I have the problem that the marker position wouldn't save correctly.
The marker would placed in the bottom left corner of the map altis.
In 3DEN the marker still on the right place. Only in the mp the marker position isn't correct.
The other markers in the picture would placed bevor 1.58.
Now I have changed the marker from "leer" to "wählen".
The marker is on the right place, but the TaskDestination using not the getMarkerPos "South-East Base".
South_East_Base = player createSimpleTask ["South-East Base"];
South_East_Base setSimpleTaskType "attack";
South_East_Base setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "South-East Base");
South_East_Base setSimpleTaskDescription ["<br />
Erobern Sie die South-East Base.<br />
<br />
Die South-East Base ist das feindliche Hauptquartier im Süd-Osten.
Von dort aus werden auch Angriffe gegen uns koordiniert.
Auch das Seegebiet der Pyrgos-Bucht liegt in deren Zuständigkeit.<br />
<br />
Erobern Sie die Basis!<br />
","South-East Base","South-East Base"];