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About Zerodoll

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  1. Zerodoll

    cheater or not?

    https://youtu.be/wPzbD5ljqDE?t=2m44s https://youtu.be/W9M8A7gMtKs?t=2m15s https://youtu.be/W9M8A7gMtKs?t=2m33s https://youtu.be/NNflpqeoqn4?t=20s https://youtu.be/NNflpqeoqn4?t=41s Every vbideo here is with the time stamp, and he had almost the same movement of a mouse. This pesron was caught using hacks by the administration of several different servers.. after comparisment of this two players, it looks the same.. P.S, I hope it doesn't take too much of your time, we just want to be sure, before we accuse a person.
  2. Zerodoll

    cheater or not?

    Perhaps, but how did he manage to move the gun to the left to exact the same distance?.. it just looks suspicious, that's why I would like to find out. Besides, this guy is playing on a moded server, where the rules are very strict about cheating, and the last thing this guy would want is to get caught. Perhaps his hack is specially made this way so that it will be less visible. That's why the person who posted this and I want to make sure that no hacks have been used.:)
  3. Zerodoll

    cheater or not?

    Please take a closer look at the first video, on 05 second, he aims at a person, and then his gun moves horizontally to the left, then stops and then returns it back.. the same happens on a second time code on 0:25 second. I was looking at it in a slow motion at a speed of 0,25, if you'll take a look perhaps you'll see that at the both timecodes, the gun moves exactly the same way and to the same distance horizontally. Usually.. because of the hitback the gun moves up and down.. but on a first video he begins to shoot, then his aim goes to the left.. returns on the same position and then starts moving up and down