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Everything posted by MasterPuffin

  1. This is a really simple script which reduces the ambient sounds. ******************************** Create a file called onPlayerRespawn.sqf (or use your existing one) and put the following code into it: soundlvl=1; Create a folder called scripts. Inside this folder create a file called earplugsPutIn.sqf and put the following code into it: if (soundlvl isEqualto 1) or (soundlvl isEqualto 3) then { soundlvl=2; hintSilent "Sound at 20%"; 2 fadeSound .20; waitUntil {soundlvl != 2} }; if (soundlvl isEqualto 2) then { soundlvl=3; hintSilent "Sound at 5%"; 2 fadeSound .05; waitUntil {soundlvl != 3} }; Inside the folder scripts create a file called earplugsTakeOut.sqf and put the following code into it: soundlvl=1; hintSilent "Removed earplugs"; 2 fadeSound 1; Using the script: You can either use addaction or a keyhandler to execute the script. Every time you execute earplugsPutIn.sqf it will toggle the noise level between 5% and 20%. When you execute earplugsTakeOut.sqf the sound will be set back to normal. If you have any questions or need help with your mission feel free to ask! Cheers Puffi
  2. MasterPuffin

    Recording Software

    Then there is something different wrong. When you use a bitrate above 50 mbps there shouldn't be any noticeable quality loss. What could be, is that your HDD is to slow. Do you own an SSD? If yes record to it instead and copy the files from time to time to your HDD.
  3. MasterPuffin

    Recording Software

    You can set the bitrate in your Shadowplay options. Normal YouTube 1080p bitrate is 12mbps. Just experiment a bit to find a good quality to file size ration.
  4. MasterPuffin

    Abort treating yourslf?

    I would like to see a more complex healing system in the vanilla Arma. Where you couldn't stop bandaging your arm, but could shoot a few rounds between bandaging your arm and bandaging your leg.
  5. I uploaded a version without errors to Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31459 Your bug is also fixed.