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About hadesdaman

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  1. Hey all, I'm trying to time people on a helicopter racing course between two triggers. This thread about halfway down is what I'm looking for, where jamesf1 posts a link to something that will allow multiple players on the course, but will display their separate times (along with their names) over hint or global chat on multiplayer as they finish. At the minute, I'm using this in the first trigger: startTime = time; And this in the second trigger: finishTime = time; timeTotal = finishTime - startTime; result = [timeTotal] call BIS_fnc_secondsToString; [{hint format ["Time: %1 seconds",result];},"BIS_fnc_spawn",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; Testing it in single player works fine, but on multiplayer it renders the result as 'any time'. Can anybody help?
  2. Just updated the above post with a link to the PBO I am using, if this can't be replicated on other servers then I'm guessing this means there is an issue with our servers?
  3. Hey everyone, been having an issue with players using Zeus. To clarify, this is NOT the Zeus 'slots', but infantry units who have the Game Master module assigned in order to use Zeus. On local, everything works fine. However, on our multiplayer servers, players need to be killed before being able to access the Zeus menu. I have narrowed the cause of the issue down to be the 'disabledAI = 1;' line in the description.ext file. If this is removed, then the players can access Zeus straight away without any problems. I have tried changing the method of disabling the AI to a line in the init.sqf, but it still returns the same problem. If the AI are disabled, then players need to die and respawn before being able to use the Zeus interface. Any ideas / suggestions? Getting really frustrating now... EDIT: Here is a link to the PBO I am using to test this issue, it only has the mission.sqm and description.ext files, no other scripts, and Zeus is just refusing to work unless you are killed first. When I remove the 'disabledAI = 1;' line from description.ext, it works fine.
  4. hadesdaman

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey guys, has anyone else had a bug where RHS units that are placed in Zeus have their clothes come off? So one minute I have placed what looks like a fully functional group of (for example) US soldiers, then I check back and half of them are just in underwear :/ My group uses several mods, notably ALiVE and ACE 3. We've had this problems with RHS units of all factions and dependent units, such as Leigh's Opfor pack. It happens on our multiplayer sessions.
  5. hadesdaman

    Terrorist Organization Black Order

    Many thanks! :)
  6. hadesdaman

    Terrorist Organization Black Order

    Hey guys, what is the Faction Classname for ALiVE please? Eg BLU_F is NATO.
  7. Hey all, does anybody happen to know exactly which maps are 'dependent' on each other? Our community is trying to reduce the size of our modpack as much as possible, and whilst the information for CUP says 'beware that there may be some cross-dependencies', I can't find any information on exactly which maps rely on each other. If we could get rid of some of the smaller ones, it would be a massive help to us!
  8. I hope we get an update soon, since Eden dropped I've had issues on multiplayer servers of 'Fire Artillery' not working altogether, 'Garrison' commands working briefly then the units reverting to their original positions, and more. Anyone else experiencing similar issues?