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About Moltar

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  1. Moltar

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    I know you are working on this LJ, but I feel like we are going backwards with the GAU 8 cannons on the CAS. The gun just sounds so, well, weak when fired. Could we you maybe make it sound something like this (1:27) when fired? The GAU 8 is meant to be fired in bursts so Im not worried about the sound looping etc. The gun is also a bit quiet at the moment. In comparison to other JSRS releases, I think this releases GAU 8 sounds the weakest when looking back over the life cycle. The only other thing that I would maybe mention is that the 7.62 mini guns sound a bit weak in comparison to other mods that are out there. Everything else sounds great. Keep up the good work.