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Everything posted by t.a.6

  1. Thank you, is there no way to get it working with mcc? (don't want to loose ability to create zones and spawn units at random positions on play).
  2. Nothing against it, is the answer so long?
  3. You can target crew, it will be same, isnt it? (for all entries can use " nearobjects ").
  4. Common, please, is it so difficult to answer?
  5. Is there a way to create zones, and add units to gaia|player 's control in editor?
  6. Fix the amphibious transport movement (driver - ai, water) (now its: move, stop, move, stop, ..). Pleease: Increase font size for coordinates and information at cursor on map.
  7. Guys is it possible to create zones and control gaia|player's control over units in editor? to create some presets before mission start.
  8. Yeah, thanks, name of plugin i would be perfect some time ago (already found) but thanks.
  9. is it possible to set the notepad up for he deleting connected bracket when deleting another? And get files , folders tree in left part of workspace?
  10. Is it possible to add files, folders tree to left side ?
  11. Don't know, i couldn't install the sublimes's ) , but didn't saw what it showing information about commands, write in atom is like in ingame consoles + information about commands, + can make own presets, with information. '.source.sqf': 'if': 'prefix': 'if' 'body': 'if($1)then{\n $2\n};' 'if else': 'prefix': 'ifelse' 'body': 'if($1)then{\n $2\n}else{\n $3\n};' first time meeted j.s., /\ '(snippets) after 15 minutes, |' i , tab -> if( _ )then{ _ }; , 0!=0 , tab , 0=0; , getting: if(0!=0)then{ 0=0; }; Visual studio code showing colors examples: |box with color| hsl(250, 80%, 45%); its pretty cool. By some steps i'm moving to notepad ++ side, because of it's easiest customization. (atom are good preconfigured and work ready, but (in my case: don't like the color themes (too soft), ~ hour tryed to configure it, but didn't)).
  12. And i know, just trying to provide some information.
  13. I would not say Visual Studio Code is enough useful, do not highlighting, checking brackets, no folding, marking abilities.
  14. ok, tryed them all, so: Atom: looks like easiest one, have perfect SQF syntax package, automatically setted perfect, very comfortable auto finishing with command's information (can create scripts without b.i. wiki at all) and easiest way to create snippets, + most comfortable of tryed, and have little useful "welcome" guide and interface with some settings at start, + searches for commands, settings and what ever else, online downloading packages and themes + to self updates search, best for quick start. perfect for comfortable, fast, quickest beginning|'1| ) , codes, scrips and even mods writing (yes, so mutch it's comfortable ) )|1|(i tryed c++, sublime, and only in atom `(3-rd) understood how everything is working here (before writed everything in notepqad)). but: i still didn't found where (possible found, but no idea how) to create functions, rules, and possible here is lower abilities (maybe not) than in other 3. And anyone know how to mark tabs and |new line|s in "js" ? (for snippets creating) Sublime text and poseidon: poseidon is technically - modified sublime text, good sqf syntax, + additions exactly for armas, together they have some function which have one and do not have another, visual customising is -_.. (or need to much dig in), all settings and actually almost everything in consoles. Notepad++: easiest creation of rules and |syntaxes|1 ("|1|" - yeap, can easy create self), Is there limitation's to only 8 operators , .. , .. ? !! alone who have interface for key bindings, easiest visual customization, friendly connecting to windows's programs (opening in browsers; google, wikipedia search (in the program)). (not fact)more options then in atom, bit better access to them then in sublime
  15. i tryed notepad++, sublime text, began hate them almost at start, now trying atom , looks promising, will try the poseidon after.
  16. Always wanted to ask and forgot, is it possible to create mcc's zones in editor (and maybe add units inside the zones to gaia)?
  17. t.a.6

    Eden Feature Requests

    Control button for " scaling ".(like shift for turning). ~And ability to set " delete " buttons (just i'm using in zeus as |delete buttons|: |delete| and |b| (it's pretty speeding up work)). Make when creating assets adding them to selected layer. And should be hideable by water too i guies. Button for " go here ". Remember opened " titles ", " sud titles " instead of opening all of them. Ability to find group by waypoint. Optional autoscrolling left list to selected entity. Doesn't looks like " waypoint activation " by triggers are working. Would be great if missions would save like: c,t,i,0,s,free skripts,Zeus,PWS Arma 3 Extended + (3d).Chernarus rather: c%2et%2ei%2ep%2e0s,free%20skripts,Zeus,PWS%20Arma%203%20Extended%20+(3d).Chernarus
  18. t.a.6

    Eden Feature Requests

    (and get the saved units available for placing in zeus) p.s. just to make clear, i'm writing only problems or suggestions, because i can't write all what i like, if do not writing about, any button, symbol or system, mean i like it, fully replacing editor with 3d editor is grand work (and hard, i |guies|1 (the systems is deep inside the game engine |1)) and done great, thank you Bohemia Interactive, each update making game better :),, (wasntme) 'smile , (except new fatigue system, i'm so sorry, but it's horrible ).
  19. I guies " allunits " - only units. (i thought you need the script for zeus see where seen enemies are.?.) and you can delete the checkings if do not have headquarters entities in mission.
  20. t.a.6

    Eden Feature Requests

    I mean like some interface to do it, like group's|unit's editor, making the units, group there and getting it as group in " compositions " or unit in " objects " list, (but more cool and wanted (by me at least) is->) and in " groups "|" units " zeuse's list. (Now to get some group or unit in the list, need to create a mod and working with configs, but it shouldn't be difficult to add.?.). (currently we are setting unit's equipment '(zeus game) by executing script with loadout's presets, would be so cool to have this functionality). (and thanks, didn't know, will look for the command). Right, thanks. Debug console need to be added in description.ext to work (zeuse's access to inits too). Found: ! line down from movable assets are not hideable by models under the asset (placing module precise in point on top of ship is problematic).
  21. How far enemy should be from point where friendlies think he is to delete him (for vehicles the value *2). (Last one working 300% faster, but there is a problem somewhere).
  22. #151 Will it be possible to control size of fonts and panels of Eden ? (Would like make some of them smaller, some bigger) And will be some easy way to create some ai presets, like: Some interface to set up: equipment, med. skill, engineer skill, standard skills, faction, possibly control |arma 3|'s " randomization and after get it available in editor, zeus. (create even groups like it) ? lock cursor on screen while holding r.m.b. and maybe: ability to choose where to zoom in|out '`cursor or.center of screen `'( Eden ). Pleeease add ability to get init field, if debug console on, on any object though zeus (mcc have, so it's possible, but all players can't use mcc at same time). We begging you, dear developers, please, that would be so nice.
  23. t.a.6

    Eden Feature Requests

    Will it be possible to control size of fonts and panels of Eden ? (Would like make some of them smaller, some bigger) And will be some easy way to create some ai presets, like: Some interface to set up: equipment, med. skill, engineer skill, standard skills, faction, possibly control |arma 3|'s " randomization and after get it available in editor, zeus. (create even groups like it) ? lock cursor on screen while holding r.m.b. and maybe: ability to choose where to zoom in|out '`cursor or.center of screen " Go here " for locations too. " Go here " - " move camera to " zeuse's button. If it's possible, would be great if while moving some object pressing " shift " or " alt " |moving| way changing to new state without necessity to release l.b.m. Maybe: tools to measure distance and get |direction|`-(from point 1 to point 2). Eden do not supporting other assets types? (No " staticship " with " ATLAS "). Found: Information for modules do not showing for all modules. Flashlight do not working? I guies |module's specifics|'s yes|no choosing are broken. When turning something (happened only with ships (for now at least, i guies)) sometimes the |direction| line (on map) shoving opposite direction. By unknown reason: "lhq_carrier_0_helper" createVehicle lp; in object's init, " Init: type object, expected nothing". p.s. Best known to me game in the world.
  24. Some here is some problem _cm = cmIlias; _n = 50; _sa = []; _cn = 0; while{true}do{{if(((side _x)==east)and(_x iskindof"man"))then{ if(!(_x in _sa))then{ _x setvariable["cuae",[true,scriptnull],false]; _sa = _sa + [_x]; }; _u = _x; if(_cn > 19)then{ _la = []; {if(alive _x)then{_la = _la + [_x];};}foreach _sa; _sa = _la; }; _cn = _cn + 1; _vtr = false; _a = _u getvariable "cuae"; _st = false; _st1 = true; {if((side _x)==west)then{ if( ( if(typename(_vtr)!="bool")then{( (assignedTarget _x) == _u )}else{( _vtr )} )and( ( (assignedTarget _x) == _u )or( ( (_x getHideFrom _u) distance (getposatl _u) )<( if( (vehicle _u)iskindof "man" )then{ _n }else{ _n*2 } ) ) ) )then{ _st=true; }else{ if(!( ( (assignedTarget _x)!= _u )or( ( (_x getHideFrom _u) distance (getposatl _u) )>=( if( (vehicle _u)iskindof "man" )then{ _n }else{ _n*2 } ) ) ))then{ _st1 = false; }; }; };}foreach allunits; if(_st)then{ _cm addcuratoreditableobjects[[_u],true]; terminate(_a select 1); [_u,_cm] spawn{_lu = _this select 0;_lu setvariable["cuae",[0,_thisscript],false];sleep 20;_this select 1 removecuratoreditableobjects[[_lu],true];}; }else{ if(_st1)then{ _cm removecuratoreditableobjects[[_u],true]; terminate(_a select 1); _u setvariable["cuae",[true,scriptnull],false]; }; }; };}foreach allunits;};
  25. spirit6, on 13 Feb 2016 - 17:24, said: " Do cas ", " do mortar " on player's requests (mcc's self interaction).