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About OfficialNoms

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  1. OfficialNoms

    [WIP] Kelley's Island v0.6

    I've uploaded the source files for my modification if anybody would like to use them. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xms184z7qtv3e2n/Andino.7z?dl=0
  2. OfficialNoms

    [WIP] Kelley's Island v0.6

    Howdy folks, I've recently decided to use Kelley's Island for a new RP framework I've started work on, but I wasn't impressed with the fact that it had a 6.6GB mod dependency (so did a few others by the looks of this thread ;)) so I decided to go ahead and learn how to use the terrain builder, and over the last few days I've modified and (in my mind) improved the island in such a way that keeps its key characteristics, but improves upon the look and feel - AND - removes EVERY mod dependency. This has of course resulted in a bunch of buildings being removed - but you can add these back in yourselves with 3DEN or even Terrain Builder if you're feeling adventurous. I also uploaded it to the Steam Workshop, as I feel it's easier for everyone to simply subscribe and use. I will be uploading source files for it shortly, but for now here is the workshop link if you'd like to check it out. As I said, no mods are needed to run this island, except for the terrain itself. Apropriate credits have of course remained intact. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=756477852 Source Files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xms184z7qtv3e2n/Andino.7z?dl=0 Thanks! :)
  3. I'm fairly sure he's asking about writing a custom mod to add a lightbar to a vehicle that doesn't have a built in configuration for it. Right now, only boats and the Offroad have a configuration for a police lightbar, and these are not available for other vehicles. I've been writing one myself (it's not without its issues that I'm working through) but the way I'm doing it is as follows: Here's a dumbed down version of my mod to get you going: config.cpp: #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class DefaultEventhandlers; // External class reference class CfgPatches { class RPDLightbarMod { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class SUV_01_base_f; //External reference class C_SUV_01_F: SUV_01_base_f { scope = public; class EventHandlers { init = "lightbar = [_this select 0] execVM ""\rpd\script\initLightbar.sqf"";"; }; }; class Static; // External class reference class lightbar : Static { scope = public; model = "\rpd\lightbar\lightbar.p3d"; displayName = "lightbar"; hiddenSelections[] = {}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {}; }; }; In this I simply override the SUV configuration and add an 'init' eventhandler that tells it to run the script when it's created. It also defines the lightbar object itself. You'll have to get your own model though, and you'll probably need to play with the hiddenSelections based on the model you use. script\initLightbar.sqf: private["_car","_lightbar"]; _car = _this select 0; //Get the car reference deleteCheckLoop = compile preprocessFile "\rpd\script\fn_deleteCheckLoop.sqf"; //Prepare the cleanup loop switch typeOf _car do { case "C_SUV_01_F": { if(_car getVariable["copcar",false]) then { _lightbar = "lightbar" createVehicle getPos _car; _lightbar attachTo [_car, [0,-0.65, 0.41]]; _lightbar setVariable ["parent",_car,true]; _lightbar setVariable ["isModAttachment",true,true]; _car setVariable ["hasLightbar",true,true]; [_car,_lightbar] spawn deleteCheckLoop; }; }; }; This creates the lightbar and attaches it, while adding some variables to the object for us to use later. fn_deleteCheckLoop.sqf private ["_car","_lightbar"]; _car = _this select 0; _lightbar = _this select 2; waitUntil {!(alive _car) || isNull _car}; //Wait until the car no longer exists if(!isNil "_lightbar") then {deleteVehicle _lightbar}; //Delete it! This script basically waits until the car is deleted, and then deletes the lightbar as well. You may want to do some extra checks in your mission to make sure things are cleaned up properly just in case, but this should work. That's why I set those variables. :)