my unit.
    It's nice having something we can almost literally plug-n-play, and from the standpoint of a mission maker, I've found it so much more user friendly to implement into missions.
    Plus, the new install method is like a dream come true.
    The only pitfall we've come across with the mod, is the lack of vehicle racks.
    I'm sure it's been requested again and again, though.
    Is there, or will there be, at any point even something like a script I can put into a vehicle's init field to simulate a rack?

    • Like 2

  9. 2 hours ago, AZCoder said:


    If you go into the config viewer, configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "RHS_C130J", there is some functionality listed under both Attributes and UserActions. I do single-player missions, so it's vital for me to go in here and find how to activate some of this stuff via scripting since I'm dealing with AI, not players.


    Hey, thanks! I was wondering this also.

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