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About Major-Mayhem

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  1. Thanks for the Video Gunter, ~Salute~
  2. Major Mayhems Iron Front Server ip Port 2302 ***NOTE*** you must load a stock mission first do not load a major mayhem mission first or the server will crash Join Us on Steam for a Game https://steamcommunity.com/groups/IronReichCo-opGroup#members https://store.steampowered.com/app/91330/Iron_Front_Digital_War_Edition/ ~S~
  3. Join Ranks for the toughest Battle on the Iron Front in Major Mayhems Sturmtrooper Series - Recommended for all tankers and hardcore WWII fans alike - 01. Dusk To Dawn 02. Break The Line 03. Wrecking Crew 04. Longest Hour 05. Hornets Nest 06. Osowka Pass 07. Day Breakers 08. Pushing Iron 09. Wrecking Crew II 10. 13 Kilometers 11. Fields Of Glory 12. Northern Operations 13. Tigers Blood 14. Kings Reign 15. Eviction 16. Danger Close 17. Moon Over Staszow 18. Dead Man March 19. Red Rain 20. The Lost Patrol 21. Storm Front 22. The Rescue 23.Escalation >>>>DOWNLOAD<<<< although all the missions are co-op based with these and other commands you can also play out all these missions as a single player. Commanding your units one at a time or the whole squad together you have the option of jumping between units and can play as each unit with Unit switch Use the "T" key and select the unit of your choice from the list during the mission use the "U" Key and the "Y" key to jump back and fourth between units during the mission Use F1 through F12 keys to highlight each unit and give them commands such as highlight the unit for instance unit F2 and press 1 then 6 to have them stop highlight a unit and press 1 then 1 again to have them regroup and so on, press 7 then 8 to have them go prone press 7 then 7 again to have them crouch press 7 then 6 to have them stand press 7 then 2 to put them in danger mode highlight a unit and use your mouse cursor to point where you want a unit to move both in game and on the map. use the "~" key to highlight and command all the units at once Join Major Mayhems STEAM Co-op Group ~Salute~ Major Mayhem
  4. Thats excellent news dreadpilot, thank you for the link ~Salute~
  5. ~Salute~ looking for help converting murks AI spawn script to ArmA3 any help would be gretaly appreciated requires two files murks_spawn.sqf murks_spawn_loaded.sqf // File: murk_spawn.sqf // Function: to allow for simple trigger based spawning using editor placed units and waypoints. // The script deletes all units when the mission start and the recreate them on command. // The script also captures mission, so it can be loaded with murk_spawn_loaded.sqf. // Parameters: // _this select 0: OBJECT - unit name (this) // _this select 1: STRING - trigger name // _this select 2: STRING - spawn type ("once","repeated","wave" and "reset") // _this select 3 (optional): NUMBER - spawn lives (the amount of time the unit respawns, or wave number) // _this select 4 (optional): NUMBER - spawn delay // _this select 5 (optional): STRING - init string called for the leader of the group // _this select 6 (optional): NUMBER- will start removal sequence of all dead group members after X seconds (default 120) // === Usage: === // Example trigger: Anybody Once (or whatever you want), onActivation: catch_trigger = "triggername"; publicVariable "catch_trigger"; // Unit (leader of group): nul = [this,"triggername","SPAWNTYPE",LIVES,DELAY] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; // // Example: nul = [this,"triggername","once"] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit once based on the trigger // Example: nul = [this,"triggername","repeated",4,30] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit based on the trigger, then respawn it 4 times with a 30 second delay upon death // Example: nul = [this,"triggername","wave",5,60] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit once based on the trigger, then respawn the entire group (regardless of deaths) 5 times with 60 seconds between // Example: nul = [this,"triggername","reset",5] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; ---- Will spawn the editor unit once based on the trigger, then reset the trigger after a preset time (15 seconds default). The unit will be created when trigger is true again, maximum number of lives. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // V8 (ArmAIIholic) // - Waypoints are also remembered -- no dummy groups at all!!! // - You get the output on Clipboard you can paste and execute. Added loader for Clipboard missions. // V7 (ArmAIIholic) // - Added GameLogic center to reduce number of dummy groups at the beginning, and in modes repeated and reset // - Changed beginning scope to isServer, rather than using exitWith // - Shortened initializing trigger part in init.sqf // - Added original instructions and examples, adapted for v7 // - SQM is from v5 with some groups added // V6 - Dedicated to Xeno, for his advice // - Fix: Performance/effiency optimizations across the board // - Shortened parameters // - Improved group cleanup, units in groups are now always deleted so that the group can be deleted // - New type of unit cleanup, no longer spawns eventhandlers for each unit // - Better array usage, no more additions over multiple arrays // - Moved the internal turret crew function out // - Further attempt to make vehicle/infantry storage and recreation more similar in order to cut code // - Fix: Now supports mixed infantry and vehicle groups // V5 // - Change: Removed group and function scripts, everything done in a single file // - Change: Spawn trigger variable is now a setVariable of the trigger instead of a global variable // - Add: Option to enable removal of dead units, eventhandler attached to everyone spawning // - Fix: Should now work in multiplayer on a dedicated server (only tested on a local dedicated/join setup however) // - Fix: Performance issues with helos from V4 resolved // - Fix: Some minor bugs with the optional parameters // - Fix: Now properly support crews in turrets-on-turrets (had to bring in some BIS made functions) // V4 // - See older versions // This script is serverside if(isServer) then { // ------------------- Init ----------------------- // _countThis = count _this; // ---------------- Parameters -------------------- // _unit = _this select 0; _trigger = _this select 1; _spawntype = _this select 2; _spawnlives = if (_countThis >= 4) then { _this select 3; } else { 1 }; // Optional _spawndelay = if (_countThis >= 5) then { _this select 4; } else { 1 }; // Optional _initString = if (_countThis >= 6) then { _this select 5; } else { "" }; // Optional _bodyRemove = if (_countThis >= 7) then { _this select 6; } else { 120 }; // Optional // -- Delete the unit (this is always done ASAP) -- // _unitArray = []; _unitGroup = group _unit; _unitsInGroup = units _unitGroup; _unitCount = count _unitsInGroup; _unitsInGroupAdd = []; _side = side _unitGroup; while { _unitCount > 0 } do { // The currently worked on unit _unitsInGroup = units _unitGroup; _unit = _unitsInGroup select 0; _unitCount = count _unitsInGroup; // Check if its a vehicle if ( (vehicle _unit) isKindOf "LandVehicle" OR (vehicle _unit) isKindOf "Air") then { _vcl = vehicle _unit; if (!(_vcl in _unitsInGroupAdd) AND (typeOf _vcl != "")) then { _unitsIngroupAdd set [count _unitsInGroupAdd, _vcl]; _unitCrewArray = []; _crew = crew _vcl; { _unitCrewArray set [count _unitCrewArray, typeOf _x]; } forEach _crew; _unitInfoArray = [typeOf _vcl,getPos _vcl,getDir _vcl,vehicleVarName _vcl,skill _vcl,rank _vcl,weapons _vcl,magazines _vcl,_unitCrewArray]; _unitArray set [count _unitArray, _unitInfoArray]; deleteVehicle _vcl; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach _crew; }; } // Otherwise its infantry else { _unitInfoArray = [typeOf _unit,getPos _unit,getDir _unit,vehicleVarName _unit,skill _unit,rank _unit,weapons _unit,magazines _unit,[]]; _unitArray set [count _unitArray, _unitInfoArray]; deleteVehicle _unit; }; sleep 0.01; }; // Gathering waypoints _countWaypoints = 0; _waypointsArray = []; _waypointsEntry = []; _countWaypoints = count(waypoints _unitGroup); for [{_i=0}, {_i < _countWaypoints}, {_i=_i+1}] do { _waypointsEntry = []; _wPos = waypointPosition [_unitGroup, _i]; _wHPos = waypointHousePosition [_unitGroup, _i]; _wBih = waypointBehaviour [_unitGroup, _i]; _wCM = waypointCombatMode [_unitGroup, _i]; _wCR = waypointCompletionRadius [_unitGroup, _i]; _wDes = waypointDescription [_unitGroup, _i]; _wForm = waypointFormation [_unitGroup, _i]; _wScr = waypointScript [_unitGroup, _i]; _wShw = waypointShow [_unitGroup, _i]; _wSp = waypointSpeed [_unitGroup, _i]; _wSt = waypointStatements [_unitGroup, _i]; //diag_log _wSt; _wTo = waypointTimeout [_unitGroup, _i]; _wTy = waypointType [_unitGroup, _i]; _waypointsEntry = _waypointsEntry + [_wPos] + [_wHPos] + [_wBih] + [_wCM] + [_wCR] + [_wDes] + [_wForm] + [_wScr] + [_wShw] + [_wSp] + [_wSt] + [_wTo] + [_wTy]; _waypointsArray = _waypointsArray + [_waypointsEntry]; }; //diag_log format ["Waypoints' array : %1",_waypointsArray]; deleteGroup _unitGroup; // -------------- Record mission ------------------ // _gatherData = []; _gatherData = _gatherData + [_unitArray] + [_side] + [_waypointsArray] + [_trigger] + [_spawntype] + [_spawnlives] + [_spawndelay] + [_initString] + [_bodyRemove]; Mission_capture = Mission_capture + [_gatherData]; // ----------------- Functions -------------------- // // *WARNING* BIS FUNCTION RIPOFF - Taken from fn_returnConfigEntry as its needed for turrets and shortened a bit _fnc_returnConfigEntry = { private ["_config", "_entryName","_entry", "_value"]; _config = _this select 0; _entryName = _this select 1; _entry = _config >> _entryName; //If the entry is not found and we are not yet at the config root, explore the class' parent. if (((configName (_config >> _entryName)) == "") && (!((configName _config) in ["CfgVehicles", "CfgWeapons", ""]))) then { [inheritsFrom _config, _entryName] call _fnc_returnConfigEntry; } else { if (isNumber _entry) then { _value = getNumber _entry; } else { if (isText _entry) then { _value = getText _entry; }; }; }; //Make sure returning 'nil' works. if (isNil "_value") exitWith {nil}; _value; }; // *WARNING* BIS FUNCTION RIPOFF - Taken from fn_fnc_returnVehicleTurrets and shortened a bit _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets = { private ["_entry","_turrets", "_turretIndex"]; _entry = _this select 0; _turrets = []; _turretIndex = 0; //Explore all turrets and sub-turrets recursively. for "_i" from 0 to ((count _entry) - 1) do { private ["_subEntry"]; _subEntry = _entry select _i; if (isClass _subEntry) then { private ["_hasGunner"]; _hasGunner = [_subEntry, "hasGunner"] call _fnc_returnConfigEntry; //Make sure the entry was found. if (!(isNil "_hasGunner")) then { if (_hasGunner == 1) then { _turrets = _turrets + [_turretIndex]; //Include sub-turrets, if present. if (isClass (_subEntry >> "Turrets")) then { _turrets = _turrets + [[_subEntry >> "Turrets"] call _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets]; } else { _turrets = _turrets + [[]]; }; }; }; _turretIndex = _turretIndex + 1; }; }; _turrets; }; _fnc_moveInTurrets = { private ["_turrets","_path","_i"]; _turrets = _this select 0; _path = _this select 1; _currentCrewMember = _this select 2; _crew = _this select 3; _spawnUnit = _this select 4; _i = 0; while {_i < (count _turrets)} do { _turretIndex = _turrets select _i; _thisTurret = _path + [_turretIndex]; (_crew select _currentCrewMember) moveInTurret [_spawnUnit, _thisTurret]; _currentCrewMember = _currentCrewMember + 1; //Spawn units into subturrets. [_turrets select (_i + 1), _thisTurret, _currentCrewmember, _crew, _spawnUnit] call _fnc_moveInTurrets; _i = _i + 2; }; }; // This is the general cleanup function running in the background for the group, replaces the removebody eventhandler and delete group in V5 _fnc_cleanGroup = { _group = _this select 0; _unitsGroup = units _group; _sleep = _this select 1; // Hold until the entire group is dead while { ({alive _x} count _unitsGroup) > 0 } do { sleep 5; }; sleep _sleep; { _origPos = getPos _x; _z = _origPos select 2; _desiredPosZ = if ( (vehicle _x) iskindOf "Man") then { (_origPos select 2) - 0.5 } else { (_origPos select 2) - 3 }; if ( vehicle _x == _x ) then { _x enableSimulation false; while { _z > _desiredPosZ } do { _z = _z - 0.01; _x setPos [_origPos select 0, _origPos select 1, _z]; sleep 0.1; }; }; deleteVehicle _x; sleep 5; } forEach _unitsGroup; // Now we know that all units are deleted deleteGroup _group; }; _fnc_spawnUnit = { // We need to pass the old group so we can copy waypoints from it, the rest we already know _oldGroup = _this select 0; _newGroup = createGroup (_this select 1); _waypointsArray = _this select 2; // If the old group doesnt have any units in it its a spawned group rather than respawned if ( count (units _oldGroup) == 0) then { deleteGroup _oldGroup; }; { _spawnUnit = Object; _unitType = _x select 0; _unitPos = _x select 1; _unitDir = _x select 2; _unitName = _x select 3; _unitSkill = _x select 4; _unitRank = _x select 5; _unitWeapons = _x select 6; _unitMagazines = _x select 7; _unitCrew = _x select 8; // Check if the unit has a crew, if so we know its a vehicle if (count _unitCrew > 0) then { if (_unitPos select 2 >= 10) then { _spawnUnit = createVehicle [_unitType,_unitPos, [], 0, "FLY"]; _spawnUnit setVelocity [50 * (sin _unitDir), 50 * (cos _unitDir), 0]; } else { _spawnUnit = _unitType createVehicle _unitPos; }; // Create the entire crew _crew = []; { _unit = _newGroup createUnit [_x, getPos _spawnUnit, [], 0, "NONE"]; _crew set [count _crew, _unit]; } forEach _unitCrew; // We assume that all vehicles have a driver, the first one of the crew (_crew select 0) moveInDriver _spawnUnit; // Count the turrets and move the men inside _turrets = [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _unitType >> "turrets"] call _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets; [_turrets, [], 1, _crew, _spawnUnit] call _fnc_moveInTurrets; } // Otherwise its infantry else { _spawnUnit = _newGroup createUnit [_unitType,_unitPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; removeAllWeapons _spawnUnit; {_spawnUnit removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _spawnUnit; removeAllItems _spawnUnit; {_spawnUnit addMagazine _x} forEach _unitMagazines; {_spawnUnit addWeapon _x} forEach _unitWeapons; _spawnUnit selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _spawnUnit); }; // Set all the things common to the spawned unit _spawnUnit setDir _unitDir; _spawnUnit setSkill _unitSkill; _spawnUnit setUnitRank _unitRank; if (_spawntype == "once" OR _spawntype == "repeated") then { _spawnUnit setVehicleVarName _unitName; if (vehiclevarname _spawnUnit != "") then { _spawnUnit setVehicleInit format["%1=this;",_unitName]; processInitCommands; }; }; } forEach _unitArray; private ["_i"]; _i = 0; //Let's return them their waypoints { //diag_log format ["All data : %1",_x]; _wp = _newGroup addWaypoint [(_x select 0),0,_i]; [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointHousePosition (_x select 1); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointBehaviour (_x select 2); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointCombatMode (_x select 3); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointCompletionRadius (_x select 4); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointDescription (_x select 5); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointFormation (_x select 6); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointScript (_x select 7); [_newGroup, _i] showWaypoint (_x select 8); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointSpeed (_x select 9); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointStatements (_x select 10); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointTimeout (_x select 11); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointType (_x select 12); _i = _i + 1; } forEach _waypointsArray; // Setting the leaders init and the groups body removal time (vehicle (leader _newGroup)) setVehicleInit _initString; processInitCommands; // Run the cleanup function for this group [_newGroup, _bodyRemove] spawn _fnc_cleanGroup; // Have to return the new group _newGroup; }; //diag_log format ["Number of groups : %1",(count allGroups)]; // -------------- Waiting period ------------------ // waitUntil { _trigger == catch_trigger }; // --------------- Spawn Modes ------------------- // // REPEAT MODE, i.e. basic respawn based on lives if (_spawntype == "repeated") then { while { _spawnlives > 0 } do { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; _spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1; _unitsGroup = units _unitGroup; while { ({alive _x} count _unitsGroup) > 0 } do { sleep 2; }; sleep _spawndelay; }; }; // WAVE MODE, this is fairly simple, just sleep a while then respawn. Spawnlives in this case is number of waves if (_spawntype == "wave") then { while { _spawnlives > 0 } do { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; _spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1; sleep _spawndelay; }; }; // RESET MODE, sleep a while then set the variable to false (even if you set it like 50 times over). Spawn lives is used to tick how many times its possible to reset. if (_spawntype == "reset") then { while { _spawnlives > 0 } do { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; _spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1; sleep 15; catch_trigger = "none"; waitUntil {_trigger == catch_trigger}; }; }; // ONCE MODE if (_spawntype == "once") then { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; }; }; second file murks_spawn_loaded.sqf // Murklor script for loaded groups if(isServer) then { // ---------------- Parameters -------------------- // _unitArray = (_this select 0) select 0; _side = (_this select 0) select 1; //diag_log _side; _waypointsArray = (_this select 0) select 2; _trigger = (_this select 0) select 3; //diag_log _trigger; _spawntype = (_this select 0) select 4; //diag_log _spawntype; _spawnlives = (_this select 0) select 5; _spawndelay = (_this select 0) select 6; _initString = (_this select 0) select 7; _bodyRemove = (_this select 0) select 8; _unitGroup = ""; // ----------------- Functions -------------------- // // *WARNING* BIS FUNCTION RIPOFF - Taken from fn_returnConfigEntry as its needed for turrets and shortened a bit _fnc_returnConfigEntry = { private ["_config", "_entryName","_entry", "_value"]; _config = _this select 0; _entryName = _this select 1; _entry = _config >> _entryName; //If the entry is not found and we are not yet at the config root, explore the class' parent. if (((configName (_config >> _entryName)) == "") && (!((configName _config) in ["CfgVehicles", "CfgWeapons", ""]))) then { [inheritsFrom _config, _entryName] call _fnc_returnConfigEntry; } else { if (isNumber _entry) then { _value = getNumber _entry; } else { if (isText _entry) then { _value = getText _entry; }; }; }; //Make sure returning 'nil' works. if (isNil "_value") exitWith {nil}; _value; }; // *WARNING* BIS FUNCTION RIPOFF - Taken from fn_fnc_returnVehicleTurrets and shortened a bit _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets = { private ["_entry","_turrets", "_turretIndex"]; _entry = _this select 0; _turrets = []; _turretIndex = 0; //Explore all turrets and sub-turrets recursively. for "_i" from 0 to ((count _entry) - 1) do { private ["_subEntry"]; _subEntry = _entry select _i; if (isClass _subEntry) then { private ["_hasGunner"]; _hasGunner = [_subEntry, "hasGunner"] call _fnc_returnConfigEntry; //Make sure the entry was found. if (!(isNil "_hasGunner")) then { if (_hasGunner == 1) then { _turrets = _turrets + [_turretIndex]; //Include sub-turrets, if present. if (isClass (_subEntry >> "Turrets")) then { _turrets = _turrets + [[_subEntry >> "Turrets"] call _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets]; } else { _turrets = _turrets + [[]]; }; }; }; _turretIndex = _turretIndex + 1; }; }; _turrets; }; _fnc_moveInTurrets = { private ["_turrets","_path","_i"]; _turrets = _this select 0; _path = _this select 1; _currentCrewMember = _this select 2; _crew = _this select 3; _spawnUnit = _this select 4; _i = 0; while {_i < (count _turrets)} do { _turretIndex = _turrets select _i; _thisTurret = _path + [_turretIndex]; (_crew select _currentCrewMember) moveInTurret [_spawnUnit, _thisTurret]; _currentCrewMember = _currentCrewMember + 1; //Spawn units into subturrets. [_turrets select (_i + 1), _thisTurret, _currentCrewmember, _crew, _spawnUnit] call _fnc_moveInTurrets; _i = _i + 2; }; }; // This is the general cleanup function running in the background for the group, replaces the removebody eventhandler and delete group in V5 _fnc_cleanGroup = { _group = _this select 0; _unitsGroup = units _group; _sleep = _this select 1; // Hold until the entire group is dead while { ({alive _x} count _unitsGroup) > 0 } do { sleep 5; }; sleep _sleep; { _origPos = getPos _x; _z = _origPos select 2; _desiredPosZ = if ( (vehicle _x) iskindOf "Man") then { (_origPos select 2) - 0.5 } else { (_origPos select 2) - 3 }; if ( vehicle _x == _x ) then { _x enableSimulation false; while { _z > _desiredPosZ } do { _z = _z - 0.01; _x setPos [_origPos select 0, _origPos select 1, _z]; sleep 0.1; }; }; deleteVehicle _x; sleep 5; } forEach _unitsGroup; // Now we know that all units are deleted deleteGroup _group; }; _fnc_spawnUnit = { // We need to pass the old group so we can copy waypoints from it, the rest we already know _oldGroup = _this select 0; _newGroup = createGroup (_this select 1); _waypointsArray = _this select 2; // If the old group doesnt have any units in it its a spawned group rather than respawned if (typeName _oldGroup != "STRING") then { if ( count (units _oldGroup) == 0) then { deleteGroup _oldGroup; };}; { _spawnUnit = Object; _unitType = _x select 0; _unitPos = _x select 1; _unitDir = _x select 2; _unitName = _x select 3; _unitSkill = _x select 4; _unitRank = _x select 5; _unitWeapons = _x select 6; _unitMagazines = _x select 7; _unitCrew = _x select 8; // Check if the unit has a crew, if so we know its a vehicle if (count _unitCrew > 0) then { if (_unitPos select 2 >= 10) then { _spawnUnit = createVehicle [_unitType,_unitPos, [], 0, "FLY"]; _spawnUnit setVelocity [50 * (sin _unitDir), 50 * (cos _unitDir), 0]; } else { _spawnUnit = _unitType createVehicle _unitPos; }; // Create the entire crew _crew = []; { _unit = _newGroup createUnit [_x, getPos _spawnUnit, [], 0, "NONE"]; _crew set [count _crew, _unit]; } forEach _unitCrew; // We assume that all vehicles have a driver, the first one of the crew (_crew select 0) moveInDriver _spawnUnit; // Count the turrets and move the men inside _turrets = [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _unitType >> "turrets"] call _fnc_returnVehicleTurrets; [_turrets, [], 1, _crew, _spawnUnit] call _fnc_moveInTurrets; } // Otherwise its infantry else { _spawnUnit = _newGroup createUnit [_unitType,_unitPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; removeAllWeapons _spawnUnit; {_spawnUnit removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _spawnUnit; removeAllItems _spawnUnit; {_spawnUnit addMagazine _x} forEach _unitMagazines; {_spawnUnit addWeapon _x} forEach _unitWeapons; _spawnUnit selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _spawnUnit); }; // Set all the things common to the spawned unit _spawnUnit setDir _unitDir; _spawnUnit setSkill _unitSkill; _spawnUnit setUnitRank _unitRank; if (_spawntype == "once" OR _spawntype == "repeated") then { _spawnUnit setVehicleVarName _unitName; if (vehiclevarname _spawnUnit != "") then { _spawnUnit setVehicleInit format["%1=this;",_unitName]; processInitCommands; }; }; } forEach _unitArray; private ["_i"]; _i = 0; //Let's return them their waypoints { //diag_log format ["All data : %1",_x]; _wp = _newGroup addWaypoint [(_x select 0),0,_i]; [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointHousePosition (_x select 1); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointBehaviour (_x select 2); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointCombatMode (_x select 3); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointCompletionRadius (_x select 4); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointDescription (_x select 5); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointFormation (_x select 6); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointScript (_x select 7); [_newGroup, _i] showWaypoint (_x select 8); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointSpeed (_x select 9); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointStatements (_x select 10); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointTimeout (_x select 11); [_newGroup, _i] setWaypointType (_x select 12); _i = _i + 1; } forEach _waypointsArray; // Setting the leaders init and the groups body removal time (vehicle (leader _newGroup)) setVehicleInit _initString; processInitCommands; // Run the cleanup function for this group [_newGroup, _bodyRemove] spawn _fnc_cleanGroup; // Have to return the new group _newGroup; }; //diag_log format ["Number of groups : %1",(count allGroups)]; // -------------- Waiting period ------------------ // waitUntil { _trigger == catch_trigger }; // --------------- Spawn Modes ------------------- // // REPEAT MODE, i.e. basic respawn based on lives if (_spawntype == "repeated") then { while { _spawnlives > 0 } do { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; _spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1; _unitsGroup = units _unitGroup; while { ({alive _x} count _unitsGroup) > 0 } do { sleep 2; }; sleep _spawndelay; }; }; // WAVE MODE, this is fairly simple, just sleep a while then respawn. Spawnlives in this case is number of waves if (_spawntype == "wave") then { while { _spawnlives > 0 } do { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; _spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1; sleep _spawndelay; }; }; // RESET MODE, sleep a while then set the variable to false (even if you set it like 50 times over). Spawn lives is used to tick how many times its possible to reset. if (_spawntype == "reset") then { while { _spawnlives > 0 } do { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; _spawnLives = _spawnLives - 1; sleep 15; catch_trigger = "none"; waitUntil {_trigger == catch_trigger}; }; }; // ONCE MODE if (_spawntype == "once") then { _unitGroup = [_unitGroup,_side,_waypointsArray] call _fnc_spawnUnit; }; }; ~Salute~
  6. IFL44 Kelly's Heroes Mission Pack Join Pvt Kelly and his heroes as they cross enemy lines and fight there way to Clermont in this 10 mission IFL44 campaign to retrieve the Germans stockpile of gold. >>> Download <<< 1. The Capture 2. Interrogation 3. Supply Run 4. The Gauntlet 5. Surprise party 6. Our Hero 7. Bridge Assault 8. Road to Clermont 9. Tiger Town 10.Showdown Commanding your units one at a time or the whole squad together you have the option of jumping between units and can play as each unit with Unit switch Use the "T" key and select the unit of your choice from the list during the mission use the "U" Key and the "Y" key to jump back and fourth between units during the mission Use F1 through F12 keys to highlight each unit and give them commands such as highlight the unit for instance unit F2 and press 1 then 6 to have them stop highlight a unit and press 1 then 1 again to have them regroup and so on, press 7 then 8 to have them go prone press 7 then 7 again to have them crouch press 7 then 6 to have them stand press 7 then 2 to put them in danger mode highlight a unit and use your mouse cursor to point where you want a unit to move both in game and on the map. use the "~" key to highlight and command all the units at once although all the missions are co-op based with these and other commands you can also play out all these missions as a single player. the final mission can be played as TvT/Co-op or singleplayer Rowdy's server is hosting these missions and up and running 24/7 ip and Major Mayhem is hosting most weekend evenings 10pm EST ip join the battle. Kelly's Heroes " The Gauntlet Mission " Video ~Salute~
  7. Major-Mayhem

    Major Mayhem Co-op Missions

    New updated missions for IFA3 on the way ~S~
  8. Four years and we're still playing Regular IFL44 Co-op missions most weekends 10 EST Major Mayhems Server Join our Co-op Group today Major Mayhems Steam Co-op Group NEW Kelly's Heroes Mission Pack Available ~S~