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Everything posted by BL4DE

  1. 7 year old potato. 4GB RAM. Yes the same issue. In singleplayer it's more noticable because of smooth performance initially. I get about 30-50FPS in singleplayer until it starts stuttering in 1-5FPS zone and crashes or gets me killed. In multiplayer it's less noticable because of terrible server with million scripts and every weapon and item placed in. Not that many servers to play Apex Preview on. No custom memory allocators. As I said previously I believe it's caused by Windows swapping Page File for whatever reason which makes HDD 100% busy which in turn bottlenecks the entire system and game goes to 5FPS zone with low CPU GPU utilization. Atleast for me when stuttering is happening with 5FPS it's cause HDD is at 100% workload and then finally memory error crash Other people on the server also complain on the same exact issue and refer to it as 2FPS bug so I'm sure I'm not the only one getting this. Also before Apex preview the game was quite playable for longer periods with less memory crashes than now. It used to freeze up in slotting screen sometimes, sometimes in briefing etc but now it's constant and game breaking.
  2. BL4DE

    How much would you recommend the Apex Expansion?

    Worth the preorder price but wouldnt say the full price unless you are hardcore Arma player and your private server will most likely use it. Can't really rate the Apex yet as it hasn't been released and most of things might get fixed BUT as of this moment the Apex Preview quality is subpar imo. 1. The larger towns feel like holywood filming sets, they feel fake with no wear and tear and ofcourse unenterable buildings. They kinda feel like Arma 1 towns you know they just don't feel believable. 2. Apex weapon textures look bad some look like they came from Arma 2. 3. Apex weapon sounds feel weak but they might be placeholders. 4. Not as much new content compared to what Operation Arrowhead brought to the table. 5. Cheating AI is amplified on Tanoe. If you think fighting against AI was unfair in Chernarus vegetation then this is hell. Enganing AI in less than 50 meters is death sentence in Arma games which is what happens on Tanoe most of the time. 6. Cannot calibrate RPG-7 iron sight which makes it quite useless for players at medium-long ranges. 7. Not really a problem but map has less utility than Altis or Stratis for mission types. Think more Vietnam style missions dominated by infantry, helicopters and air in general. Also Main Battle Tanks have no way to cross the islands as they cannot get transported. For this reason I like Altis more cause it supports more mission types and has more varried topography. 8. Was expecting more famirial firearms and vehicles being used in current militaries. What's good about Apex: 1. Finally some ARs and AKs in vanilla :) Just hoping they improve texture and sound quality 2. Quite liking the vehicle loading into VTOLs mechanic. Now you can paradrop IFVs and other lighter vehicles without landing and hovering in combat zone. Eagerly waiting for modders to take advantage of this with Chinooks, C-130s etc. 3. Tanoe itself looks very nice and should be fun in TVT. I personally didn't have much fun in COOP against AI so far. 4. Overall some new engine based improvements This is just my opinion and it doesn't mean you shouldn't buy it. One man's masterpiece is another's garbage so take this post with a grain of salt. I'm simply a bit underwhelmed with current state of Apex Preview.
  3. I just hope they fix this soon cause the game became completely unplayable for me. Having a rock solid 20FPS would be a blessing right now lol
  4. BL4DE

    OFP: CWC Mission 1 remake

    I actually have Arma Cold War Assault right now on Steam. Lost them CDs for OFP many years ago. I would really recommend you get the game and inspect the .sqs yourself. Maybe some of the script would be compatible with Arma 3. I think A3 supports sqs that Cold War Crisis uses. It would definately help you to copy paste time of the year, weather, map markers etc to make the game feel the same as much as possible. Also it should be unarmed green Blackhawk with Fuel tanks at the beginning of the mission instead of Venom :)
  5. BL4DE

    OFP: CWC Mission 1 remake

    Looks very nice. Just wish you also remade the cutscenes from OFP when squad leader is briefing the squad by the forest. Also the iconic circling the town when the mission is completed. Also perhaps some filter could be applied to lose that saturation and lighting Arma 3 uses by default to bring as much of original feel as possible. Anyway nice work. I've been waiting for Cold War Rearmed 3 mod forever and looks like something similar is happening to Arma 3. Nostalgia finally getting satisfied so happy. Now to wait for original Units to be remade and all of the campaings CWC, Resistance and maybe Red Hammer :)
  6. I've been playing Apex preview for a few weeks. Ever since I started playing Apex it's unplayable as others have stated. Windows starts allocating page file, HDD usage goes up to 100% and game grinds to a halt. No matter what settings are being used. Textures and objects take forever to load in while HDD is swaping at 100% Even If I set everything to lowest setting. Textures, view distance and everything else to minimum it makes no difference in multiplayer. Even in the Editor HDD keeps spiking to 100% causing some stuttering. Windows partition is defragmented, and scanned. No other software running in the background at the time screenshots were taken. Not even antivirus. Just Steam, Arma, Nvidia drivers, Riva statictics and HW info (turning off OSD makes no difference). System uses 600MB RAM on cold boot with most services disabled. Also no mods were used just vanilla A3 If I disable Page File HDD usage stays normal but game crashes with the lovely: However If I leave Page File enabled this happens. Take a look at HDD usage compared to CPU and GPU usage. It gets a lot worse than this and game becomes a slideshow I don't understand how game is able to use over 6GB of Page File if its 32-bit process. But then again whenever Im playing Arma theres a system process using same or more memory than Arma which I assume is Page File swapping All of this leads me with 3 possible explanations 1. My HDD is dying and bottlenecking the system causing the freezing and stuttering hence I need SSD which will get killed anyway with all the writing to Page File 2. Apex is 64-bit hence I need more RAM 3. Some sort of memory leak But since many people have this it's some kind of memory leak still I dont understand how the 32-bit game is able to swap so much memory. I mean the Operating System with Steam running uses 700MB RAM. What could possibly make Windows use the Page File so heavily?
  7. BL4DE

    Tanoa Lite - a possibility or a total No-Go?

    For people who haven't bought APEX: 1. Simply enforce Tanoe texture quality and Apex clothing texture quality to very low just like Arma 2 FREE and Arma 2: Reinforcements (BAF/PMC) did. 2. Don't let them crew APEX vehicles just like Helicopters DLC does. 3. Give them annoying popups if they use APEX weapons just like Marksman DLC does. All systems are in place I don't see how this would be so time consuming for the devs
  8. BL4DE

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    It does make me angry that the engine is so limited and crappy in so many ways. Still the same OFP just with shiny graphics. Physics suck, colission sucks, one threaded performance sucks, still 32-bit program, action menu should die, interacting with objects sucks.....
  9. BL4DE

    Tanoa Lite - a possibility or a total No-Go?

    So did devs mention anything about this? How will Apex work if it won't be Standalone? It seems a lot like OA. New map, new weapons and vehicles, new campaign? I assumed they are taking same approach? Or will it act like an addon and won't let you join the server without @APEX ?
  10. BL4DE

    Tanoa Lite - a possibility or a total No-Go?

    I remember it diffrently with Takistan. It was quite a split Most of the custom islands are either ugly or unoptimised. It became clear to me that BI islands are better balanced between looks and performance. Then there are visual glitches, like messed up water. Super dark nights and glitchy illumination... Been playing on UO for a while. All the time something breaks. Each update half the missions on the server break. Either mod or game update causes this. Then after visual update again most night missions without nvgs got borked. Then ACRE keeps breaking. It's always something with the mods. The performance impact and breakage, regressions and so on. Not point of this Topic but still just saying that community maps aren't really any better than BIS maps. People tend to gravitate towards quality vanilla content especially maps over mod content but it sort of changed with A3 futuristic weapons and vehicles.
  11. BL4DE

    Tanoa Lite - a possibility or a total No-Go?

    I will buy Apex most likely and so will a lot of other people. I don't preorder out of principle :P But there should be lite version. So if people dont have the Apex let them play on the island. Dont let them use the Apex weapons or vehicles just like with Marksmen and Helicopter DLCs. Don't give them campaign. Just let them play on the new island with old assets on multiplayer. Otherwise you will split the multiplayer like it was in Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. Half the servers will run base Arma 3 the other half will include Tanoe. Also private servers which will run Tanoe will suffer lower player count cause not everyone might buy the Apex. The system is already in place with the way how the previous DLCs deal with this. Sure you could also only provide low res island thats also already in place. So all in all please make lite Apex or you will harm the multiplayer. Look how Tripwire Interactive dealt with this in Rising Storm expansion for Red Orchestra 2. They let people play only the rilfeman class but otherwise they had full acess to all the maps in multiplayer. Please stop saying EA does this or Activision does that.
  12. BL4DE

    Aiming Deadzone Bug

    Yes unfortunately aiming deadzone is now broken and there's no way to submit bug ticket since feedback tracker has been shut down. It's completely unplayable and I was forced not to use it since 1.56. Really annoying