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Everything posted by DÄZ

  1. Hello, this is my first published script, it allows you to turn off the lights via the ACE interaction. I created this script for one of our missions, with the idea of a puzzle game. - Access by passwords (modifiable in the init) - Hacking passwords - Power Plant Puzzle (GUI) menu - Works on every map (including unofficial ones) - Works in SP and MP - Works on dedicated Download Ace Version: Sample mission available on Steam Workshop Sample mission available on Google Drive Sample mission available on armaholic Rename :DAZ_Power_Plant_BCM_V1.1.Altis to DAZ_Power_Plant_BCM_V1_1.Altis Download Vanilla Version: Sample mission available on Google Drive Sample mission available on armaholic Rename : DAZ_Hack_Power_Plant_Vanilla_BCM_V1.1.Altis to DAZ_Hack_Power_Plant_Vanilla_BCM_V1_1.Altis Download (PAA file) : (by zagor64bz) "access to pc authorized or denied" in English --> HERE CHANGE-LOGS: Enjoy!
  2. use a trigger on the hack object: !Alive pc_lumiere_off or use a Trigger variable = true/False; fn_power_plant.sqf: ex: condition --> !pc_power_plant;
  3. Very nice! I look forward to the release: D
  4. // sendMessage.sqf private _text = ctrlText 1400; private _datagetsender = lbdata [5690,(lbCurSel 5690)]; // get selected row invisible data _datagetsender = missionNamespace getVariable ( _datagetsender ); [format["SMS<br/>"], format["SMS PREVIEW:<br/>%1. <br/><br/>SENT FROM: %3 <br/><br/>SENT TO: %2",_text, _datagetsender, mapGridPosition player], [1,0,0,1]] call APX_fnc_showNotification; [profileName,_text] remoteExec ["APX_fnc_recieveMessage",_datagetsender]; example of how I use it: _index = lbCurSel 2100; _uid = lbData [2100, _index]; _code = ctrlText 1400; _text_admin_Err = format ["<t color='#F68617' >ERREUR: vous n'avez pas rentrer de code </t><br />"]; _text_admin_Err_joueur = format ["<t color='#F68617' >Erreur: Aucun Joueur sélectionnée </t><br />"]; if (_uid == "") exitWith {hint parseText (_text_admin_Err_joueur);}; if (_code == "") exitWith {hint parseText (_text_admin_Err); }; _uid = missionNamespace getVariable ( _uid ); _text_admin = format ["<t color='#495CFF' >Code exécuté: sur %1</t><br />",name _uid]; hint parseText (_text_admin); _code remoteExec ["DAZ_BCM_ADMIN_fnc_Execute", _uid]; sleep 2; hint "";
  5. try this _datagetsender = missionNamespace getVariable ( _datagetsender ); //or _datagetsender = missionNamespace getVariable ( lbData [ 5690, lbCurSel 5690 ] );
  6. you can also book a function like this in the init: //[] call zagor64bz_fnc_test_Function1; zagor64bz_fnc_test_Function1 = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Functions\fn_yourFunction.sqf"; personally I prefer to go through the description.ext: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library_(Arma_3)#Folder_Path // Exemple: // [] call zagor64bz_fnc_YourFunction_1 // [] call zagor64bz_fnc_YourFunction_2 // [] call zagor64bz_fnc_YourFunction_3 class CfgFunctions { class zagor64bz { class Functions { file = "fnc"; class YourFunction_1 {}; // fnc\fn_YourFunction_1.sqf class YourFunction_2 {}; // fnc\fn_YourFunction_2.sqf class YourFunction_3 {}; // fnc\fn_YourFunction_3.sqf }; }; };
  7. yessss, you have enlightened me, It works now. thank you, friend just use the class RscStructuredText and not RscText of define.hpp https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DialogControls-Text#CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT.3D13 //class RscText_1000: DAZ_BCM_RscText // <-- bad class class RscText_1000: MyRscStructuredText { idc = 1000; onLoad = "ExecVM 'time.sqf';"; x = 17 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = -5.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 7.5 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1 * GUI_GRID_H; }; }; resolved, thank
  8. hi, i was trying to display the mission time on a GUI. I can display a text, no worries! For now, whatever I try, it does not work! DAZ_BCM_test_time.hpp: class DAZ_BCM_test_time { idd = 1984; movingEnable = true; controlsBackground[] = {IGUIBack_2200, IGUIBack_2201}; onLoad = "" ; objects[] = {}; controls[]= { RscText_1000 }; class IGUIBack_2200: DAZ_BCM_IGUIBack { idc = 2200; moving = 1; x = 5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = -5.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 30 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1 * GUI_GRID_H; }; class IGUIBack_2201: DAZ_BCM_IGUIBack2 { idc = 2201; moving = 1; x = 5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = -4.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 30 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 34 * GUI_GRID_H; }; class RscText_1000: DAZ_BCM_RscText { idc = 1000; onLoad = "ExecVM 'time.sqf';"; x = 17 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = -5.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 7.5 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 1 * GUI_GRID_H; }; }; time.sqf: disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 1984; _control = _display displayCtrl 1000; _formatedTime = [time/3600,"HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_timeToString; _stringfinal = "Temps écoulé depuis le début de la mission:"+ " " + "<t color='#26fc0a'>" + _formatedTime + "</t>"; _control ctrlSetStructuredText parsetext _stringfinal; thank you in advance
  9. the ctrlSetText it works !!! _dialog = findDisplay 1984; _time = "test time"; (_dialog displayCtrl 1000) ctrlSetText _time;
  10. still does not work in the GUI, I have no display, I have to do something wrong.
  11. thank you it works well in the debug, how to integrate in the GUI?
  12. DÄZ

    GUI map no zoom

    how do you execute the GUI ?? I had the same problem going through a radio trigger
  13. hi, https://github.com/nesmonartis/AALSSW/blob/master/AALSSW.sqf http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32889 or http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31062
  14. DÄZ

    Laptop screen texture

    use a script in the object: //[this] execVM "Screen_laptop.sqf"; _objet_interval = _this select 0; while {true} do { _objet_interval setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\texture1.paa"]; sleep 2; _objet_interval setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\texture2.paa"]; sleep 2; _objet_interval setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\texture3.paa"]; sleep 2; };
  15. DÄZ

    Need dialog

    hi, as promised https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B2_bsPfo3tnjE2219s3VJKpu7uaCrgcV
  16. DÄZ

    Need dialog

    hi, if you give me time I can make you a dialog as on your photo
  17. DÄZ

    Dino Crisis Prototype

    that's awesome! Good work
  18. hi, free of imagination to use it or whatever you want. Would you like to use it in Ace or Vanillia? for your use you can // the lines .paa (setObjectTexture) in the fnc folder and use an addaction on controll panel or other object with this addAction ["power plant", {createDialog "DAZ_Power_Plan";}];
  19. Nice, I'll try that. Thank you
  20. DÄZ

    Cave System

    cool, I want more!
  21. hi, Thank you for your work, I was just looking to write it myself, to work very well for our mission. I adapted them to a GUI menu (without modification of your source file), if you allow me and if some are interested, I could share my work here;)
  22. Update: Optimization of the script to turn off the lights. Thanks code34