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Everything posted by t.a.6

  1. Tiltrotor aircraft i meant. Please make server's name saving after changing (or some presets (maybe: menu)) (if always recreating server after some changes, every time paste|write same name is very sad).
  2. You can set whatever zone you want prior to mission start - a zone is just a marker and you can name it whatever you like. Again a zone is just a marker. Then put this init on the group leader group this setVariable ['GAIA_ZONE_INTEND',["zoneMarkerName","MOVE"], true]; Where "zoneMarkerName" is the name of the zone and "MOVE" is the behavior. The behavior can be any of the bellow: "MOVE" - AI will patrol the zone and pursuit known enemies outside the zone. "NOFOLLOW" - AI will patrol the zone but will not pursuit known enemies outside the zone "FORTIFY" - AI will look for empty building and static weapons and dig inside
  3. Noticed the mods after the FIR AWS with F-14 and F-15 was out, but now want to write its really very cool, + the works with Arma 3 's vehicles are great ,(Lower new vehicles, lower mods, better performance, so) we are really thankful for your work, thanks ) .
  4. t.a.6

    Eden Feature Requests

    Copy and paste on original position i guies do not working.
  5. How to recognise is ai under reemote control or not `(to execute the " block") ?
  6. If it's weight enough according to caliber.
  7. Yeah, there was some mistake, today will download next version with additional improvements.
  8. t.a.6

    [R3F] Logistics

    Why did you wrote it in |logistic system|'s topic?
  9. t.a.6

    ExecVM gear

    Creating the file, executing the command anywhere, it will work.
  10. Script letting players drag something, when starting draging and leaving control of the unit it stays dragging it.
  11. t.a.6

    ExecVM gear

    Example of presets from our mission: [|u (unit)|,|str ("0"|"r")|]execvm"se.sqf"; se.sqf switch (_this select 1) do { case "0": { removeAllWeapons (_this select 0); removeAllItems (_this select 0); removeAllAssignedItems (_this select 0); removeUniform (_this select 0); removeVest (_this select 0); removeBackpack (_this select 0); removeHeadgear (_this select 0); removeGoggles (_this select 0); _this select 0 forceAddUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"; _this select 0 addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit"; _this select 0 linkItem "ItemMap"; _this select 0 linkItem "ItemCompass"; _this select 0 linkItem "ItemWatch"; _this select 0 linkItem "ItemRadio"; _this select 0 linkItem "ItemcTab"; }; case "r": { removeAllWeapons (_this select 0); removeAllItems (_this select 0); removeAllAssignedItems (_this select 0); removeUniform (_this select 0); removeVest (_this select 0); removeBackpack (_this select 0); removeHeadgear (_this select 0); removeGoggles (_this select 0); _this select 0 forceAddUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"; _this select 0 addItemToUniform "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"; _this select 0 addWeapon "arifle_MX_F"; _this select 0 addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; _this select 0 addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco"; _this select 0 addItemToUniform "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; _this select 0 addWeapon "hgun_P07_F"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_this select 0 addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";}; _this select 0 addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr"; _this select 0 addItemToVest "ItemcTabHCam"; _this select 0 addItemToVest "SmokeShell"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_this select 0 addItemToVest "Chemlight_green";}; _this select 0 addItemToVest "SmokeShellGreen"; _this select 0 addItemToVest "MiniGrenade"; for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {_this select 0 addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag";}; _this select 0 addItemToVest "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; _this select 0 addItemToVest "HandGrenade"; _this select 0 addItemToVest "SmokeShellRed"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_this select 0 addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer";}; _this select 0 addItemToVest "Chemlight_red"; _this select 0 addHeadgear "H_HelmetB"; _this select 0 addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred"; _this select 0 linkItem "ItemCompass"; _this select 0 linkItem "ItemWatch"; _this select 0 linkItem "ItemRadio"; _this select 0 linkItem "NVGoggles_INDEP"; }; };
  12. Can't execute custom created action like that? The reason i didn't took it as right before because someone somewhen told Ilias what it's possible, he don't remember how and couldn't find it, just easier: How to force AI execute custom created action?
  13. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addPrimaryWeaponItem
  14. Writed fast, so not perfect. Number of bullets in throwed magazines are right. Press | h |. Check action menu. (maybe hold for a second, maybe press once more) Another press will remove the actions. Working with stones's problem. Think will add items too. Execute locally on clients. //action on units throw to for r.c. u.; //note 35 == "H" key //required so the "throw" can reload, otherwise the first press won't work player addMagazine "HandGrenade_stone"; aath=[false]; stath=true; nath=0; //_n=0; findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp",{ if((_this select 1) == 35)then{stath=true;}; }]; findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",{ if((stath)and((vehicle player)==player))then{ stath=false; if((_this select 1) == 35)then{ if(aath select 0)then{{player removeAction _x;}forEach(aath select 1);aath=[false];}else{ //str aath=[true]; _a=[]; _la=[]; { if(!(_x select 0 in _la)and(if(_x select 3!=0)then{!(_x select 2)}else{true}))then{ //w w; //_n=_n+1; _li=(player addAction ["Throw "+(_x select 0),{ laath=[_this select 3 select 0,_this select 3 select 1]; player addMagazine "HandGrenade_stone"; laath=laath+[(player addEventHandler ["Fired",{if(((_this select 1) == "Throw")and((_this select 5)=="HandGrenade_stone"))then{ {player removeAction _x;}forEach(aath select 1); player removeEventHandler ["Fired",laath select 2]; aath=[false]; _ci=laath select 0; _ln=laath select 1; _m=_this select 6; _ve = velocity _m; systemchat str _ve; _lo = createVehicle ["WeaponHolderSimulated", getPosATL _m, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _lo addMagazineAmmoCargo [_ci,1,_ln]; player removeItem _ci; _lo setVelocity _ve; deleteVehicle _m; _lst=true; nath=nath+1; ["ath"+str nath, "onEachFrame",{ _lo=_this select 0; _la = (nearestObjects [_lo,["MAN"],3]) - [player]; if(count _la > 0)then{ ["ath"+str (_this select 3), "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; deleteVehicle _lo; _la select 0 addMagazine [_this select 1,_this select 2]; }; if (speed _lo == 0) then{ ["ath"+str (_this select 3), "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; }; },[_lo,_ci,_ln,nath]] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; };}])]; player forceWeaponFire ["HandGrenade_Stone","HandGrenade_Stone"]; },_x,0]); //[,_n] _la=_la+[_x select 0]; _a=_a+[_li]; }; }forEach magazinesAmmoFull player; aath=aath+[_a]; }; }; }; }];
  15. This is really, really cool, so thank you, can't convey how much thanks. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/magazinesAmmoFull Is it possible to make it working with units under remote control?
  16. Assign it after creation of another.
  17. It's not he, what is your problem, what i'm doing wrong?
  18. Question is how actions in the scroll menu are operating, how `'(where) are existing and how handeling it's activation '`(filling the menu with they self), what if add 10 actions to 500 units?
  19. Place units with: this enablesimulation false; this allowdamage false; hideObject this; and forced interface. (Just newer used virtual entities).
  20. I changed all of it, but HMMWV wil not be replaced by M-ATL in near future for sure, and even in enough further future HMMWVs will stay in service.
  21. Arma 3 assets: More capacity M. R. A. P. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oshkosh_M-ATV#/media/File:Oshkosh_Defense_(6x6)_M-ATV_at_AUSA_2015.JPG !!! `( MRAP cannot be exploded by 1 C4 brick `'its the point of MRAP's creation). (would be happy to see suitability of vehicle damage|?|destroying system to conformity modern, future-even more, requirements to armed vehicles by keeping crew and troops alive), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MRAP#/media/File:Cougar_Hit_By_IED.jpg ! 5 6.5 bullets to destroy M-ATV's wheel .?.. ! |+ |AMW-7 which is SuperAV. |Not rarely have with Infantry ACV with MG/GL RWS and CIS SGL better, so i would like to ask Bohemia |interactive to add Terrex to game. |(Not without reason US always keeping both the AAV types), (lack of it (at least for us), using marid for blufor too). \/ ! ACV's wheels shouldn't be possible to destroy with 15 basic 6.5 bullets (am i mistaking?). ~+ LVTP-7, maybe should present tracked amphibious vehicle, + ! LCAC or kind of, more then have to. (LCAC and Zubr that would be so cool ) and right, for missions, for campaigns, for multiplayer game modes, even just for fill the empty space). + !! M2, will still present in the game's time, anyway is a choice, please, need an IFV and sorry but Namer is absolutely useless, it need to be right armed, armored too (just for do not forget). + ! M1 unless Bohemia Interactive can get right information about for include M1A3 in game, M1A2 will present by the game's time definaly, - 7.62, top: 7.62, .50 cal. RWS .50cal., better amor, and faster then Merkava Mk.4 `(and merkava stays with capability to transport infantry), ! A-164 main weapon suppression (possibly: , |'power'|) effect is not enough. + ! Five generation planes: F-22 F-35B | C , PAK FA. + MV-22, (if " Tanoa " is how i guies * 1.2 | > " Altis " size and even if not ) ). Battleships, carriers (it's just, what if yes ) ).
  22. Hope not so stupid question, but what is best way (performance (more worrying about system bissing than executing speed)) to create unlimited loop? (Often used while{true}.. but found what it is limited to 10000 executions, about "call" and "spawn" - worrying about performance). (Making constant "cursortarget" checking).
  23. t.a.6

    RFI New Stamina System

    Disassemble extended fatigue mod.