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Everything posted by tenob

  1. Version v1.68.140940 addresses the issue
  2. Extdb3 does not work in linux after the update, I am using version 1027 of extdb3 and v1.68.140908 of arma3, someone with the same problem? Ps. With the previous version (v1.66.139586) worked normally
  3. Before I did not put the path to battleye on the command line. Put the beserver.cfg files and filters within the default directory that was: ... /server_root/battleye Now the default location is /battleye/launch. Putting the files in this directory everything works. Note: Specifying the path to the previous location in the command line did not work, but in other directories operate normally.
  4. PHP-CLI also does not work. Any others that use Linux with the same problem?
  5. -profiles this in my command line, but I noticed that even changing the name to another value (-name = test) the new profile is not created. When I moved my host did not change my panel configuration xml again and that it already contained a non-standard way of profiles, so that put the command line had no effect. I removed this setting my xml and left only on the command line. Now is working.​
  6. It did not work for me, Follow the following steps: - Linux Server - I changed my profile in: /home/profile/.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles / profile / profile.Arma3Profile - Putting only the text above - I changed my server.cfg to "Custom" - I started the server It did not work, I can not switch to third person