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Everything posted by gokitty1199

  1. gokitty1199

    Counting when interacted with

    that i didnt think about, nice response
  2. gokitty1199

    Counting when interacted with

    if im understanding you right then this may be what you want it adds an addaction to the player that only shows up if the player is looking at a box, if he looks away or gets further away than 4 meters the the option disappear until the player goes back and looks at it. when the player clicks Found Box, it tallys up 1 box found for that player and no other player on the server can get the option to find that box boxesFound = 0; box1 setVariable ["isFound", false, true]; box2 setVariable ["isFound", false, true]; //do more of these for each box player addAction ["Found Box", { cursorTarget setVariable ["isFound", true, true]; boxesFound = boxesFound + 1; }, [], 6, true, true, "", "cursorTarget getVariable ['isFound', nil] isEqualTo false AND player distance cursorTarget < 4"]; result from clicking on 2 boxes(it sucks trying to make a gif with gyazo -_-) https://gyazo.com/3908068544e5239e0467dd41ecafae05 https://gyazo.com/49d73c9644a30874991b74e74407a960
  3. gokitty1199

    filtering stuff with config

    open up the config and double check that their vehicles still have the same scope/side values for filtering
  4. gokitty1199

    GF Ravage Status Bar script

    hmmm. member already defined, well gee golly i think it was defined twice then eh?
  5. i think your right on that. have a function on each client and just remoteExec the function to the players in the trigger
  6. your using publicVariable already, publicVariableServer runs only on the server. for example here if you have this variable event handler on the server "runThis" addPublicVariableEventHandler { (_this select 1) params ["_message"]; _message remoteExec ["hint", 0, true]; }; then you have this on someones client runThis = "This is my message"; publicVariableServer "runThis"; when the publicVariableServer runs, it sends This is my message to the publicVariableEVentHandler and then it hints This is my message to everyone on the server. for a video tut, go to tutorial 6
  7. whats inside of the public variable event handler for Civbar1? also if its for a waypoint, why dont you use publicVariableServer and put the event handler on the server. read on publicVariable, it sends on all clients. you only need it on the server https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/publicVariable
  8. welp, time to switch thank you
  9. when you host, your literally the server so you have access and can see everything going on. when you host dedicated then you are a client just like everybody else. what exactly is the issue your having though?
  10. this is just a whole mess of a script lol. the reason all players stand up is because its using player switchMove ""; so when it runs, it runs for ALL players on their own unit. he should of passed the unit the action was assigned to to the script such as _chair = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; [_unit, "Crew"], remoteExecCall ["MAC_fnc_switchMove", 0, false]; _unit setpos (getpos _chair); _unit setDir ((getDir _chair) - 180); _unit setpos [getpos _unit select 0, getpos _unit select 1,((getpos _unit select 2) +15002)];//tf is this for? _unit addaction ["<t color='#0099FF'>Stand Up</t>", { params ["_unit", "_caller", "_id"]; _unit removeAction _id; [_unit, ""] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0, false]; }];
  11. gokitty1199

    Making White-Listed Cops Only

    what Spatsiba said in this post just slightly modified to make it cleaner(imo). run from initPlayerLocal params ["_unit"]; waitUntil {!isNil _unit}; _whitelistedUID = ["3424324324324324", "3242343242342343", "4234234324324234"]; _whitelistedSlots = ["AlphaSL", "BravoSL", "CharlieSL"]; _uid = getPlayerUID _unit; _slot = vehiclevarname _unit; if ((_slot in _whitelistedSlots)&& !(_uid in _whitelistedUID)) then { failMission "End1"; };
  12. time to rewrite it then lol
  13. gokitty1199

    lock special keys

    what was the issue?
  14. gokitty1199

    lock special keys

    do you have your jump key set to user action 1?
  15. gokitty1199

    lock special keys

    while your player is outside of a trigger he will be able to jump freely like normal, when he goes in the trigger he will not be able to jump. run this off your initPlayerLocal somewhere player setVariable ["canJump", true]; waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", { _canJump = player getVariable ["canJump", true]; _done = false; if ((_this select 1) in actionKeys "User1" && !(_canJump)) then { _done = true; }; _done }]; and make a trigger covering the area that you do not want the player to be able to jump
  16. gokitty1199

    lock special keys

    but theres no jumping in the game period aside from scripts(someone correct me if im wrong)
  17. gokitty1199

    lock special keys

    i would need to see the script your using for the jump
  18. gokitty1199

    lock special keys

    just make a boolean variable in the condition for the jump script, if the player is outside the area then change the variable to true, if their inside the area you dont want them to jump change it to false.
  19. gokitty1199

    Saving with server

    if its after a server restart im 99% sure you need to use inidbi or extdb
  20. gokitty1199

    Saving with server

    are we talking about saving variables even after a server restart?
  21. so far i have a MySQL database setup(its empty atm) and im just trying to get arma 3 to be able to connect to it but it keeps returning [0, "Database Config Error"](im hinting this out) when i try to connect to it. I would prefer this to be one on one privately, once I get it working properly then i can go on my own without issue but I cant even get started. my steam is https://steamcommunity.com/id/19971997199719981997 if anyones willing to add me to talk about it. thank you.
  22. gokitty1199

    Saving with server

    to save anything to keep it persistent you need something like inidbi or extdb
  23. as of right now its just an issue connecting to the DB, it should be configured right but it aint wantin to work lol. im going to give it one more try tonight alongside code34's post and see if the luck changes, if not then you will be getting a friend request i will be checking it out tonight, thank you
  24. gokitty1199

    Target Identify

    yes. you could make a loop that increments a variable while looking at the target and slowly increases the alpha of the icon, and after the time is up have it check if the unit equals a name from a list of your choice. rangeLayer = "outputlyer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; xRangeL = 0.59 * safezoneW + safezoneX; yRangeL = 0.65 * safezoneH + safezoneY; onEachFrame { if (cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" AND !(side cursorTarget isEqualTo side player)) then { if (currentWeapon player == "Laserdesignator" && {cameraView == "Gunner"}) then { _pos = eyePos cursorTarget; drawIcon3D ["a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\radio_ca.paa", [0,1,0,0.5], ASLToAGL _pos, 0.7, 0.7, 0, "", 1, 0.05, "TahomaB"]; _str = format ["%1m", round (cursorTarget distance player)]; [_str, xRangeL, yRangeL, 0, 0, 0, rangeLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; }; }; };
  25. gokitty1199

    Target Identify

    change the image to one that more resembles that look your after and change the text to green result: script: rangeLayer = "outputlyer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; xRangeL = 0.59 * safezoneW + safezoneX; yRangeL = 0.65 * safezoneH + safezoneY; onEachFrame { if (cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" AND !(side cursorTarget isEqualTo side player)) then { _pos = eyePos cursorTarget; drawIcon3D ["a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\radio_ca.paa", [0,1,0,0.5], ASLToAGL _pos, 0.7, 0.7, 0, "", 1, 0.05, "TahomaB"]; if (cameraView isEqualTo "GUNNER") then { _str = format ["%1m", round (cursorTarget distance player)]; [_str, xRangeL, yRangeL, 0, 0, 0, rangeLayer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; }; }; };