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About Sprysea

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  1. Sprysea

    co10 Escape

    It's not the revive system that's incompatible, its healing up with medikits and FAK's. There is a medical module, if I turn that one off, will it allow us to use the FAK's and medikits, but still have the shrapnel and the other stuff which comes with ace?
  2. Sprysea

    co10 Escape

    Is there a way to make Ace 3 more compatible? As of now, me and my buddies have to kill eachother and revive us again in order to heal up, while using the ace 3 mod. Is there a possibility where we could have ace 3 inplemented properly, meaning there is no NEED for medic kits or similar and only rely on the ace 3 elements, like the morphine and bandages. To be fair, the ace 3 mod makes this mission a 100 times more fun, and realistic considering there are e.g. shrapnel, bleedouts, passing out, etc. Adding an ace 3 option would be fantastic! :D