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Everything posted by Coldfront15

  1. Introduction The 101st Airborne Division is a United States ArmA 3 Milsim unit that focuses on portraying the events of the Second World War through the eyes of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment. We emulate a Parachute Rifle Company, the premier light-infantry of the United States. The 101st also operates a fighter-transport squadron consisting of combat and transport pilots that support ground troops in their efforts. Paratroopers were versatile in World War II, they were deployed to the Pacific, European & Mediterranean theaters. Although we primarily portray the 101st Airborne, we do campaigns focused on other units and revisioned-history events. Some of these range from the snowy forests of Finland, the luscious jungles of the Pacific, and of course the fields of Normandy. All of our missions are made in-house with a lot of care - such as custom-scripted events and interactions that most communities can't pull off. We have a heavy emphasis on organization and professionalism, but we're still a community. We play together outside of ArmA and build lasting friendships through gaming, with a heavy emphasis on camaraderie. Come join us, and portray the airborne! Billets Combat Billets: MOS 745 - Infantryman, Rifleman Rifleman Grenadier Messenger Ammo Bearer MOS 746 - Infantryman, Automatic Rifleman Automatic Rifleman MOS 604 - Infantryman, Machine Gunner Machine Gunner Assistant Machine Gunner MOS 657 - Medical Service, Medical Aidman Surgeon Aidman General Aidman MOS 607 - Signal, Radio Operator Radio Telephone Operator MOS 844 - Light Artillery Crewman Gunner Cannoneer MOS 770 - Army Aviator Combat Aviator MOS 636 - Intelligence Analyst Intelligence Clerk Membership Requirements We host mandatory events on Sundays, however if you are to participate in said events you must complete a Basic Training & Individual Technical Parachute Training: all of which will update you on the standards and procedures the unit follows. We have an orientation day/period for those unfamiliar with ArmA and mods we utilize on the server. Technical Requirements: Must have a legal copy of Arma 3. Must have a working microphone. Must have or be able to have TeamSpeak 3. 17+ Age Requirement, exceptions on individual basis. Schedule Attendance to main Sunday events is mandatory. We have an accountability system, but we understand real life comes first. If real life bars you from attending you are able to write in a Leave of Absence to inform that you cannot attend: Unit Operation/Training/PvP Day: Sunday @14:00 EST (2:00 PM EST) Contact Interested in joining? Pop in our discord, talk to a recruiter and submit an application! We're always open for recruitment and happy to have anyone that fits the requirements. Please note that you must meet the requirements and be capable/willing of filling out the proper form, completing the interview, and utilizing the mods we have laid out. Discord: https://discord.gg/j2uhxmr Teamspeak: Website: https://www.101aa.us
  2. Coldfront15

    Flying Legends

    Glad to hear that attitude, it's rare to see. I'll start my work on it soon :).
  3. Coldfront15

    Flying Legends

    I wish to mod the P-51D airframe to include a clickable cockpit with a startup procedure for fun, am I allowed to do this? I believe I can accomplish it with a patch config and a few scripts, no need for editing model.
  4. Hey everyone, i've made a 105mm Artillery Shell model and i'm trying to make it fairly simulated, to where it explodes if you shoot at it a few times. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to accomplish this even after looking through other objects and searching on google and here. Could anyone be of assistance? My model is configured properly in terms of the LODs and damage type, and i'm sure my config.cpp is correct. Config.cpp class CfgVehicles { class Items_base_F; // External class reference class M1HEPD_shell: Items_base_F { author = "Coldfront15"; mapSize = 0.44; scope = 2; armor = 2; scopeCurator = 2; editorCategory = "101st_obj"; editorSubcategory = "105_how_ammo"; displayName = "105 HE, M1 PD"; model = "\101_objects\objects\105_M1HEPD_Shell.p3d"; cost = 200; icon = "iconObject_1x2"; placement = "vertical"; destrType = "DestructBuilding"; class SimpleObject { eden = 1; animate[] = {}; hide[] = {}; verticalOffset = 0.105; verticalOffsetWorld = 0; init = "''"; }; class DestructionEffects { class Explo { simulation = "destroy"; type = "BombExp1"; position = ""; intensity = 1; interval = 1; lifeTime = 0.01; }; class Smoke: Explo { type = "BombSmk1"; lifeTime = 0.1; }; }; class HitPoints{}; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {}; }; class AnimationSources{}; class UserActions{}; }; }; model.cfg class CfgSkeletons { class Skeleton_M1HEPD { isDiscrete=0; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]={}; }; }; class CfgModels { class M1HEPD_shell { htMin=0; htMax=0; afMax=0; mfMax=0; mFact=0; tBody=0; skeletonName="Skeleton_M1HEPD"; sectionsInherit=""; sections[]={}; class Animations { class UnnamedSelection_1 { selection="UnnamedSelection"; }; }; }; }; Here is what it looks like when I shoot it. Prior to this, I received an error message that popped up earlier was "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDestructPos.bomexp1'. So I assume its a problem with the destruction effects position? There is not much documentation on this so I decided to ehad here and try my luck.
  5. Hello, I am trying to play a certain sound upon opening a container i'm importing into the game. However, I don't really know how to do this. Currently I am doing the following but to no avail: config.cpp bagsounds.sqf Everything else about my object works as it should and acts as a proper container: I just cannot figure out how to play these sounds to the player locally upon opening or closing the bag. Any help is appreciated.
  6. Hello, I am trying to play a certain sound upon opening a container i'm importing into the game. However, I don't really know how to do this. Currently I am doing the following but to no avail: config.cpp bagsounds.sqf Everything else about my object works as it should and acts as a proper container: I just cannot figure out how to play these sounds to the player locally upon opening or closing the bag. Any help is appreciated.
  7. Coldfront15

    You've played to much Arma when:

    when you realize your hours eclipse that of all of your other games combined. rip
  8. Coldfront15

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    This sucks, ArmaHolic was a real one.
  9. Agreed, MikeForce has great potential and I hope to see the community be allowed to expand its utilization.
  10. Thanks, ^^ this helped me fix my own issue.
  11. Coldfront15

    Secret Weapons Reloaded

    Looks incredible, excited to see what you have to bring.