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About dnai92

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    South Germany
  1. dnai92

    LOD Discussion

    Holy Moly, this is a huge visual improvement for the game! No ugly plopping objects or textures if you´re zoom in and out. With a SSD drive there is a little lag if you turn around and the textures are loading. But after this few seconds it run as smooth as before the update. In the worst case there are 2-3 FPS less. tested on Altis. I can play it with an FX-8350@4,3GHZ and a GTX970@1400MHZ on 4500m view distance and 2000m objects distance and setting between high and very high (Textures on ultra). Nice job BI :)
  2. dnai92

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    If I place a trigger, I can´t set any effekt. There are many options to choose but nothing is able to click.
  3. dnai92

    Eden Feature Requests

    What I want is an ai spawn module like the spawn module for the human player. Than you can add it to the sector control module and sync it to the sectors. The ai is able to spawn at the captured sectors for each side. If a sector ist lost, than human and ai cant spawn anymore at this sector and must choose another one, something like the conquest mode in BF2. I´m sure there is an way to script something like this, but i have searched the last days for hours and found nothing.... I am new at the forum, so I cant open a new thread in the scripting section. Cheers!