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Everything posted by jAMDup

  1. I've deciced on putting the "If" statement in the executed file, but I'm a little confused on the syntax. If (fired..) then{ // What do I use here to check the weapon? }; Sorry, I'm new to using EH. Thank you for the assistance so far.
  2. How do I implement the arguments though? Right now I have this: class Eventhandlers { init = "_ok = _this execVM '\ Init File Path'"; fired = "_ok = _this execVM '\main armament'"; }; Thank you!
  3. jAMDup

    Weird texture glitch

    No affect. Thanks though.
  4. Hey guys, below is a slightly modified config from the A3 Samples of a tank. But I want to remove the gunner, only allowing a driver and commander. On the model I have removed all the gunner associated groups, LODs and memory points. I've tried using "hasGunner = 0/false" and nothing. It's probably something really simple I'm just missing. Any ideas? Thanks #include "basicdefines_A3.hpp" /* Addon description */ class CfgPatches { // Avoid confusing users by keeping class name match the PBO name and path. class Test_Tank_01 { // List addons defining config classes you want to use, define new vehicles available in editor and weapon classes requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Armor_F_Beta"}; units[] = {"O_Test_Tank_01"}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; /* Factions */ class CfgFactionClasses { // Add new faction classes only if really required. class BIS_Tutorial { // Provide display name for your faction. displayName = "BIS Tutorial"; priority = 2; icon = "\A3\armor_f_gamma\MBT_02\Data\UI\map_MBT_02_ca.paa"; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { // Add new editor category classes only if really required. class BIS_Tutorial { // Provide display name for your editor category. displayName = "BIS Tutorial"; }; }; /* Vehicle classes */ class CfgVehicles { class LandVehicle; class Tank: LandVehicle { class NewTurret; class Sounds; class HitPoints; }; class Tank_F: Tank { class Turrets { class MainTurret:NewTurret { class Turrets { class CommanderOptics; }; }; }; class AnimationSources; class ViewPilot; class ViewOptics; class ViewCargo; class HeadLimits; class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHull; class HitEngine; class HitLTrack; class HitRTrack; }; class Sounds: Sounds { class Engine; class Movement; }; }; /* A3 DEFAULT INHERITANCE TREE END */ /* Base class */ // Include as many unique defines and classes common for all your vehicle classes as possible. class Test_Tank_01_base: Tank_F { // Basic defines: vehicle class in editor, name displayed, knowledge required to recognize this type of target accuracy = 0.3; faction="BLU_F"; hasDriver = true; hasGunner = false; hasCommander = true; acceleration = 12; maxSpeed = 70; // Model and look defines: paths to model, squad picture and map icon model = "\USACE\Test_Tank_01\Test_Tank_01.p3d"; picture = "\A3\armor_f_gamma\MBT_02\Data\UI\MBT_02_Base_ca.paa"; icon = "\A3\armor_f_gamma\MBT_02\Data\UI\map_MBT_02_ca.paa"; // #include "sounds.hpp" // not covered by this tutorial #include "physx.hpp" // AI references cost = 1500000; damageResistance = 0.02; crewVulnerable = false; // Damage setup armor = 500; armorStructural = 6; // Two hulls of same type should take same amount of damage. Use armorStructural to counter the effect of vehicle size on its armor. // Weak spots parameters // name: selection in HitPoints LOD - create selections first! // radius: radius of weak spot spheres generated around vertices in HitPoints LOD, tweak before armor // armor: multiplier of total vehicle armor required to destroy given component, tweak after radius // explosionShielding: multiplier of damage caused by explosive rounds, tweak after armor // minimalHit: minimum hit required to receive damage, tweak after explosionSielding // passThrough: how much damage is passed to total vehicle damage // visual: section in Resource LODs and CfgModels section of model.cfg // material: unneeded, leave at -1 // The values are sample. Every vehicle needs to be finetuned separately. memoryPointsGetInCommander = "pos_commander"; memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver"; memoryPointsGetInCommanderDir = "pos_commander_dir"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos_driver_dir"; class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHull: HitHull { // Handle internal damage armor=0.8; material=-1; name="telo"; visual="zbytek"; passThrough=1; minimalHit = 0.14; explosionShielding = 2.0; radius = 0.25; }; class HitEngine: HitEngine { armor=1; material=-1; name="motor"; passThrough=0.8; minimalHit = 0.24; explosionShielding = 1; radius = 0.33; }; class HitLTrack: HitLTrack { armor=0.5; material=-1; name="pas_L"; passThrough=0; minimalHit = 0.08; explosionShielding = 1.44; radius = 0.3; }; class HitRTrack: HitRTrack { armor=0.5; material=-1; name="pas_P"; passThrough=0; minimalHit = 0.08; explosionShielding = 1.44; radius = 0.3; }; }; class TurretBase { class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { // class Turrets: Turrets // { // class CommanderOptics: CommanderOptics // { body = "obsTurret"; gun = "obsGun"; animationSourceBody = "obsTurret"; animationSourceGun = "obsGun"; maxHorizontalRotSpeed = 1; maxVerticalRotSpeed = 1; stabilizedInAxes = StabilizedInAxesNone; soundServo[]= {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\armor\noises\servo_best", db-40, 1.0,50}; minElev = -05; maxElev = +60; initElev = 0; minTurn = -90; maxTurn = +360; initTurn = 0; commanding =1; gunnerName = "Test Commander"; primaryGunner = true; primaryObserver = true; memoryPointGun = "usti hlavne3"; gunBeg = "usti hlavne3"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne3"; weapons[] = {M2, SmokeLauncher}; // you may need different weapon class to provide firing effects emit from proper position. magazines[] = {SmokeLauncherMag, SmokeLauncherMag}; memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "commanderview"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "commanderview"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\Optics_Commander_02_F"; gunnerOutOpticsModel = ""; // leave "" to disable optics view gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {}; // post processing effets gunnerHasFlares = 1; class ViewOptics: ViewOptics { initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX=+30; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY=+100; // Field of view values: 1 = 120° initFov=0.155; minFov=0.034; maxFov=0.155; visionMode[] = {"Normal","TI"}; thermalMode[] = {0,1}; }; // Gunner operations gunnerAction = mbt2_slot2b_out; gunnerInAction = mbt2_slot2b_in; gunnerGetInAction = GetInHigh; gunnerGetOutAction = GetOutHigh; startEngine = 0; // Turning this turret should not turn engine on. viewGunnerInExternal = 1; // Needed to make gunner possible to be killed with penetrating rounds. outGunnerMayFire = 1; // Turn off to make player able to look around freely outside optics view. inGunnerMayFire = 1; // Turn off to make player able to look around freely outside optics view. class HitPoints { class HitTurret { armor = 0.3; material = -1; name = "vezVelitele"; visual="vezVelitele"; passThrough = 0; minimalHit = 0.03; explosionShielding = 0.6; radius = 0.25; }; class HitGun { armor = 0.3; material = -1; name = "zbranVelitele"; visual="zbranVelitele"; passThrough = 0; minimalHit = 0.03; explosionShielding = 0.6; radius = 0.25; }; }; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh3"; // }; //}; maxHorizontalRotSpeed = 0; maxVerticalRotSpeed = 0; minTurn = -0; maxTurn = +0 }; }; }; /* RETEXTURABILITY */ /* hiddenSelections[] ={"Camo1","Camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"A3\armor_f_gamma\MBT_01\Data\MBT_01_body_CO.paa","A3\armor_f_gamma\MBT_01\Data\MBT_01_tow_CO.paa"}; */ class AnimationSources : AnimationSources { class muzzle_rot_cannon {source = "ammorandom"; weapon = "cannon_120mm";}; class muzzle_rot_coax {source = "ammorandom"; weapon = "LMG_M200";}; class muzzle_rot_HMG {source = "ammorandom"; weapon = "HMG_NSVT";}; class recoil_source {source = "reload"; weapon = "cannon_120mm";}; }; // Damage textures - for sections: zbytek, vez, zbran, vezVelitele, zbranVelitele, class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = { "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_damage.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_destruct.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_body.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_body_damage.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_body_destruct.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_tracks.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_tracks_damage.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_tracks_destruct.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_turret.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_turret_damage.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_02\Data\MBT_02_turret_destruct.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_01\Data\MBT_01_scorcher.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_01\Data\MBT_01_scorcher_damage.rvmat", "A3\Armor_F_Gamma\MBT_01\Data\MBT_01_scorcher_destruct.rvmat" }; }; smokeLauncherGrenadeCount = 8; //Number of smoke shells launched at once smokeLauncherVelocity = 14; //Velocity which smoke shells are launched at smokeLauncherOnTurret = 1; //0 if smoke launchers are on hull, 1 if on turret smokeLauncherAngle = 120; //Angle within which smoke grenades are launched (actual spacing may end up smaller so use slighty higher number) class ViewOptics: ViewOptics { visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG"}; }; class Exhausts { class Exhaust1 { position = "exhaust"; direction = "exhaust_dir"; effect = "ExhaustEffectTankBack"; }; }; class Reflectors { class Left { color[] = {1900, 1300, 950}; ambient[] = {5,5,5}; position = "Light_L"; direction = "Light_L_end"; hitpoint = "Light_L"; selection = "Light_L"; size = 1; innerAngle = 100; outerAngle = 179; coneFadeCoef = 10; intensity = 1; //17.5 useFlare = 0; dayLight = 0; flareSize = 1.0; class Attenuation { start = 1.0; constant = 0; linear = 0; quadratic = 0.25; hardLimitStart = 30; hardLimitEnd = 60; }; }; class Right: Left { position = "Light_R"; direction = "Light_R_end"; hitpoint = "Light_R"; selection = "Light_R"; }; class Right2: Right { position = "light_R_flare"; useFlare = 1; }; class Left2: Left { position = "light_L_flare"; useFlare = 1; }; aggregateReflectors[] = {{"Left","Right","Left2","Right2"}}; }; }; /* Faction variants */ class O_Test_Tank_01_base: Test_Tank_01_base { model = "USACE\Test_Tank_01\Test_Tank_01.p3d"; displayName = "123"; accuracy = 0.5; side = 1; faction="BLU_F"; crew = "O_crew_F"; typicalCargo[] = {"O_crew_F"}; }; /* Public class */ class O_Test_Tank_01: O_Test_Tank_01_base { model = "USACE\Test_Tank_01\Test_Tank_01.p3d"; displayName = "M1 Test"; accuracy = 0.5; scope = 2; side = 1; faction="BLU_F"; crew = "O_crew_F"; }; };
  5. I'm making a vehicle, which realistically has two crew, a driver and commander. I want the commander to be able to switch between which turret he uses possibly by a scroll menu action. But I have no idea how this would work or if it's even possible. Thanks
  6. jAMDup

    Model is front heavy

    So after some testing, I've found that it was the visual LOD causing this problem. Thanks for all your help.
  7. jAMDup

    Model is front heavy

    Yeah it's been applied through Object Builder, I've even tried to make a counter weight, there was no difference.
  8. jAMDup

    Model is front heavy

    Yes, they've been placed correctly, and evenly, are there any vertex groups needed?
  9. jAMDup

    Model is front heavy

    There's a Land Contact LOD, but I'm not sure what you mean by "Assigned", sorry. Thanks for the quick reply.
  10. jAMDup

    Arma 3 Tutorial Request Thread

    A Youtuber called "GameDev Byrnes" is a really good source of information, it does take a week or so for each tutorial to come out, but it's worth the wait. He's also pretty active in the comment section, answering most of the viewers concerns/ questions.
  11. Bohemia made a "Publisher" program which creates a Bikey for you. I'm think that's what you're asking.
  12. Thanks for doing this, it'll really come in handy when I come to the animation side of my project.
  13. jAMDup

    Advanced Rappelling

    Wow! This looks great!