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Everything posted by t.a.6

  1. Almost perfect: _cm = cmIlias; _n = 50; while{true}do{ {if ((side _x) == west)then{ _u = _x; {if ((side _x) == east)then{ _lst = true; if((_x getvariable "pstcae")select 0)then{_lst = (_x getvariable "pstcae") select 1}; if((if((typename _lst)!="bool")then{((assignedTarget _u)==_x)}else{(_lst)})and(((assignedTarget _u) == _x)or(((_u getHideFrom _x) distance (getposatl _x))<(if(!((vehicle _x)iskindof "man"))then{_n}else{_n*2}))))then{ _cm addcuratoreditableobjects [[_x],true]; [_x,_cm] spawn {for"_cn"from 0 to 20 do{sleep 1;};_this select 1 removecuratoreditableobjects [[_this select 0],true];_this select 0 setvariable ["pstcae",[true,0],false];}; _x setvariable ["pstcae",[true,false],false]; }else{ _lu = _x; _lst = true; {if((side _x) == west)then{ if(((assignedTarget _x) == _lu)or(((_x getHideFrom _lu) distance (getposatl _lu))<(if(!((vehicle _x)iskindof "man"))then{_n}else{_n*2})))exitwith{ _lst = false; }; };}foreach allunits; if(_lst)then{ _cm removecuratoreditableobjects [[_lu],true]; _lu setvariable ["pstcae",[true,true],false]; }; }; };}foreach allunits; };}foreach allunits; }; A bit slower then should be ) . (unit will be added if seen or known by friendly unit, will be removed if unseen by friendly units 20 seconds (readded if seen), or are further than (if vehicle then 100, if man then 50)m. from point it was known).
  2. _cm = |cm|; _n = 100; while{true}do{ {if ((side _x) == west)then{ _u = _x; {if ((side _x) == east)then{ if(((_u getHideFrom _x) distance (getposatl _x))<_n)then{ _cm addcuratoreditableobjects [[_x],true]; }else{ _lu = _x; _lst = true; {if((side _x) == west)then{ if(((_x getHideFrom _lu) distance (getposatl _lu))<_n)exitwith{ _lst = false; }; };}foreach allunits; if(_lst)then{ _cm removecuratoreditableobjects [[_lu],true]; }; }; };}foreach allunits; };}foreach allunits; }; it's working, just not when unit see enemy, after loosing line of sight, problem is in: ((_x getHideFrom _lu) distance (getposatl _lu))<_n , need to replace with something to determine when to add|remove unit. (knows about value do not going down, ever) Did it, i guies ) , ) know, hope the last one ) (and think actualy): _cm = |cm|; _n = 70; while{true}do{ {if ((side _x) == west)then{ _u = _x; {if ((side _x) == east)then{ if(((assignedTarget _u) == _x)or(((_u getHideFrom _x) distance (getposatl _x))<_n))then{ _cm addcuratoreditableobjects [[_x],true]; }else{ _lu = _x; _lst = true; {if((side _x) == west)then{ if(((assignedTarget _x) == _lu)or(((_x getHideFrom _lu) distance (getposatl _lu))<_n))exitwith{ _lst = false; }; };}foreach allunits; if(_lst)then{ _cm removecuratoreditableobjects [[_lu],true]; }; }; };}foreach allunits; };}foreach allunits; };
  3. 1. ```How did you? Just self, with zeus and debug console. 2. _lo |co| createvehiclelocal (getpos _this); _lo setPos (_this modelToWorld [0,0,0]); _lo setdir (getdir _this); ? 3. What ever???
  4. [0,0,14] - change the values to place the object where you want to.
  5. Thanks, yeahh, edeen, coming (actually absolutely useless for us (we are starting on almost empty maps and populating it on the play), but 3d editor it's coool ) ).
  6. Then the commands are captious to |where it is executed| try to run it everywhere and find where it is working `(would be nice to have the knowledge).
  7. Copy, when the " Eden " can come out?
  8. create .sqf file, but actually it doesn't matter.
  9. The code is to create and move the object (it doesn't contacted to placed objects) (You just need to get position, where to move to, (as pedeathtrian said you can create invisible object to get it's position or write in the object's init: deletehicle this; (to delete the object)) inventory still is, yep, but all other fine, " createobject " i guies is what you need, but i'm hearing first time about the command. and yes: (just after writed, readed pedeathtrian 's post to over ) ). (just in case) ll = "Library_WeaponHolder" createVehicle getpos this; ll addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_katiba_f",1]; ll enablesimulation false; ll setPos (this modelToWorld [0,0,0]); deletehicle this; ll setdamage 1;
  10. 1 bracked was missing, soorry ) , fixed, tested. (think, should replace " knowsabout " with something else, find what will be best for you) (and can increase range `(looking for objects around the unit to add or remove from zeus)or: while{true}do{ sleep 1; { if ((side _x) == east)then{ if ((west knowsAbout _x) >= 2)then{ |cm| addcuratoreditableobjects [[_x],true]; }else{ |cm| removecuratoreditableobjects [[_x],true]; }; }; }foreach allunits; }; - will check if any enemy unit are known to west side)(can |-| the sleep too). *----- uhhhh... Guies will be fine: _cm = |cm|; _n = |n (number (~100 or 50 (if see then <1, so) are fine i guies), range - how far enemy should be from place where any friendly unit think he is)|; while{true}do{ {if ((side _x) == west)then{ _u = _x; {if ((side _x) == east)then{ if(((_u getHideFrom _x) distance (getposatl _x))<_n)then{ _cm addcuratoreditableobjects [[_x],true]; }else{ _lu = _x; _lst = true; {if((side _x) == west)then{ if(((_x getHideFrom _lu) distance (getposatl _lu))<_n)exitwith{ _lst = false; }; };}foreach allunits; if(_lst)then{ _cm removecuratoreditableobjects [[_lu],true]; }; }; };}foreach allunits; };}foreach allunits; }; Not genially and not precise right, but sure is working. (sorry for the |'answer's mistakes'|, was busy with transporting script)
  11. working on 100% _o = createVehicle ["Land_pierLadder_F",|p (any position)|,[],0,"none"]; _o setPos (|o (the ship's name)| modelToWorld [0,0,14]);
  12. Thank you, Thank you, all what we needed. And, i gues, bleeding is not actually brooked, just do not reacting on " setdamage '0' " and respawn. As i know curator modules are superseding the mcc's zeus, you can add init line to units by changing curator's settings with |" attributes " modules| you can get mcc's zeus on client with own zeus by removing access rights to the curator module by using " unassign curator " and return it by " assign curator ". Came few more questions ) Will " Eden " be accessable in game from MCC ? Maybe: like: Is it possible to restrict some area for parked, civilian's vehicles by triggers or markers? (using the module is not always comfortable (it's always circle)). Why changing faction are taking more and more time according to time the mission on and number of units on map? Is it possible to preload some factions to switch between them immediately?
  13. t.a.6

    Curator Presets Mod

    Can anyone give some showcase of creating new, visible in curator module with custom function?
  14. AVIBIRD 1, on 12 Feb 2016 - 05:37, said: ```Write `'lower' please. Locally on computer, or on server. Give me |the thing you want to spawn|'s classname.
  15. From Ilias Just wanted to say thanks for the GAIA, after last updates it's tactic began unprecedent cool and would like to ask does it reacting on enemy units, players inside zones if they are undetected by it's side? And from me: Is it possible to add custom script to "presets" ?
  16. Thats the point - it shouldn't be pickable, and anyway do not helping. .. Writed by my self: ... so: _ll = "Library_WeaponHolder" createVehicle getpos player; _ll addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_katiba_f",1]; _ll enablesimulation false; _ll setPos (player modelToWorld [0,1,1]);
  17. _lo = createVehicle [|cno|,getpos |o|,[],0,"none"]; _lo setPos (|o| modelToWorld [0,0,14]); Working perfect, ``and no way to spawn something on some height '(with the command), `"createvehicle" using algorithm to find empty place `(on ground `(not: where it can stand)).
  18. Working. But can't spawn in air. _ll = "Library_WeaponHolder" createVehicle (player modelToWorld [0,1,1]); _ll addWeaponCargoGlobal ["arifle_katiba_f",1]; _ll enablesimulation false;
  19. You changed |cm| on your curator module name? Found mistake, sorry, refresh, copy the code again.
  20. The command is not only height, point is - what the command letting you place object according to |the ship|any object|'s |center| (counting the the object's turn degree). I guies you'll have to to create and move the objects.
  21. Sorry, tryed, but don't know how to make it, at least after 1-st action it beginning fine (try to move it up and try to pick up again). (Leave it pickable (more realistic)).
  22. We are using: _this setPos (|o (the lhd)| modelToWorld [0,0,14]); '`(numbers by your self)
  23. while{true}do{ sleep 1; { if((side _x) == west)then{ _lu = _x; { if (((side _x) == east)or(/*(side _x) == independent)*/)then{ if ((west knowsAbout _x) >= 2)then{ cmIlias addcuratoreditableobjects [[_x],true]; }else{ cmIlias removecuratoreditableobjects [[_x],true]; }; }; }foreach (_lu nearObjects 2000); }; }foreach allunits; };
  24. t.a.6

    MP unit switch.

    Finished the second script (replacement of respawn), if some one need, write to me, i'll send it seted up.
  25. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186059-mp-unit-switch/