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About Vodkabear

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  1. Vodkabear

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Then there are some errors in your code, in your example last list item shouldnt end with ",", it should be nothing after last quotes symbol fof last list item. Read about json.
  2. Vodkabear

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    If I understood right which version do you have, then you should look into classnames_extensions.sqf, find vehicles section and make something like light_vehicles_overwrite = true; light_vehicles_extension = [ ["rhs_uaz_open_vdv", 0, 0, 3], ["rhs_tigr_sts_vdv", 0, 5, 5], ["rhs_gaz66o_vdv", 0, 0, 5], ["rhs_bmd4_vdv", 0, 35, 20], ["rhs_bmd4ma_vdv", 0, 40, 20], ["rhs_sprut_vdv", 0, 30, 15] ]; Surely you should use non-rhs classnames but vanilla or mod you are using. The three numbers are manpower, ammo, fuel costs.
  3. Vodkabear

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    A few more questions: 1. Can I delete/change Chimera base guardians( riflemans, pilots, officer) as they blufor and I've swapped side to opfor for player faction, so they shoot player if he spawns at chimera. 2. Can I delete all helis at Chimera but huron needed to transport first fob Asking in case if some scripts depends on them.
  4. Vodkabear

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Much thanks for "binarize" and entitiest count explanation, I'm already modified it with editor, modifying with values is needed for some scripting. Thanks, you really helped me.
  5. Vodkabear

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Yeah, thanks, I'm aware of such possability. Struck a few problems, though: after saving mission from editor mission.sqm changes it's format so it no more represented as readable JSON, and actually this is not a problem, as I just want to know if it possible to edit without ingame editor but way I'm described, I don't understand why it not working as it same thing editor do after saving file. Maybe some other files but mission.sqm need to be modified too?
  6. Vodkabear

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Can I add more markers simlpy by editing de-pboed mission for example comying something like class Item331 { position[]={16651.5,5.354355,20500.6}; name="military26"; text="Agia Base"; type="o_support"; colorName="ColorEAST"; }; changing Item331 to Item332, changing position, name to unique and text,then pbo files and play game? For now I cant see new marker in mission editor nor launched mission. Can it be done this way, if yes - what I'm missing then?
  7. Vodkabear

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hi everyone, have a few questions about porting rhs( yes, another wheel invention), I've read thread and actually done it's once before, but now I've troubled( or forgot, as 1 year passed) with few next things: 1. Planning to play as RHSAFRF against RHSUSAF, but afaik they treated as opfor, so I do have to swap West and East in gameplay constants? 2. If I'll do so, can I have RHSGREF as militia? They treated as independment in editor, but will they agressive to me after I'll swap sides? Should I left GRLIB_side_resistance = RESISTANCE; or change it? 3. I remember that on my first attempt when I've tried to change vehicles I've struck a few bugs, for example if I assign same unit for both friendlies and baddies - they shown on the map even if noone see them, same thing was when I've tried assign alread in use for friendlies/baddies vehicle for militia, can someone explane which restrictions putted on which vehicle from where should be assigned to whom to avaid such situations? 4. Same regarding militita - can they use same vehicles opfor/blufor already have assigned with no glitches like above? 5. Is it possible to make weapon purchashes cost something/make weapons inaccessible until something taken like bases for elite vehicles? Haven't found such feature, maybe there some script addon for it? 6. If I have sides swapped with gameplay constants then fields like "opfor_vehicles_overwrite" or "opfor_vehicles_extension" automatically accepts blufor vehicles with no any additional corrections required?
  8. Vodkabear

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hi all, I'm trying to make liberation work with RHS and can't find answer where sort of cfg file which should I change to replace vanilla units in buy menu and remove them from enemies. I've found actual script few pages ago, but have no idea what I should replace with it. I'm using ingame server hosting, not dedicated. Nevermind, found that I should de-pbo mission file.