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Everything posted by JOHN007

  1. JOHN007

    Pay For Script

    The Great DA has spoken with the knowledge we aspire to. The whole forum crashed out I couldn't comment here yesterday. We tried the update and it works DA, absolutely brilliant. Now the scopefx works correctly on all missions regardless of author. We have 1 down 2 to go. I have half fixed the respawn bug, with this edit to the main init sqf. // Respawn Fix if (isNil) then { [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull player}; player addEventhandler ["respawn", {_this execvm "scopefx\Scripts\respawn.sqf"}]; }; }; The respawn.sqf executes all the sqf files which does work but upon respawn you have to drop your primary weapon or select another weapon from a cache to reactivate the scopefx? Its like upon respawn it doesn't detect what you have in your inventory? Respawn or Revive it makes no difference either, were using both for testing aswell. Here is the ''respawn.sqf'' //======== RESPAWN ======== // Script created by EASYJABBA // Credits: www.16AA.net, Bohemia Interactive. // Version 0.9 Bashing the Skull execVM "scopefx\Scripts\respawninit.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Init\player_init.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\detect.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\detect_opticsMode.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\check_scope_type.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\check_weapon.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\player_stance.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\input.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\recoil_multiplier_eyepiece.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\recoil_multiplier_objective_lens.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\reset_cqb_sights.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\signalFired.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\Mechanics\sin.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\IO_Controller\objective_lens_ctrl.sqf"; execVM "scopefx\Scripts\IO_TrackIR\obtuse_lens_ctrl.sqf"; //if (true) exitWith{}; I believe it needs a cloned main init.sqf which needs to be slightly edited and executed from the edit as something like ''respawninit.sqf'' After much testing and bashing my head against the bloody wall I cannot reactivate a new init.sqf? Infact it breaks the whole mod? Maybe its not the correct method it my need some work on the actual respawn.sqf. SOS Its so close now! Thankyou for your expertise and hope to speak soon. John.
  2. Hello. Any Arma coders willing to offer their expertise for money? I'll pay you through Patreon.com Requesting 3 fixes here.
  3. JOHN007

    Pay For Script

    Hello. Some strange reason I wasn't updated with your response. Thanks for the info much appreciated. By the way I believe this should be in the Arma sub section. Pay for Scripts. An opportunity for modders to make some revenue its a win win situation.
  4. Could be the soundcard. If you have an onboard soundcard then purchase something better, preferably a decent surround-sound card not a studio card.
  5. Hello. I really need some help regarding the brilliant mod from DA, ScopeFX. Basically when I first downloaded this mod it took nearly 5 minutes to load an MSO server which normally took a minute at most, then the FPS ingame was shocking it grinded to 15-20FPS which I had to investigate further. I asked permission from the author to try and simplify the mod leaving only the scopeFX lens effect inplace. After much work I managed to cut most of the addon features out of the mod. Still ingame the FPS is now round 30FPS which I cannot understand why? 1. DA provided a fix for the server loading parameters on MSO but unfortunately it breaks other dedicated server missions? if (!isDedicated) then { 0 spawn { waitUntil { time > 1 && !isNil "BIS_GC" && !isNil "BIS_fnc_init" }; if (isNil ("horde_tir_mod_running")) exitWith { horde_tir_mod_running = true; I believe the script needs another parameter, if the function is not found ie ''BIS_GC'' wait 20 seconds? 2. Upon respawn the mod breaks. waitUntil {alive player}; if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_main")) then { waitUntil {horde_tir_detect_script_done}; } else { waitUntil {horde_tir_detect_script_done and horde_tir_weapon_mode_script_done}; }; }; I'm not 100% sure that this relates to the respawn aspect but maybe this could be altered? 3. The mod lags the game severely. If anyone would like to download the mod here is the link I've provided a PBO and unPBO file. I've managed to gain 15FPS at least but its not smooth no where near its unplayable at the moment. Seems if you look at any ammo/weapon cache the game lags out the worse. Such a great mod it would be such a shame to abandon this addon. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q1oit32egqo5i0s/scopefx.rar?dl=0 Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon.
  6. Hello. Trying to improve this script, everything works, you can place down a fire, put the fire out and delete the fireplace but how do you allocate a custom key instead of using the action menu to activate a script? eg allocating ''UserKey 20'' to place the fireplace. Also would it be possible to only place a fireplace if you had a certain item in your inventory? eg ''zippo_lighter'' classname to activate the Userkey? Spent too long trying to allocate a key and no luck I do have a custom key script but its not allocated correctly and all the threads online are broken for some unknown reason. Here is the fireplace script. Which you can place a fireplace only by the action menu. _player = player; _player removeaction (_this select 2); _player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_healed"; sleep 4; _fire = createVehicle ["Land_Fire_burning", player modeltoworld [0,1,0], [], 0, "can_collide"]; _fire addAction ["Remove fireplace", "Delete.sqf"]; sleep 180; _player addAction ["Create fireplace", "Fireplace.sqf"]; Here is the userkey init script. waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))}; _keyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "(if (_this select 1 == 200) then {hint 'test'; player execVM 'fire.sqf'})"]; setTerrainGrid 50; setViewDistance 500; So basically converting the 'addAction' parameter to a ''userKey'' parameter. Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon.
  7. Hello. I would create a new Dragunov , back engineer the scripts and clone the weapon, make sure you allocate new classnames to the weapon. Then I would study a tracer mag script, to allocate the settings. I would download a weapon addon and study the scripts. If I had the time I would create one for you. I have created new weapons yeah but not tracer mags? Which I would have to research myself and we have many bugs to fix ourselves. Hope this helps.
  8. Hello. . The great TPW has provided a script which will dynamically spawn these bloody snakes but upon spawn they die. They need a driver allocated to the snake which is Citizen1. May I ask if anyone could spare some of their valuable time which I eternally appreciate. I will pay you through Patreon if needs be I don't mind. Time = money so I understand. There's a small bug in the code which doesn't spawn the crew/driver. This is the reason why the snake dies upon spawn. // Random snake spawner // TPW 20171025 hint "TPW Snakes active"; sleep 1; // Variables _min = 5; // minimum distance (m) from player to spawn snake _max = 20; // maximum distance (m) from player to spawn snake - snakes will be removed if further than this from player _time = 10; // maximum time (sec) in between each snake spawning _maxsnakes = 10; // maximum number of snakes _treemin = 5; // minimum number of trees within _max around player needed in order to spawn snakes _hind1Group = creategroup east; // Main loop _snakearray = []; while {true} do { // Delete distant snakes for "_i" from 0 to ((count _snakearray) - 1) do { _snake = _snakearray select _i; if (_snake distance player > _max) then { _snakearray set [_i,-1]; deletevehicle _snake; hint format ["Deleting %1",_snake]; }; }; _snakearray = _snakearray - [-1]; //Spawn new snake if (count _snakearray < _maxsnakes) then { // Random position around player _pos = getposasl player; _dir = random 360; _dist = _min + random (_max - _min); _posx = (_pos select 0) + (_dist * sin _dir); _posy = (_pos select 1) + (_dist * cos _dir); // If not in water???What?? if !(surfaceiswater [_posx,_posy]) then { _snake = createVehicle (["CSJ_Snake", "CSJ_Snake2", "CSJ_Snake3"] select floor random 3) [_posx,_posy]; _driver = _hind1Group createUnit ["Citizen1", _spawn, [], 0, "NONE"]; _driver assignAsDriver _snake; _driver moveindriver _snake; _driver hideobject true; //_snake = createAgent [_model,[_posx,_posy], [], 0, "FORM"]; _snakearray = _snakearray + [_snake]; hint format ["Spawning %1",_snake]; }; }; hint format ["%1 snakes", count _snakearray]; sleep random _time; }; The actual snake isn't the problem as we have tried to spawn a bike with a driver using the same script method. Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon. SOS. John.
  9. Hello, Searched and searched and found nothing regarding a simple script that could dynamically spawn snakes across a map? I tried using a trigger to first spawn three snakes but no luck. Here is the script named Snake.sqf. Activated trigger with... Activated with a marker named ''spawnmarker'' but no luck I tried to remove the 200'' from the trigger activate which, from reading the forums randomly spawns the unit 200 meters from the marker/trigger location? Now I believe the ''createGroup'' is wrong which I tried EAST'' and RESISTANCE'' but still no luck I'm afraid? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon. John.
  10. No BAF DLC for Arma 3? Shameful BIS, please don't start shitting Arma's out like COD games bloody hell we can only just play ARMA2 MSO in Fallujah with todays technology running epic FPS. You would have to purchase an i9, overclock its arse off with some triple water loop to play Arma 3 at fluid FPS and you want to kick out Arma 4? BIS we don't have your CPU's. No to Arma 4.
  11. JOHN007

    Pay For Script

    Hello. Thankyou for the reply. Still states the same under the thread ''Your content will need to be approved by a moderator'' Strange.
  12. Hello, Searched and searched and found nothing regarding a simple script that could dynamically spawn snakes across a map? I tried using a trigger to first spawn three snakes but no luck. Here is the script named Snake.sqf. if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _spawnPos = markerPos (_this select 0); _group1 = createGroup CIVILIAN; _unit1 = _group1 createUnit ["CSJ_Snake", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2; _unit2 = _group1 createUnit ["CSJ_Snake2", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2; _unit2 = _group1 createUnit ["CSJ_Snake3", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"]; sleep 0.2; Activated trigger with... nul = [200,"spawnmarker"] execvm "Snake.sqf"; Activated with a marker named ''spawnmarker'' but no luck I tried to remove the 200'' from the trigger activate which, from reading the forums randomly spawns the unit 200 meters from the marker/trigger location? Now I believe the ''createGroup'' is wrong which I tried EAST'' and RESISTANCE'' but still no luck I'm afraid? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon. John.
  13. JOHN007

    Pay For Script

    Hey why hasn't this thread been moderated yet? No one is helping right now not even a single reply so if money cant help then what else is there?
  14. Has to be done through a script its silly placing x amount. No replies?
  15. Anybody? Don't make us put a simple placement radius and % of spawn on these snakes, must be a more efficient way? Spawning OPFOR units is no problem, these bloody snakes are.
  16. JOHN007

    AC130 Gunship

    Shame. When you said ''without having to download 10+ Gb of shit you'll never use. '' I guess you would have to back engineer the AC130 scripts from the other mods out there. Plenty to work with.
  17. Update here. I've tested the very first version of this which is the TrackIR mod and there's no issues with jamming the sever parameters on a dedicated server. I've tried to update the TrackIR mod with some of the paramters from the Scopefx mod and failed, multiple times, negative. Greatly appreciate if anyone could spare some time to help an old veteran. Thankyou for your time. John.
  18. JOHN007

    AC130 Gunship

    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21605 AC130 Gunship mod for Arma 3. Then I would back engineer the Arma 3 mod study how to implement the parameters into this. Ask for permission. Peace.
  19. JOHN007

    Do people still play?

    Working on MSO for 5 years now, its a beast! Last piece of the puzzle is the brilliant Scopefx mod, but unfortunately causes the server parameters to jam. If you got spare time would you mind downloading the scopefx mod and see if it jams the server on your side? Much appreciated. Peace.
  20. This is a shot in the dark but may I ask does anyone have an old version of Scopefx for Arma2? Basically having trouble with the new 1.13 version that is released, I've read the forum thread and posts regarding issues with the latest version. I contacted the author of scopefx and he did reply back but nothing since in afraid. Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon.
  21. Hello, Seems to be some kind of bug with the NLAW with ACE2. There's no icon/picture for the NLAW ammo/rocket and also when you equip an NLAW Rocket the ammo disappears from your inventory? I found one post regarding this where it states that the launcher classname NLAW is the same as the ammo classname? So I guess a conflicting classname is the reason for the bug. Apparently this bug was updated with ACE but I cannot find such an update anywhere? Can anyone help or point me in the right direction for this update? Thankyou for your time and hope to speak soon.
  22. JOHN007

    ACE2 & NLAW

    Devwithsix site has shut down bloody hell, vital information lost. I don't understand why there are NLAW rockets anyway its a disposable rocket launcher? I guess scripting a new launcher box would be the best theory and removing the bugged ammo.
  23. Hello. Even if I paste the title of a thread into the search bar it never finds anything? Never have I found anything in the search bar. Then it blocks you for 30 seconds with a contact link, the link is dead.