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About Mishkar

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  1. Mishkar

    NIArms Release Thread

    Anyone else getting an error message about a missing texture when opening the inventory with a MG3?
  2. Same problem for me, the containers are in the preset but I can only build the repair container for some reason.
  3. How about air droping an offroader? Doesnt look as stupid as the big truck coming from the sky. Or place an offroader next to the FOB box in the operations base so it can be air lifted like the box. Could even give it a crude retexture or use the FIA vehicle so it's not the civilian one.
  4. Anyone else getting the error "ace_sitting.pbo outdated" when trying to start any mission with ACE 3.8.0, ACEX 3.1.0 and CBA 3.1.1?
  5. Mishkar

    NIArms Release Thread

    Anyone else having "Error: creating weapon UGL_F with scope=private" in the main menu after starting the game with the MG3s and RHS?
  6. I have seen a few servers using the next dev version, is it downloadable freely somewhere so others can support with testing or is it only given to selected communities?
  7. Mishkar

    NIArms Release Thread

    What about the anti air sights on the MG3 the german armed forces are using, will there be a version with it? Havent seen any pictures of it so far.