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Everything posted by ArteyFlow

  1. ArteyFlow


    I have stated some of these suggestions before so I don't need to be redundant, but I really think they could really spice up this mod (provided not too much work is required to incorporate them): - Make the enemy AI car patrols non-armed (no mounted gun), or at least make only a small percentage armed. Maybe add a bigger variety of cars, so maybe have there be roaming suvs, hunters, hatchbacks, etc, as well as the offroads. Also maybe even make it so the car patrols can be both BLUFOR and OPFOR - Make there be random helicopter crashes with high tier loot available at them - Make there be random BLUFOR/OPFOR camps that spawn (maybe a few tents, campfire and a few infantry units for each) - Fix the Multiplayer saving bug (it causes me and whoever else is on my lan server to either be teleported repeatedly into the ocean or die. It may have been fixed already but I'm not 100% sure) - Fix the black box error message (https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/94976092985068053/C336F7E3F4FFB6988CD8C9147FD0DAE27B71216C/) I think with these suggestions, Ravage could have a higher enjoyment factor and more replayability. At the moment me and my friends usually get bored after only an hour or two of playing (no offense to Haleks). I think all it needs is a few more features to help keep things fresh and random.
  2. ArteyFlow


    Thanks, I'll take a look at it.
  3. ArteyFlow


    I was going to use probability of presence for playable BLUFOR units I have placed in my Ravage mission. I wanted to make it so you never know where you spawn (kind of like DayZ and other survival games).
  4. ArteyFlow


    It's a shame that it doesn't work on playable units, but thanks regardless.
  5. ArteyFlow


    Ah ok, thanks. Does seem simple enough. Now, what about "probability of presence"? For some reason, it doesn't work on BLUFOR units I have placed down in my mission; the BLUFOR units always spawn, no matter what. For the record, the units in question are set to "playable".
  6. ArteyFlow


    I know Haleks listed how to do it on an earlier page in this thread, but how exactly do you make it so that you randomly spawn in multiplayer? Specifically how do you make it so that you "wake up" from a randomly generated car crash? At the moment I just have a few spawn points down that have a 50% chance of spawning, but I wish I could make it so the spawn is completely random.
  7. ArteyFlow


    Well, my error box issue remains; it still looks like it's only a MP issue though. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/94976092985068053/C336F7E3F4FFB6988CD8C9147FD0DAE27B71216C/ My friend that I play with (showed in the picture) doesn't get the error, only I do. Also, MP persistency still causes me and anyone else I am playing with to keep getting either teleported into the ocean or to repeatedly die when we respawn. Anyone know a possible fix for these issues?
  8. ArteyFlow


    Hey Haleks - I was wondering if you were able to see my earlier post regarding the "Error Box" issue I had? I actually forgot to mention that it only happens half the time; there's a chance that the error box wont appear if I restart the server (I play on a Private LAN server). Just thought that was worth mentioning. Also, i unfortunately have a new problem. I think theres an issue with Ravage's MP save system; me and my friend keep getting teleported in the ocean every time we respawn. I saw this text being displayed as it was occuring, "A new MP save has been created for Ravage". I went ahead and turned off "MP persistency" and it stopped. I wasnt sure if you were aware of this issue or not. I did see that you had a few things listed about the MP saving system in the 1.40 changelog you posted so hopefully that'll solve the problem. Anyways keep up the great work man ;)
  9. ArteyFlow


    Haleks - Hey man. I just wanted to say that I'm really liking what you're doing with the mod, it's turning out to be quite the survival mod ;) I do have a few suggestions though, and also a problem that I've been having lately. Basically I really like the new options in the "Ambient AI" module but I think having all the car patrols armed is kind of unrealistic lol, maybe have it so like only 25% are armed, to help even the playing field a bit. Better yet, you could even add an option to the module that allows you to pick what percentage you want armed. Also I came across a squad of Independents earlier while I was playing, I was unable to interact with them but I followed them around a bit, eventually just shot and killed all of them for their loot lmao. I think you should see if you could make it possible to like talk to them, so you could ask where they're headed and all that. Anyways now to my problem, I have this black error box in the upper left corner of my screen that reads something like this: "Variable event handler, Error 20 elements provided, 2 expected. File Ravage\code\rvgloot\pre_init.sqf, Line 28". It only happens if another person is playing on my server with me, and I play on custom Private LAN servers (with mods). Do you know a fix for this? It's not the end of the world if there isn't, but would be nice if I could get rid of it somehow. Thanks!
  10. ArteyFlow


    Haleks - Is Ravage compatible with the CUP terrain maps/mod?
  11. ArteyFlow


    Hey Haleks, just wanted to say I absolutely love this mod you have created, I play it often with my friends and we all have an absolute blast. Honestly there's only a couple of things that would make it better, I see that you have already listed a few up above, concerning MP functionality and the like. One other thing that would make it even more amazing though, is if you added the option of tweaking the amount of Human NPC's that spawn on the maps, including custom ones like Taviana and Panthera. I've noticed a lack of Npc's on most custom maps I've played on using Ravage, but other than that, I have to say you did an amazing job with this mod. Great work man, and thanks!