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Everything posted by tactical_taco

  1. tactical_taco

    Problem Exporting Mission To Multiplayer

    Here's my guess: you guys are exporting the file with other name. If you do edit the mission with the name "blabla.Stratis", then you should export it to multiplayer with the name "blabla". If you change it to "bloblo", then you will get the mission.sqm alone in the "bloblo.pbo" file. Cheers
  2. tactical_taco

    How do I group tasks?

    Yes, or you can right-click on it, and it gives you the option to sync or group. While doing this, you can see the "sync" lines too. Cheers
  3. tactical_taco

    "Error loading mission." after converting to Eden Editor

    Why did you separate the SQM file to convert it?I had some trouble today with a MP mission, which I finally solved by loading it into the 2D editor, changed a unit to "player" and saved it. Then loaded it into 3D editor, and it converted mostly fine. Still had to do a *lot* of fixing to do, mostly on synchornize changes and waypoints. But your problem is when loading the mission, right? My guess is that you are missing a script or something you referenced outside the mission.sqm file. Best advice is to do backups and try to isolate the problem by deleting stuff. Good luck!
  4. tactical_taco

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Thank you for your work! You saved me a lot of time, and also made it more fun since now I have a random factor (not placing units one by one).
  5. tactical_taco

    EDEN - Questions

    On a note to the previous, sometimes the controls bug out, and you need to alt-tab out and back to be able to move the camera. It happens a lot to me!