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Posts posted by WWThomahawkWW

  1. Hello!

    I had an error message saying "Process failed: Incorrect Parameter" while trying to upload my new scenario to the workshop...

    I have uploaded a lot of scenarios in the last few years... and unfortunately, this error is persistent and won't let me upload the new one.

    However, my mission is quite big, as its weight is about 450 MB. But I have already seen missions bigger than this on the workshop.

    Does someone have an idea on how I can fix this ? Or what can cause this error message ?


  2. Hello, 


    I know this is an old thread, but I need some help about those fire effects.

    I'm working on a night mission where there are a lot of those fire particles, but not at the same places. So what I'm looking for is to stop the script from working and reactivate it later on the mission to optimize the number of light possible in the player area in order to not have light issues.


    Unfortunately, I don't find any solutions to make it stop. Indeed, deleting the arrows, using the command "terminate" and even "enableSimulation" don't work at all.

    I would like to know if one of you know how to make it stop.


    So here is the script I use instead to spawn particles fire, which work properly:

    [] spawn
    sleep 0.01;
    _fn_createEffect =
    	//["[PARTICLE EFFECT CREATED]: %1",_this] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
    	_pos 	= _this select 0;
    	_effect = _this select 1;
    	_fire	= "";
    	_smoke	= "";
    	_light	= objNull;
    	_color		= [1,0.85,0.6];
    	_ambient	= [1,0.45,3];
    	_color		= [1,0.85,0.6];
    	_ambient	= [1,0.3,0];
    	switch (_effect) do
    		case "FIRE_SMALL":
    			_fire 	= "SmallDestructionFire";
    			_smoke 	= "SmallDestructionSmoke";
    		case "FIRE_MEDIUM":
    			_fire 	= "MediumDestructionFire";
    			_smoke 	= "MediumDestructionSmoke";
    			_brightness	= 1.0;
    			//_color	= [1,0.85,0.6];
    			//_ambient	= [1,0.3,0];
    			_intensity	= 400;
    			_attenuation	= [0,0,0,2];
    		case "FIRE_BIG":
    			_fire 	= "BigDestructionFire";
    			_smoke 	= "BigDestructionSmoke";
    			_brightness	= 1.0;
    			//_color	= [1,0.85,0.6];
    			//_ambient	= [1,0.45,3];
    			_intensity	= 1600;
    			_attenuation	= [0,0,0,1.6];
    		case "SMOKE_SMALL":
    			_smoke 	= "SmallDestructionSmoke";
    		case "SMOKE_MEDIUM":
    			_smoke 	= "MediumSmoke";
    		case "SMOKE_BIG":
    			_smoke 	= "BigDestructionSmoke";
    	if (_fire != "") then
    		_eFire = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos;
    		_eFire setParticleClass _fire;
    		_eFire setPosATL _pos;
    	if (_smoke != "") then
    		_eSmoke = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos;
    		_eSmoke setParticleClass _smoke;
    		_eSmoke setPosATL _pos;
    	//create lightsource
    	if (_effect in ["FIRE_BIG","FIRE_MEDIUM"]) then
    		_pos   = [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+1];
    		_light = createVehicle ["#lightpoint", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    		_light setPosATL _pos;
    		_light setLightBrightness _brightness;
    		_light setLightColor _color;
    		_light setLightAmbient _ambient;
    		_light setLightIntensity _intensity;
    		_light setLightAttenuation _attenuation;
    		_light setLightDayLight false;
    #define FIRE_SMALL	"Sign_Pointer_Yellow_F"
    #define FIRE_MEDIUM     "Sign_Arrow_Large_Cyan_F"
    #define FIRE_BIG        "Sign_Arrow_Large_Pink_F"
    #define SMOKE_SMALL     "Sign_Pointer_Green_F"
    #define SMOKE_MEDIUM    "Sign_Pointer_Blue_F"
    #define SMOKE_BIG	"Sign_Arrow_Large_Blue_F"
    	_helperClass 	= _x select 0;
    	_effectType 	= _x select 1;
    		[getPosATL _x,_effectType] call _fn_createEffect;
    	forEach (allMissionObjects _helperClass);


  3. Hello !

    I recently released a new singleplayer scenario called "The Bunker", where i added custom textures to uniforms on the player and some AI. It worked well when i made some tests from the editor, but since i released it on the workshop and tried it as a new subscriber from the main menu and not as the "developer" from the editor,

    the texture doesn't apply at all on the player, which is then the vanilla camo, but it works well on the AI...

    The original texture is in a PAA format, but i also tried the JPG version and it still doesn't work

    Here is the command i put on the player init: 

    kerry setObjectTexture [0, "urban.paa"];

    kerry is the name of the player unit.

    I saw many posts about similar problems for the multiplayer category, but didn't found anything for the singleplayer one... and i don't know at all what could cause this.

    If someone have a solution, i would really appreciate, as i'm a little embarrassed since i published it on the workshop recently.


    Thank you in advance for your answers

  4. @GEORGE FLOROS GR : So I didn’t find what I was looking for in your script - mod, but I did find some other nice things that might be useful 🙂


    @Joe98 : This smoke is pretty like the Conventional smokes that we can throw, that's great but i was looking for a bigger smoke. Thank you anyway!


    @Larrow, that command which spawn a "smokescreen" from armored vehicles looks particularly like what I was looking for, since the smoke is large enough to hide units or vehicles. Even if it's not fired from mortars or artillery, that would be fine.

    I just have now a question, do you know how i can end this script once it started?


    Thank you very much for your time and for your answers guys, i really appreciate !

    • Thanks 1

  5. 2 hours ago, wogz187 said:

    Try this in ON ACTIVATION field of your trigger,

    smoke = "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" createVehicle (getPos this);

    Have fun!


    It works, but unfortunately this one is the kind of smoke which come from a fire or from a destroyed vehicle.


    I may have misspoken, but I’m looking for smoke that is used to conceal units during an assault. This image may perhaps shed a little more light on what I am looking for.

    Smokescreen from tanks or armored vehicles can be similar. 




    I know there are munitions that work with createVehicle like :

    "M_PG_AT", "R_80mm_HE" or even "Bo_GBU12_LGB" etc.


    So i tried this command with the appropriate ammunition, but it doesn't work:

    bomb="8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke_white" createVehicle (getPos this); 


    • Like 1

  6. Hello !

    I was wondering if someone know how a simulate the explosion of a smoke shell from a trigger or even a mortar. 

    Conventional smokes are too small or even ineffective... I'm making several missions with Vanilla assets where this would be very useful, like a tank which just suddenly appears from the smoke, or even several huge smoke fired from mortars to allow some soldiers to advance covered etc.

    I have been looking for this command/script for some time but I haven't found any solution yet.


    Here is a command i tried but which doesn't work: 

    bomb="8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke_white" createVehicle (getPos this); 


    So if any of you have any ideas, don’t hesitate. 🙂
