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About Danny84

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I know how frustrating it is, I was having a problem with a status_access_violation error out of nowhere. Have been playing for around 1500hrs total and had no trouble at all so I have no idea where the errors pop up from. I also came here to find help to no avail, they either ignore it or brush it off. It would be nice to at least have a member of the team to respond but they rarely do by the looks of it. Fortunately I have had no more issues for the past couple of weeks, I have no idea how it goes from getting error every 20 mins of play to just fix itself out of nowhere. I hope I'm not cursing myself but it's been ok so far, you'll probably find out as time goes on it fixes itself like mine but I know it can be frustrating. I also don't have problems with other games, only Arma 3, always Arma so I know it's not my PC.
  2. Danny84

    Status_Access_Violation error

    This may be moved to the thread already made, just been reading through it but nothing that helped me really. Still getting the same problems.
  3. So I've been playing Arma 3 for awhile now and had no problems with it until today. I have been playing Wasteland server on Stratis map and after around 20 minutes I keep getting an error pop up and crashes saying Status_Access_violation and something about referenced memory at (numbers) the memory could not be read. Has anyone had this trouble and if so how can you fix it please? It is happening over and over again and i've had no problem, played around 1600hrs without this issue. I have 16mb memory so not sure if it's that. I've tried the cache thing in Steam to check the files and that doesn't fix it either so I'm not sure what it is. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
  4. Danny84

    VR Support?

    I also hope VR comes to Arma 3 although I must say I haven't tried VR yet but I would like to buy a headset in the future, it just costs so much money right now and my computer probably is borderline to handle it GTX970OC. A problem for the not seeing the keys on keyboard maybe they could add a button on headsets to bring up a very small screen for augmented reality to see where the keys are and they switch it off. I don't have to look at the keys, people should know where they are if they play regular. I understand there is obstacles to overcome though, think it will be at least 5 more years before we start seeing it in mainstream games, gained very little traction so far.
  5. Danny84


    So is that something that mission author can change to bring back those things on the map or is that impossible until Arma 3 bring an update or change it back? Thanks for the replies though.
  6. Danny84


    In King Of The Hill I usually pressed left ctrl + m to bring up the GPS on the right of the screen and it had all the enemies on it and AO. Ever since the update it is bringing up a GPS on the left that has no AO or my team mates on there, is this right? I asked over at Hostile Takeover servers but they seemed to think it was something to do with Arma 3 itself and advised me to post here. Can anyone tell me if this happens for everyone or maybe it's something in the settings.
  7. Danny84

    "3FPS Issue" - Call for Help

    I have been getting this issue for the past 2 weeks now, I feel sorry for the people who have had it for months but I had never heard of this problem until recently when it started to happen to me. It was only when I did a search and came across this thread that I realised many others are having this issue. Since I'm late to the show it would be pointless of me to follow the instruction from page 1 as it seems it does not work so I'm going to add what the trouble is that I have in game. I mainly only play King Of The Hill and Wasteland and I can tell you this bug doesn't happen with Wasteland for me, it always happens with King Of The Hill. When I get on a server I have no problems but it always starts around the 20 minute mark and then the game will stutter getting 4fps. I have tried to wait it out and sometimes it will pass and I think to myself "oh it's fixed" until I die and then click respawn then my game crashes altogether and I have to quit. This has been happening for the past 2 weeks on a daily basis and I have no idea what it is but I hope they fix it soon but looking at the length of time it has been going on I don't hold out much hope. It is getting to the point where it's unplayable, I mean it has got to the point for me where I just don't seem interested in playing King Of The Hill anymore because I know what is about to happen. Please fix this issue and do not release anything else until it is fixed.
  8. Danny84

    3 FPS Bug and Random Crashes

    I have been getting this issue for the past 2 weeks now, I feel sorry for the people who have had it for months but I had never heard of this problem until recently when it started to happen to me. It was only when I did a search and came across this thread that I realised many others are having this issue. Since I'm late to the show it would be pointless of me to follow the instruction from page 1 as it seems it does not work so I'm going to add what the trouble is that I have in game. I mainly only play King Of The Hill and Wasteland and I can tell you this bug doesn't happen with Wasteland for me, it always happens with King Of The Hill. When I get on a server I have no problems but it always starts around the 20 minute mark and then the game will stutter getting 4fps. I have tried to wait it out and sometimes it will pass and I think to myself "oh it's fixed" until I die and then click respawn then my game crashes altogether and I have to quit. This has been happening for the past 2 weeks on a daily basis and I have no idea what it is but I hope they fix it soon but looking at the length of time it has been going on I don't hold out much hope. It is very annoying and people are right, it is getting to the point where it's unplayable, I mean it has got to the point for me where I just don't seem interested in playing King Of The Hill anymore because I know what is about to happen. Please fix this issue and do not release anything else until it is fixed.
  9. I have been getting this issue for the past 2 weeks now, I feel sorry for the people who have had it for months but I had never heard of this problem until recently when it started to happen to me. It was only when I did a search and came across this thread that I realised many others are having this issue. Since I'm late to the show it would be pointless of me to follow the instruction from page 1 as it seems it does not work so I'm going to add what the trouble is that I have in game. I mainly only play King Of The Hill and Wasteland and I can tell you this bug doesn't happen with Wasteland for me, it always happens with King Of The Hill. When I get on a server I have no problems but it always starts around the 20 minute mark and then the game will stutter getting 4fps. I have tried to wait it out and sometimes it will pass and I think to myself "oh it's fixed" until I die and then click respawn then my game crashes altogether and I have to quit. This has been happening for the past 2 weeks on a daily basis and I have no idea what it is but I hope they fix it soon but looking at the length of time it has been going on I don't hold out much hope. It is very annoying and people are right, it is getting to the point where it's unplayable, I mean it has got to the point for me where I just don't seem interested in playing King Of The Hill anymore because I know what is about to happen. Please fix this issue and do not release anything else until it is fixed.
  10. Danny84

    HOJAM? (joystick+mouse)

    I bought a joystick thinking it would be better than the mouse but i've found out it isn't. I changed all the settings to what other people use for joystick but when it comes to the throttle it only goes up half way which means you can't use the increase/decrease properly. When are they going to fix this issue so we can use a joystick to it's maximum potential? So far I find it easier to use a mouse and keyboard than to use the joystick.
  11. Danny84

    Arma 3 flinching mechanics

    I hate how they jerk around when you kill them, can't they just stay still instead of jumping everywhere?