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Everything posted by Migwar

  1. Migwar

    pook_SAM Pack v4.0

    All in all it is a great the SAM pack still one of the best and greatest additions to Arma3, my opinion , however still needs lot of improvement as all know also, a great modification would be changing the AAA weapons by giving them more range!!! bullets don't go more than like 200 meters while they are supposed to hit at least helicopters, or reach a certain acceptable "arcade" gaming range....what prevents this? thanks in advance.
  2. Migwar

    Project RACS

    Yes, and this is why i am asking for a possible solution until we get the mod for arma3, thank you slatts for replying .
  3. Migwar

    Project RACS

    Hey there, can't wait to see this great mod in Arma3 and thank you in advance. i am currently using units from PRACS for Arma2 in Arma3 and when using Missile command all missiles just explodes in the air and directly after launch. anyone knows any trick to solve it or it is related to game engine you think? in case you don't have an idea we will be happily waiting for the release for Arma3 anyway. thanks for all your efforts and for the good job
  4. Dear Chairbone, Many thanks for promptly replying......Much appreciated.
  5. Does it require a specific version of Arma3 to run this mod? I downloaded the mod and added the mod folder as usual etc..... but it doesn't wrok...can you please mention which version of arma3 is required and what other mods are required and if arma2 files are required also?? thank you