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Posts posted by pedeathtrian

  1. Do we have a command or function to get maximum limit of view distance we can set with setViewDistance?

    Different numbers appear in comments (10 km, 15 km), also, in ports this distance is decreased, AFAIK, to 6 km (?).

    I can use the (productVersion select 6) to get the platform, but then what values do I use?

    If somebody gives me values and says they're not the subject to change, that'd be fine too.


    Why these values? According to BISim::setFog they affect the view distance limitation made by fog. I experimented with different view distance and fog settings and got somewhat similar (exponential downfall) character of view distance dependency on fog value (same rules might apply in BISim and Arma). However, view distance set by setViewDistance does not have any influence on fog effect and only works as cut-off. Thus I need the limit(s).


  2. 8 hours ago, Tankbuster said:


    if (_defdvar1 and {_maybeundef1}) then {do stuff}

    Will this break if _defdvar is false and _maybeundef1 is undefined?

    Undefined variable in code clock does not cause error, it cause return of nil. Which in turn causes if to stop evaluating condition and neither then-statement nor else-statement is executed.

    Code blocks can't be the first in if condition though and must evaluate to boolean type or nil; nil or boolean value can be placed the last to ensure that.

    So you can get this combination working if maybeundef1 and maybeundef2 represent boolean types if defined:

    if (true && {maybeundef1} && {maybeundef2} && {some code returning nil or boolean} && {finally do some stuff; nil});


  3. Update.


    In short: Beer-Lambert part in my previous post incomplete, code DOES NOT work properly.
    I conducted some experiments: measures aimed at determining u constant.
    I set up uniform attenuation with zero fogDecay and different fogValues, then measured critical distance at which the same object switches from almost to completely invisible, assuming approximately equal amount of optical depth (LGXrW2X.png) reached for all cases. LGXrW2X.png should be somewhere close to 5 (the 6qXg7o7.png rule): NrBhX0G.png. That (assuming u is const too) should have given me 1Ge96nI.png, but it hadn't, that is, to my surprise and disappointment, even for uniform fog, transmittance DOES NOT conform to Jk1vgUF.png.
    should still stand true, but tau is clearly more complex than I thought before. Most likely it has form
    where ds9e0Us.png is optical depth calculated by code from my previous post, u and v are unknown functions on variables: z coordinates of points, fogValue, fogDecay, fogBase (and maybe more). v most likely adds or substracts, since one does not simply multiply on already logarithmic value. Not more than one function of u and v can be const.
    I have no ways even to tabulate those functions separately, not saying to find their equations. There should be some physical processes simulated by Arma other than absorption which (probably) covered by ds9e0Us.png.


    Any thoughts? =)

    • Like 1

  4. Fog explained



    According to setFog description,


    A little information about how Alt Syntax works. The fogValue is normal fog value that could be set independently with original setFog command. fogBase is the ASL altitude at which the fog will start. 0 is the sea level. fogDecay is how defined the fog start is. The more defined, the denser is the fog. 1 (or -1) are the max values. If it is positive the fog will be generated below fogBase line, if negative, above it. If fogDecay is small, the fog will transition more smoothly from no fog to full fog, and because of that it will cross fogBase line by quite a lot, depending on how small is fogDecay value

    That really sounds like description of exponential function. So that for any point current effective fog value can be calculated as


    or sqf equivalent

    effectiveFog = {
    	private _z = param [0, 0, [0]];
    	fogParams params ["_fogValue", "_fogDecay", "_fogBase"];
    	_fogValue * exp ( - _fogDecay * (_z - _fogBase))

    Sample graphs plotted for different fogDecay parameter:



    X axis is ASL position to where we calculate fog real effective value.
    Y axis is calculated fog effective value.
    All graphs plotted for _fogValue = 1 and _fogBase = 20.
    _fogDecay values are as follows:
    Red solid graph: 0.95
    Cyan solid graph: 0.05
    Dash graphs are their negative counterparts:
    Red dash graph: -0.95
    Cyan dash graph: -0.05
    When _fogDecay is zero, function degenerates to _fogValue constant (green line).
    Blue line represents _fogBase (added for clearness).
    Notice how exponential functions can easily reach enormous values of fog coefficient (below base for positive decay, above for negative), you can only use 0..1 values for fogValue though.
    Try  0 setFog [0.01,1,(eyePos player select 2) + 10]. Base is only 10 meters above your head; fog is only 0.01 (!) and you're in total milk. You will see your rifle though, and maybe your boots.


    How does it look:


    After getting several meters uphill:


    0 setFog [1,0,0] for unit-density fog for reference.


    Consider the magic number DFuwji2.png. It diminishes its coefficient (if any) by nearly 148 times. This is good to know when you're setting your fog decay range. For example you need the fog strip to go from fully dense fog to nothing in exactly 100m. Then your fogDecay is 5/100 = 0.05. For 20m it is 5/20 = 0.25. 20 meters of fog on the water is set by passing parameters [1, 0.25, 0] to setFog. Having maximum of fogDecay of 1.0 we have 5/1.0 = 5 m -- the thinnest gradient strip one can set. If you need 20m of fog on the water that looks really dense set the 5m strip with base of 15 m above water: [1, 1, 15].
    Having other branch of exponenta going fast to huge numbers, this side seems to be under more control.


    Ok, now when the real effective fog value is known, how do we know if it's foggy enough for AI to not see target?
    Seems like Arma 3 simulates Beer–Lambert law. With attenuation coefficient being equal to fog value or to fog value multiplied by constant coefficient. At least zero fog corresponds to zero attenuation coefficient and the correlation is positive (bigger fog values cause more attenuation, just like bigger attenuation coeff.)

    Given two points in space with ASL levels of z0 and z1 and 3d-distance l (small latin letter L, sorry if reads bad), we want to calculate light transmittance (T) of the fog between those points taking into account effect of fog with variable density.


    To avoid confusion of mu's z argument (path length of the beam) with z coordinate in Arma, I rewrite it with argument t.
    To get values of attenuation coefficient mu on beam's (0..l) we can map t values to corresponding values of z coordinate in range:


    where u is unknown unitless positive constant tieing fog value in Arma to attenuation coefficient (u might be 1 as well), and c and d — constants.




    in which form it can already be calculated (in terms of u) or can have variables substituted back:



    Some considerations:
    -- linear dependency on l (seems natural): the longer distance the worse will be visibility;
    -- l must not be zero if used for c constant (obviously for zero distance there's no attenuation), latest formula is actually ok with zero beam path;
    -- linear dependency on fogValue (seems natural): the more dense fog the worse will be visibility;
    -- fogDecay must not be zero to be used in these formulas: zeroes denominator (actually limit of dividing it with rightmost exp exist and equals 1); anyway, zero fogDecay is special case of uniform attenuation. No need to integrate anything, tau is just linear on beam path, so the following expression can be used:
    -- for z1 == z0 (zeroes denominator) we again have uniform attenuation along the beam path (points with same level ASL).
    -- tau >= 0, so that 0<T<=1: T makes good equivalent for some form of "visibility in fog" where 1 is fully visible and 0 is not visible;
    -- transmittance T is exponent of -tau, and since exponent is monotonically growing on all its domain, to compare transmittances we can actually compare tau values: the greater tau, the lesser transmittance, and vice versa. Greater transmittance means better visibility; lesser tau means greater visibility. For single threshold T we can have single threshold tau. To convert threshold "visibility" T to threshold tau use this expression: fHR00Ws.png.

    I'm not sure u might be or not be 1, so this formula is out of use for the time.




            Author: pedeathtrian
            Returns optical depth between two points
            See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer%E2%80%93Lambert_law
            0: POSITION
            1: POSITION
                    (positions are in ASL format)
    // takes two positions in ASL format;
    params [["_pos0", [0,0,0], [[]], 3], ["_pos1", [0,0,0], [[]], 3]];
    private _z0 = _pos0 param [2, 0, [0]];
    private _z1 = _pos1 param [2, 0, [0]];
    private _l = _pos0 distance _pos1;
    fogParams params ["_fogValue", "_fogDecay", "_fogBase"];
    _fogValue = _fogValue min 1.0;
    _fogValue = _fogValue max 0.0;
    _fogDecay = _fogDecay min 1.0;
    _fogDecay = _fogDecay max -1.0;
    _fogBase = _fogBase min 5000;
    _fogBase = _fogBase max -5000;
    private _dz = _z1 - _z0;
    if (_dz ==0 || _fogDecay == 0) then {
            // covers _l == 0 too
            _fogValue * _l
    } else {
            private _cl = -_fogDecay * _dz;
            private _d = -_fogDecay * (_z0 - _fogBase);
            // lim [(exp(x)-1) / x] = 1 as x->0
            if (abs(_cl) > 1e-4) then {
                    _l * _fogValue * exp(_d) * ( exp (_cl) - 1.0) / _cl;
            } else {
                    _l * _fogValue * exp(_d)

    What have to be done now is determining suitable threshold value which is by your taste is acceptable for AI to "see" the target.
    Create some foggy setting and notice the returned value of function when you think AI should notice target. Write it to mission data, compare to that value. Better skilled AI might have slightly greater threshold for tau.






    Test mission.


    Any questions? =)

    • Like 3

  5. 1 hour ago, Preisschild said:

    I play like 30-35 minutes and i get my first crash. After i restart the game i can play 10-15 minutes and it crashes again, after I restart it i can't even join the server (means im in the server browser) and it crashes again and then when i start it again i get instant after starting it on steam a crash. Then I must restart my computer that i can play again (maybe because of deleting temp files)

    Crash-Reporter: http://pastebin.com/JKbHJ74L

    I saw your post about this problem in another thread too, but since it is not related to that problem I will respond here.

    At first, lines 418-419 of your log are just warnings, notice the W letter: thread 00000004][W][38551]; errors are marked with 'E'. 'I' stands for info.

    However, error messages are not quite informative too, since they most likely show errors that happen when things have gone pretty bad already.

    Notice also (line 404) temporary directory 'C:\tmp\arma3z8I967\' mentioned in your log, which is most likely corresponds to '/tmp/arma3z8I967/' on your system. After every Arma3 crash instance of similar temp directory remains in your /tmp and occupies space here, hence you have less and less time Arma 3 working on every next run. Remove those dirs and you will at least have every crash to be 'first crash' after 30-35 minutes with no need to reboot system.

    I can't help other than that, but you can also check this feedback tracker howto: search for relevant issues and create a new ticket if not present. Don't forget to attach memory dumps along with RPT log, that might help (check the howto entry 'How to report Game Crash' on this part).

  6. Just finished performing these steps again (after switching from legacyports to main branch):

    1. Cleaning download cache in Steam
    2. Manually deleting Steam's depotcache directory contents.

    3. Downloading 4.8 GiB from main branch

    4. Checking files' validity (just in case)
    NO full reinstall of Arma 3 this time, sorry (I don't have time for this shit)

    5. Bad version 72 in p3d file 'a3\vegetation_f_exp\clutter\grass\c_grassbunch_hi.p3d'


    Nothing changed. I mean not a single bit (I still have list of shasums from the time of my previous post, Jan 2nd; all sums identical, now and then).

    I don't know what BIS fixed in ports version, it's not in my Steam copy of Arma 3.

  7. 1 hour ago, Simon Eff said:

    Landing the su-25 for me seems really hard.

    Yep, landing Su-25 is challenging.

    Its landing speed is 210 kmph, make sure you're close. The closer the better. Watch your vertical speed too. Flaps full down for more lift on low speed. Mind the ground effect (more lift near the ground).

    When you're on the ground, notice the angle your aim makes with the horizon. That means when you aim the horizon on landing, your nose is significantly pitched down. Crash guaranteed. Ideally land on three points, or at least on the back two with lower vertical speed.


    If you were counting for all of the above you'd have at least 5 of 10 landings done without damage.

    However, I'd say problem exists. Even landing autopilot 9/10 takes damage on soil airstrips. Not much though, usually couple of percents.

    • Like 1

  8. 22 minutes ago, Sniperwolf572 said:

    Pros: Fast if there are good seeders, no cost to RHS
    Cons: No partial downloads (bad if you've got shitty internet plan), slow if there are bad seeders


    18 minutes ago, J.ONeill said:

    Actually, for Torrents, full downloads aren't a con. As long as the mod retains the same structure, you can point a torrent at an already existing directory, and it will scan that directory and download/replace anything that has changed. Same as workshop, same as RHS updater. Partial downloads are entirely possible.


    Edit: At least, it has always worked like this for me with uTorrent. Maybe other torrent clients are different.


    5 minutes ago, Sniperwolf572 said:

    If you want to use your torrent client in ways that it was not intended to be used and it works for you, that's your risk to take, but I wouldn't trust it. Chances are, you're going to download more depending on the chunk size.


    These actual .torrent files we use right now provided by PuFu are made from mod directory, so yeah, partial download is possible. Rehash on update is one of intended BT uses. BT also guarantees bitwise identity of data when finished. So no risk unless you accidentally mess with destination directory and overwrite old one which is still in use.

    In case of RHS 0.4.2 you could get this numbers just by rehashing directories: 724.0 / 4088.8 for @RHSAFRF and 648.0 / 3935.7 for @RHSUSAF. Not that much as if with delta patching (which is indeed the most effective way) but still something.

    • Like 1

  9. First, thank you all RHS Team and all involved community members for your hard work bringing the best Arma 3 mods out there.


    Second. Please, consider continuing of using BitTorrent as distribution platform.


    I don't run my client 24/7, still I got almost one hundred people silently thanking you for using BT as one of ditribution form. BT will stay the most convenient way of getting your mods for many people (incl. me). Please, don't abandon them.


    Thank you!

    • Like 2

  10. What I've tried so far with main branch:

    1. Cleaning download cache in Steam

    2. Manually deleting Steam's depotcache directory contents.

    3. Full reinstall of Arma 3 (with above steps performed too)

    Nothing helped, I was still getting bad version 72 error, until switched to legacyports branch.


    So I decided to find the difference between those branches. Here are lists of shasums of differing files:



    		dc757ad43b28d804cc6e35e5dfa8f90f33668f8e  ./Bonus/Soundtrack/Helicopters/01_This_Is_War_(Heli_Remix).flac
    		d4b7ef8e363a2c3dc8c15330ea04e1a49f885da2  ./Bonus/Soundtrack/Helicopters/01_This_Is_War_(Heli_Remix).mp3
    		56d70f4a694dc9487503e5b2e7cde298c3bf7940  ./Bonus/Soundtrack/Win/11_Unforseen_Prediction.flac
    		ddb019c95c7bed12cb8c98e32cd57d510a12032c  ./Bonus/Soundtrack/Win/11_Unforseen_Prediction.mp3
    		9e0ef509c76dad94e62db0d369a2081df9a99e7f  ./Expansion/Addons/map_data_exp.ebo
    		559c823638ddf4be6a5d80ada142bda73294b194  ./Expansion/Addons/map_data_exp.ebo.a3.bisign
    		86ff1f5e678625a11d7c3dee7518211391d87719  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoabuka_data.ebo
    		51d823764c51ff4d4a542e568de2c530f02247db  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoabuka_data.ebo.a3.bisign
    		72670ffed4ccd1cfdf40d5fbd741bd2f8f82358a  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoabuka.ebo
    		c4ff8578d24c6385266bac09dcd38ef4a8d06501  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoabuka.ebo.a3.bisign
    		248458dc8327d4607af3d8296e6c9efd452dc171  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoa_scenes_f.ebo
    		f70c7f65a4c649edfa7b8c91ca8f619dd5935264  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoa_scenes_f.ebo.a3.bisign
    		e67859098a37c1910e6194f4400c95fdcbf5eb1f  ./Expansion/Addons/rocks_f_exp.ebo
    		ff193d428236e665c0a6a3e0120cd38a1fbc5812  ./Expansion/Addons/rocks_f_exp.ebo.a3.bisign
    		de7d52786b5e4efbccf88cc29cc0c1320df4e84e  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_civilian.ebo
    		224b6863a66508cb01f5dda2089a1a8fdfc643a4  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_civilian.ebo.a3.bisign
    		e2cfbd7a9795411b2de05e8c1520c2054785444d  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_commercial.ebo
    		b2056b448dd722b6c5d500ca6fe6fc0c1b9a0f2b  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_commercial.ebo.a3.bisign
    		caf55003924269dfe60571ac19fe0c519243b1ce  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_cultural.ebo
    		ef064bcb7eb03353aa54ad1bcfeea1c96334aafc  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_cultural.ebo.a3.bisign
    		66604f438b9771655495c0c9ab00c9306f1d9224  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_data.ebo
    		be85b0705b7402bd457ef719f6ae3a0d70b9f4a9  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_data.ebo.a3.bisign
    		a721b03ad864fafe876482bf04f8c63a45f0ba8c  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp.ebo
    		b4ed5b3cd13965238edc9883de80d98c10fd755e  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp.ebo.a3.bisign
    		9d1a71b502ec5bfd02ac76b209c6f14ebf2acfab  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_industrial.ebo
    		c2cca2e30c7a3be010265e840f8bfc352448bf84  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_industrial.ebo.a3.bisign
    		c506c275942677b8f623045e9f438c741566f5ee  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_infrastructure.ebo
    		5f0bb1d265a189897acbf5ee71ae4b8ba21c1539  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_infrastructure.ebo.a3.bisign
    		f1a1992bee936b1eae89ce6bc1fef8a32f3e94dc  ./Expansion/Addons/vegetation_f_exp.ebo
    		27d1ce4f7a5ed3af2681d697701ce5453da31959  ./Expansion/Addons/vegetation_f_exp.ebo.a3.bisign


    main branch:


    		f91731d8fd37df16532c70131c78c238adcadd6f  ./Bonus/Soundtrack/Helicopters/01_This_Is_War_(Helicopters_Remix).flac
    		22b02635a15081c2f1a8270290ff3cb5da8f00cf  ./Bonus/Soundtrack/Helicopters/01_This_Is_War_(Helicopters_Remix).mp3
    		56d70f4a694dc9487503e5b2e7cde298c3bf7940  ./Bonus/Soundtrack/Win/11_Unforeseen_Perdition.flac
    		ddb019c95c7bed12cb8c98e32cd57d510a12032c  ./Bonus/Soundtrack/Win/11_Unforeseen_Perdition.mp3
    		e4befd48a5493dd8d30c37c237ac5d623865744a  ./Expansion/Addons/map_data_exp.ebo
    		60ec4e8e372403f5fd73be093c01560e9279cfc3  ./Expansion/Addons/map_data_exp.ebo.a3.bisign
    		7afffe6ed64d7d5449f7e72001f901aa6266278e  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoabuka_data.ebo
    		0dd0bdc9ab9081ace845bd7522f76e48a2cb63e1  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoabuka_data.ebo.a3.bisign
    		3d49710accca01d59cc313e9cc2cd000cce770e5  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoabuka.ebo
    		12cf029452c1bb306b4a6d3398f83a52d1610646  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoabuka.ebo.a3.bisign
    		4fa31167dcbc037d766cb9607f28efb3dd3bea4f  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoa_scenes_f.ebo
    		8463b6326caa8349d295b1642680631ceff01828  ./Expansion/Addons/map_tanoa_scenes_f.ebo.a3.bisign
    		326962733f3d7e9631fc76d27c7dd66e1b2bc481  ./Expansion/Addons/rocks_f_exp.ebo
    		db7601d9a9599560e6000446de90a87b20818eab  ./Expansion/Addons/rocks_f_exp.ebo.a3.bisign
    		5d8d9194573562f397857364168d214569a82f02  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_civilian.ebo
    		14da6dbe26b53a71bdf837e0ecd811969f15f0a1  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_civilian.ebo.a3.bisign
    		5349acc33fc4ccb91e9a99124786b2e7f9b512cc  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_commercial.ebo
    		32b8c13381fc4dbf33acb64d21dfb19c897da08b  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_commercial.ebo.a3.bisign
    		b03ea0bafeb925c393d9afc998c54adb07f75897  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_cultural.ebo
    		35c43d6c779706f97d986b1c9d6e5c22c6205bbd  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_cultural.ebo.a3.bisign
    		137f4df3aae99f66083c1ee7f49680442e8335a6  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_data.ebo
    		e72fa955f41093fb4c32cda7b9f66fa6ba0b567e  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_data.ebo.a3.bisign
    		adf662131cf23b4b6ad553cce791f30b36647b9d  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp.ebo
    		9ddf5bb6424cc778f071c01b4c7571c6c1682ec2  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp.ebo.a3.bisign
    		51ee61649bcb38da82a9f8a621f1aa2eda1d9eff  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_industrial.ebo
    		8e89da7589eabfc6a6a1bfa10d0606713ad461e5  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_industrial.ebo.a3.bisign
    		3b93b9dd1964b2accae9ee913ef163d14a88b93e  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_infrastructure.ebo
    		22b37b74dcc5368352b939b63bd3d185f46c247d  ./Expansion/Addons/structures_f_exp_infrastructure.ebo.a3.bisign
    		72105ea908374ab8d54924895431f82f1472f372  ./Expansion/Addons/vegetation_f_exp.ebo
    		9e1093a9e18d3b2a451f176c0632d8f39f7d0454  ./Expansion/Addons/vegetation_f_exp.ebo.a3.bisign

    Steam server used for download: Russia - Novosibirsk


    There are people in ports users community who are

    - using Linux

    - using main branch of Arma 3 in Steam

    - had no problems with Apex and/or Tanoa

    I found at least two (and I heard of more), and both of them confirmed they have exact same file ./Expansion/Addons/vegetation_f_exp.ebo in main branch as I have in legacyports (checksum f1a1992bee936b1eae89ce6bc1fef8a32f3e94dc).

    So I guess there might be some Steam/distribution issue messing the files in branches. That explains BIS QA Team had no problems with main branch either (they might get correct files for main branch).

  11. 4 hours ago, Martinuschka said:

    When starting the game from console it gives me the following:


    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    *** BREAKPAD CRASH ***
    Handling crash report for AppID: com.bohemiainteractive.arma3
    Loaded libcurl: libcurl.so.4
    libcurl version: libcurl/7.47.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2g zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.32 librtmp/2.3
    Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.


    I don't know what this means...


    This contains no useful information about your problem. See details of your crash report (in crash report dialog).

  12. Some older related post and replies to it: this and this.


    From https://dev.arma3.com/ports:


    Limited User-Generated Content compatibility - custom scenarios and mods technically can work in the ports, but it is likely their authors will pursue compatibility with the primary Windows version instead.

    It's not that mods authors pursue compatibility with Windows only, but more like BIS pursue compatibility of their tools with Windows version of Arma only, so that not only modders' content is incompatible with legacy ports, but even their (BIS) own content is incompatible too! Modders have little to no control of compatibility there.


    From https://dev.arma3.com/ports:


    If you own Arma 3 and install it on Linux or Mac, Steam will download the data for those platforms. No special Steam branch needs to be selected.

    Assuming branch is not meant to be used at all, I hope non-branch Apex content gets fixed soon.

  13. Ugh, ok. I made Tanoa great again.

    In Steam I opted Arma 3 to legacyports branch (using Arma3LegacyPorts as password) -- something I never did since first installed legacy port client (though I did it for dedicated server) in September of 2015 -- had to redownload some 4.7 gigs, then everything worked like a charm.

    • Like 1

  14. Apex is out, but the (second) problem still persists, it's only version 72 now, not 71.



    That is, Tanoa is not playable on legacy ports. We still require -world=... option to start the game.

    Other than Tanoa, update is playable, I could use new weapons in Virtual Arsenal, etc.


    If required, rpt-file, crash report, crashdump (.dmp) and .bidmp files are available in archive.

  15. "Arma3Legacy164" password for "port_164" branch doesn't work ?

    Why do you think this branch will be publicly available? Has "port_158" branch become available?

    And yeah, "legacy" 1.62 branch is not for ports.

  16. if that c++ like code is for real

    That is not C++: there's no  extends  syntax in it. That is not Java also which has that  extends  syntax but does not have destructors. Of course that is not C also (because of classes and inheritance).

    It may be some other language, looking a bit like Java and C++, having files named after C (to be more confusing I guess), and usable nowhere else in the Universe except under DayZ hood.

    Knowing proper C++ has limited use here.

  17. So , in wich of theese and where exactly do i place the 

    chmod -R 775 folder


    find  and  chmod  commands are to be used in server's command shell, which you seem to not have.

    chmod's FileZilla equivalent is selecting a "folder" (or multiple folders at once), then selecting context menu item "File permissions...". Dialog will popup, select permissions there as follows (sorry for dark theme):



    777 is usually overkill, I'd suggest 775 for directories only and 664 for files only (so you need two runs of changing permissions). Anyway, it seems to me that permissions is not the problem: most likely server runs with the same username as you use to upload files. Therefore they all should be readable.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't find an easy way to recursively rename subdirectories and their files in FileZilla.

  18. Seems like ArmA runs with  expansion  addon enabled. Try forcing no-mod run with  -mod=""  launch option. Apex is not available for Linux/Mac ports yet.



    OR, alternatively, use  -world="Altis"  instead of  -mod="". Most likely you will have first error, but not the second; also you will probbaly get to main menu, then go to Configure -> Expansions menu end try to disable "expansion" there.

    • Like 1

  19. I fail to see how it would be possible to mine multiple floors of several buildings without anybody to have noticed it. Once again, that's pure fantasy to me.

    If they did it, they didn't do it in one night.

    Imagine you work in WTC on floor 99. One day company on floor 100 moves to office in another building on another street, or even city. Some other company moves in. They don't like what is left by previous owners, so they make some repair. They drill walls, do some replanning, etc. Why on Earth would you care? Some discomfort though... How on Earth would you know the same thing happened on 89/90 floors week ago, and the same will happen next week on 109/110? You don't even go there. Like, never ever in your life.

    Why would you care about building owner is closing lift 1 (of 10 or 20 or whatever they had) for maintenance for a week? Sure lifts need maintenance. Lift 2 is the next.

    Why would you care if they paint stairs in west wing (east next week) and it stinks like some weird shit, but it's ok, since the whole stairway is sealed, so little to no smell in offices?

    Not saying there could be service rooms, ventilation shafts, etc. And all this concentrated in central part of the building where all bearing constructions located.

    You can mine every room in your own building if you have time.


    I don't say it was exactly this way. My point is it's not that impossible.

  20. But if you watch the WTC buildings crumbling, they did crumble from the dammaged floor.

    That was my point exactly. Buildings do not crumble unless you make them to. I mean not old building in which you make hole with a finger, but ones in good conditions.

    If you have a controlled demolition it's not that hard to control the direction, speed (with which it goes along the required direction) and many other parameters of that demolition. Check out open-pit mining explosions.

    Starting chained explosion from specific point is as simple as including or excluding elements into/from electrical circuit, that is as simple as turning some switches on/off.


    Now, what floor was damaged in WTC building 7? It wasn't attacked by planes, so it never had that amount of fuel to "soften bearing construction" up to building collapse (of whatever reason they come up with).


    Finally, it doesn't necessary have to be explosives. Thermite could do the trick. Or couple of other ways of damaging steel.
