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That One Random Guy

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About That One Random Guy

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  1. That One Random Guy

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    ANOTHER Question that hopefully some one can answer: Is there a way you can have different colored EOS Map markers to represent which side controls which areas? (CSAT = Red, NATO = Blue, AAF = Green) To Elaborate: Obviously changing the colors of the markers on the 3D/2D Editor map won't change it, cause its a script; but is there a script code that makes the map marker names specific colors? ("GUERinf_5" = Green Marker, "EASTheav_11" = Red Marker, etc...) Thanks Mates! ;)
  2. That One Random Guy

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    For some reason in Multiplayer, when a player dies on my map; a cluster fuck of soldiers spawn at the corner of the map causing a HUGE amount of lag. Is there a way to fix this? ---EDIT--- Nevermind, I just had to disable AI's for the Player positions and it magically fixed itself